More data for on_player_used_capsule

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More data for on_player_used_capsule

Post by raiguard »

I am abusing capsules to make click-and-drag functionality for some of my mods. Right now, I am only limited to one function per capsule: left-click and drag. However, there are tons of things I want to do with capsules, that can only be accomplished with more kinds of interaction.

So would it be possible to include alt, shift, and control parameters in the event table, similar to on_gui_click? That way I could do different things depending on what the player has held down when the capsule is thrown. I realize that this isn't what capsules are normally meant for, but there is no other solution to click-and-drag that I know of.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: More data for on_player_used_capsule

Post by Rseding91 »

None of that information is captured in the input action that's used for capsules so it's not available to send in the event.
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