allow utility-sprites in add_custom_alert

Things that we aren't going to implement
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Smart Inserter
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allow utility-sprites in add_custom_alert

Post by Optera »

Extend add_custom_alert to allow utility sprites
To use for example warning-icon.png with add_custom_alert mods have to create a virtual signal for something that's already defined as utility-sprite.
It feels weird how we can use

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in normal rich text but not as icon for custom alerts.
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Re: allow utility-sprites in add_custom_alert

Post by Rseding91 »

Custom alerts were created for the programmable speaker and use in conjunction with the circuit network (which also uses SignalID). As a result the custom alert class doesn't store images. It stores SignalIDs, so this simply isn't possible.

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class CustomAlert : public Alert
  using super = Alert;
  CustomAlert() = default;
  CustomAlert(Entity* entity, MapPosition position, uint32_t tick, SignalID icon, const LocalisedString& message, bool showOnMap);
  CustomAlert(const CustomAlert&) = delete;
  CustomAlert(CustomAlert&& other) noexcept;
  void load(MapDeserialiser& input);
  void save(MapSerialiser& output) const;
  CustomAlert& operator=(const CustomAlert&) = delete;
  CustomAlert& operator=(CustomAlert&& other) noexcept;

  const Sprite* getIcon() const;

  SignalID signalID; // used to determine the icon showed
  LocalisedString message;
  bool showOnMap = true;
The class would have to be altered to store additionally the string sprite name as defined by Lua, save/load logic added for it, and the surrounding code altered. That all seems well outside of what I want to do.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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