screen.element.force_render_above() please?

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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by ownlyme »

im worse because i refuse working for free and wasting my time on something that doesnt make fun anymore?
how about you spending 2000 hours modding this game and getting offended by some kiddo when you quit
you know nothing about me and this is my f***ing decision.
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by 『 』 »

Please make the mod great again! This is a very nice mod so please revive it!
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by Saiph300 »

FYI, Ownlyme has linked this topic as (part of) explanation of why he's stopping modding, and I have to say: without knowing the context, this topic as-is looks like a big embarassment for the dev team. Small mod developer makes a totally sensible request, then a dev tells "We don't care" then list of guys basically telling him he's a crybaby. What did I miss that justifies such hostile response ?
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by raiguard »

Saiph300 wrote: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:47 pm FYI, Ownlyme has linked this topic as (part of) explanation of why he's stopping modding, and I have to say: without knowing the context, this topic as-is looks like a big embarassment for the dev team. Small mod developer makes a totally sensible request, then a dev tells "We don't care" then list of guys basically telling him he's a crybaby. What did I miss that justifies such hostile response ?
Rseding said that because ownlyme was requesting this feature to use it for a usecase that was completely unsupported. That is what he said he "doesn't care" about. ownlyme took it personally and escalated it.

Regardless, LuaGuiElement::brint_to_front() was actually implemented for 1.1, as well as a new "relative GUI" feature that would solve ownlyme's problems if they were to come back to modding.
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by Saiph300 »

Rseding said that because ownlyme was requesting this feature to use it for a usecase that was completely unsupported. That is what he said he "doesn't care" about. ownlyme took it personally and escalated it.
He took it personally because he wasted 100 hours making a mod that isn't supported anymore and got an objectively hostile reply. That the feature was unsupported is a sketchy argument because let's be honest if it was a more popular mod affected by this (eg. Krastorio) the dev team would try to find a workaround not just blame it entirely on the modder.
Regardless, LuaGuiElement::brint_to_front() was actually implemented for 1.1, as well as a new "relative GUI" feature that would solve ownlyme's problems if they were to come back to modding.
I don't think the broken feature is the fundamental problem here, rather that he worked hundreds of hours for free making honestly very good mods and no one recognized that. Doesn't help when he gets treated like this.
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by NotRexButCaesar »

Saiph300 wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:52 am That the feature was unsupported is a sketchy argument because let's be honest if it was a more popular mod affected by this (eg. Krastorio) the dev team would try to find a workaround not just blame it entirely on the modder.
  1. The argument you present is “a little sketchy”, to put it in your terms. You have no idea what would happen if the mod was more popular, and even if you did, that is an unequal comparison.
  2. Even if that is the case, the devs would not be in the wrong. They have no obligation to be as nice as they are. The fact that they would look for a workaround is not evidence that what they did here was wrong.
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by Stargateur »

Must say I don't like the form of Rseding91 answer BUT I as a dev totally agree with the argument, if you rely on a behavior that is not documented, and worst it's explicitly say to not rely on this behavior you can't comply it's doesn't work anymore.


This can't be acceptable, limit much be set.

I think the answer should have been something like "Sorry, the behavior changed, the behavior you rely on was never guaranty and I explicitly say it was something to not rely on. We will see if we can offer GUI feature in the future but this API is not for that". That way more diplomatic :D
Regardless, LuaGuiElement::brint_to_front() was actually implemented for 1.1, as well as a new "relative GUI" feature that would solve ownlyme's problems if they were to come back to modding.
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Re: screen.element.force_render_above() please?

Post by ownlyme »

so it has been added, even though it was moved to "won't implement" ... (happens a lot on the forums tbh, just like claiming stuff is not a bug (fixed by now))

i appreciate that this is possible again now and maybe i sound greedy but i'd love if relative elements could be brought to front too
maybe i'm just a bit burned out by the ridiculous calculating of the controller inventory gui dimensions (for my amazing market mod), but i also think the ability of easier modding of vanilla guis would be a huge gain for factorio modding
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