When you're fiddling with console experimenting with stuff, forgetting to add /c in front of code may get quite irritating.
It also slows the process down somewhat when you're testing code which is already written down in your lua files.
It would be nice to be able to switch it from the chat mode to what it really is.
Maybe with some analog of su command in linux shell, which makes all the following command act as if they were prepended with sudo.
Console mode for the console, duh.
Console mode for the console, duh.
I do mods. Modding wiki is friend, it teaches how to mod. Api docs is friend too...
I also update mods, some of them even work.
Recently I did a mod tutorial.
I also update mods, some of them even work.
Recently I did a mod tutorial.
Re: Console mode for the console, duh.
Who do you chat with in single player anyway?