pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

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pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »


pY Pollution & Energy

Mod page:
Note: pyAL support added in version 0.3.0
Supported Factorio versions: 0.17 (without pyAL), 0.18
Should work with existing saves

Main goals of the mod:
  • Add pollution values to all entities in the game (assemblers, miners) that previously didn't have them.
  • Playing with all of the Pyanodon's mods takes much longer, and on default vanilla settings it is pretty much impossible to play with biters enabled. We added some recommended map presets that play well with our pollution settings.
  • Voiding of some fluids and gases should not generate pollution (Oxygen, Water, Hydrogen etc.).
  • Raw fuels like Wood, Coal and Crude Oil now pollute more while processed fuels pollute less. This should motivate players to build advanced processing chains.
  • Combustion Turbine rebalancing.
  • Hydrogen rebalancing - It now takes more energy to produce Hydrogen than it provides but Hydrogen now has 0% pollution modifier (like with real Hydrogen).
  • Pollution-absorbing buildings now absorb more pollution when used with advanced recipes.

This mod is made to be played with entire pY Suite (except for pY Alien Life), so all these mods are required:
  • Pyanodons Raw Ores
  • Pyanodons Fusion Energy
  • Pyanodons Coal Processing
  • Pyanodons HighTech
  • Pyanodons Petroleum Handling
  • Pyanodons Industry
  • Pyanodons AlienLife (optional)
See mod page ( for details
Last edited by esso23 on Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:43 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by Airat9000 »

:D :D
2020-02-12_6-13-56.png (48.64 KiB) Viewed 12815 times
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Airat9000 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:15 am :D :D
Should be ok in version 0.1.3.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by ZombieMooose »

You mention PyAL will make it harder but shouldn't it have a bunch of buildings that reduce pollution, instead making it easier?
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

ZombieMooose wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:16 pm You mention PyAL will make it harder but shouldn't it have a bunch of buildings that reduce pollution, instead making it easier?
Well, let's have a look at Automation Science Pack (red science) in pyAL:
For 3 Automation Science Packs you need this:

Code: Select all

- 2x Glassware
	- 4x Rubber Stoppers
		- 5x Coal
		- 2x Latex
			- 2x Latex Slab
				- 2x Sodium Alginate
					- 10x Stone
					- 8x Limestone
					- 10x Seaweed
					- 200x Water
				- 200x Creamy Latex
					- 4x Limestone
					- 4x Saps
					- 200x Water
				- 200x Formic Acid
					- 4x Iron Plate
						- 32x Iron Ore
					- 4x Copper Plate
						- 32x Copper Ore
					- 200x Water
					- 200x Carbon Dioxide
						- 5x Coke
							- ~8 Coal
			- 300x Steam (165°)
	- 20x Glass
		- 120x Quartz Ore
- 10x Basic Substrate
	- 1x Cellulose
		- 7x Wood
		- 4x Limestone
	- 1x Incubated Petri Dish
		- 1x Petri Dish
			- 1x Empty Petri Dish
				- 2x Glass
					- 12x Quartz Ore
			- 1x Agar
				- 5x Seaweed
				- 100x Steam (165°)
	- 5x Moss
		- 166x Water
		- 166x Carbon Dioxide
			- ~4x Coke
				- ~6 Coal
Total raw for 3 packs (10 packs):
- 19x Coal (63x Coal)
- 10x Stone (33x Stone)
- 16x Limestone (53x Limestone)
- 15x Seaweed (50x Seaweed)
- 766x Water (w/e)
- 4x Saps (13x Saps)
- 32x Iron Ore (106x Iron Ore)
- 32x Copper Ore (106x Copper Ore)
- 400x Steam (165°) (1333x Steam)
- 132x Quartz Ore (440x Quartz Ore)
- 7x Wood (23x Wood)

Now you will also need these buildings:
- 2x Destructive Distillation Column
- 3x High-Pressure Furnace
- Washer
- Pulp Mill
- Soil Extractor
- Microorganism Mine
- Moss Farm
- Seaweed Crop Facility
- Sap Extractor
- Miners, Furnaces, Water Pump, Inserters, Belts, Pipes, Labs, Boilers, Steam Engines, Power Poles etc.

Many recipes require liquids so you won't be able to handcraft them.

