tip make bee diesel / kerones or simply hook up a few nat gas wellsColdvyvora wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 6:57 pm Hello Everyone!
This is my first post in the forums and I've been playing factorio since 2017.
I am absolutely in love with pyanodon mods, there is SO much variety and complexity added to the game that I am finding myself lost constantly about recipes and different ways to achieve the same goals inside red or green science only.
I like the fact that there are REALLY bad recipes to make the same thing, making the solution to a problem inefficient and creating different problems later down the line. You have to keep a keen eye for different ways of making things!
I was making a replay on the new versions of Py alien life and everything included and I noticed there is a new recipe for Empty petri dish. It can only be done in a Glassworks building. It consumes any liquid that has an energy amount as I understand. For early game this building is an absolute PAIN, like no other building on my previous replays. It sucks 27 whole MW of any combustible fluid, and even dedicating all my nearby oil patches to make fuel oil (800kj) it gives out a measly amount of petri dishes, with no other recipe in sight. Only solution I find to this bottleneck right now is to scale early game power into double or triple of whats needed.
Is there anything planed to make this building a bit smoother on early game? I consider the jump on energy requirement unbearable almost unfair. Perhaps a slower and less consuming building
Thanks for the mod, really. I It pushed my hours of factorio into the fourth digit by itself.
New wasps are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G btw.
alternatively try heavy oil