Tutorial Feedback 0.17.37

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:16 pm

Tutorial Feedback 0.17.37

Post by Helickron »

1. Most people read from top down, so the top entry of the mission should be about what you have to do now. And not the very last thing on the list.
2. The most important key for me was the "q" and I had to play quite a while before I found out what you can do with it. It makes the game enjoyable since you don't have to search the things in your pocket. You should really focus on things you can do that makes life easier. Like pressing ctrl and the mouse button and scroll over several entities to fill them up.

The other things had been said already. In the old tutorial I liked the mini-factory. It was better than my own designs till that point and the moment I fell for the game. I didn't have this moment in this version. Even have to say that I didn't like the factory at all.

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