Filter group and subgroup:
for example in LuaRecipePrototypeFilters there are 2 filters
Code: Select all
"subgroup": Additional fields:
subgroup :: string: A LuaGroup (subgroup) name
"category": Additional fields:
category :: string: A LuaRecipeCategoryPrototype name
Why? there is not filter group for LuaRecipePrototypeFilters (not yet?)
- add group filter where prototype has group
- add subgroup filter where prototype has subgroup
- add a solution to get group and subgroup without table loop to build it
when I try to filter recipes by the contain value in the name of the product or ingredient, it is quickly a problem of performance in lua
if we can have a filter similar at string.find(s, pattern [, index [, plain]])
- add find filter on string attribut, sample:
Code: Select all
"find": Additional fields: attribut:: AttributString value :: string: The value to find in the attribut.
- LuaRecipePrototypeFilters, add find product filter on string attribut of a recipe product, sample:
Code: Select all
"find_by_product": Additional fields: attribut:: AttributString value :: string: The value to find in the attribut.
- LuaRecipePrototypeFilters, add find ingredient filter on string attribut of a recipe ingredient, sample:
Code: Select all
"find_by_ingredient": Additional fields: attribut:: AttributString value :: string: The value to find in the attribut.