Introduction Scenario

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
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Introduction Scenario

Post by Silden »

Some things for introduction:
  • After taking second set of supplies from Large shipwreck, the Compilatron went north-east, and stayed there, without giving any tips on how to "salvage scrap metal". Restarting introduction, at the above step, Compilatron went to Scrap Metal to give instruction, user tabbed out of game, went back in, the scrap metal had been auto-harvested and game progressed without input from player. This meant player had no experience of mining/salvaging
  • Placing Stone Furnace, impossible to place it central to the blue box, had to go to either side of blue box instead
  • Add tip about pressing E to open/close onto the blue tips panel (some folks don't read when you have to click through loads of text, and having this only show once towards the end of half a dozen text strings means some folks may miss that info)
  • Need info on how to get [Coal, Wood], especially if Compilatron auto-harvested the single step of salvaging. Mining and salvaging, since they are same thing but on different targets, may need some clarity on that
  • Needs clarifying what [Coal, Wood] means, not everyone will immediately get that it means Coal or Wood
  • Adding iron ore to the smelter made it briefly mark as done, then undone for a few seconds then done again.
  • No instructions given on how to first use the Burner mining drill (as in, placing it down on a coal bed)
  • No instruction on how to get the belt off your hand (more so that Esc and the introduced E key doesn't work for this), no introduction to using the Q key provided to player
  • No instruction on how to get part stacks, user had an all or nothing experience for a while
  • Multiple windows top-right are chopped off (for example, hovering over Drill, Large shipwreck, Damaged Reactor, Stone)
  • Compilatron tooltip says Damage: 7e+06 Physical, which didn't make sense to new user (should this say Infinite, or 0?)
  • Insufficient instruction on the "Use Small Pole to connect electricity" step (the craft and build step, maybe this should be craft for one step, and place for second step?)
  • Not enough instruction on making Electric Circuit (you only have enough electric circuits to build one assembler, but both copper cable and electric circuits need assembler, player was unclear on how to pass this without input from me)
  • No attention drawn to some recipes produce more than one unit
  • Unclear what it meant by "collect some of your belongings" - and then to have everything destroyed :o
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Re: Introduction Scenario

Post by CDarklock »

Silden wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:49 pm No attention drawn to some recipes produce more than one unit
GOOD ONE. I missed that. Would probably be helpful.
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Re: Introduction Scenario

Post by riking »

Silden wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:49 pm
  • Unclear what it meant by "collect some of your belongings" - and then to have everything destroyed :o
It does seem like multiple people are missing the part where the text says "Prepare to evacuate".
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Re: Introduction Scenario

Post by vtx »

riking wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:09 am
Silden wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:49 pm
  • Unclear what it meant by "collect some of your belongings" - and then to have everything destroyed :o
It does seem like multiple people are missing the part where the text says "Prepare to evacuate".
I was one of them. Compilatron move to the one assembly machine I used for wire/circuit. Mix with the message keyword "some" i make sure I take all the circuit in the machine then I follow the compilatron. To discover that biter hate what I have done and decide to destroy everything. At this point I reload.

The message should be "Collect everything before following compilatron" instead of "collect some of your belongings"

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