Now imagine that you need to produce these packs for Automation, Logistics, any advanced processing, and most importantly, Turrets.
Sure, you get better control of your pollution cloud but you will still pollute a lot with those Columns, Soil Extractors, Miners and other buildings and you will also need a lot of energy (Coal/Wood/Coke).
Also you will need to protect your base while building the red science production chains and that will be hard without turrets/submachine gun and it is going to take a lot of time.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Just posting a small announcement: We now support pyAlienLife in latest release (0.3.0). Any feedback is appreciated.
Have fun.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by jyf15 »

bug report:
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.41.08.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.41.08.png (139.74 KiB) Viewed 12186 times
(mainly running ABC + py)
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

jyf15 wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:44 am bug report:
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.41.08.png
(mainly running ABC + py)
Should be fixed in v0.3.4.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by Collosus2749 »

Hey esso23!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for putting this mod together! The game just doesn’t feel the same to me without biters and I’ve been searching for days (And played multiple failed games) to find the best settingS for biters and pollution. Anyway, you’re a lifesaver and just know that some of us out here are extremely appreciative!
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Collosus2749 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:14 am Hey esso23!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for putting this mod together! The game just doesn’t feel the same to me without biters and I’ve been searching for days (And played multiple failed games) to find the best settingS for biters and pollution. Anyway, you’re a lifesaver and just know that some of us out here are extremely appreciative!
Glad to hear that, enjoy!
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Version 0.4.0 released.
Just copying the changelog here:
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 2020.07.12
  • Nerfing Biomass which is stupidly strong as a fuel and can be made from basically anything
  • Biomass now pollutes 10% (slightly more than Raw Coal) more and has 2MJ fuel value (down from 4MJ)
  • Compost Plants now generate more pollution
  • All Biomass recipes now take longer to craft (composting takes time, right?)
  • Crafting Biomass from Oil products is now significantly less effective (why is it even possible?)
  • Some recipes like Sap/Wood/Logs/Moss/Seaweed (easily obtainable stuff) to Biomass have been nerfed
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Version 0.4.1 released.
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 2020.07.14
  • Reducing Biomass' pollution from 110% to 105% (equal to Raw Coal)
  • Compost Plant's pollution per minute remains the same at all MKs (as opposed to other buildings for which it increases) and has been reduced from 10/m to 5/m
  • Compost Plant's energy consumption has been significantly reduced (down from ~413kW to 50kW at MK01)
  • Increased duration of all composting recipes to 30 seconds (up from 6 seconds in v0.4.0 and 3 seconds default)
  • Ethanol can now be used as fuel
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by ShadowGlass »

Hi esso23! I really like the mod, I think it's essential if you're playing PyMods with biters.

I want to ask about the higher tier machines. In the base game higher tier machines have less pollution as you upgrade (assembling machine, electric furnace). Wouldn't it be more consistent with Factorio to do the same here? It'd also give more reasons to upgrade machines. The higher tier machines are very expensive (cost multiplies several times each tier), so I think we should have more incentives to upgrade them, not less.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

ShadowGlass wrote: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:41 am Hi esso23! I really like the mod, I think it's essential if you're playing PyMods with biters.

I want to ask about the higher tier machines. In the base game higher tier machines have less pollution as you upgrade (assembling machine, electric furnace). Wouldn't it be more consistent with Factorio to do the same here? It'd also give more reasons to upgrade machines. The higher tier machines are very expensive (cost multiplies several times each tier), so I think we should have more incentives to upgrade them, not less.
Hi ShadowGlass, thanks for the kind words.

The logic behind the machines is that higher tiers are always faster and consume less energy per product and less pollution per product even though their base values are higher.

For example Destructive Distillation Column MK01 has speed 1.0, pollution 8 and consumes 310 kW of energy.
MK02 has speed 2.0, which is equal to 2x MK01 (which would have 16 pollution in total), but MK02 only has 9 pollution, which is more than MK01, but it's much better anyway. You also consume less energy - MK02 has 413 kW (2x MK01 has 2x 310 kW = 620 kW).
Since you consume less energy, you generate less pollution from energy generation aswell.

Short version: If you calculate pollution per product instead of just pollution on the building itself, higher MKs are always better. Lowering the pollution/min. would make them just way too strong.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Version 0.4.2 released. Should be last version with major changes to Biomass processing. Had to tweak some values where I went too far with the nerfs.
Version: 0.4.2
Date: 2020.07.15
  • Reducing crafting cost of Compost Plants (MK1 - MK4) to 50% of the original amount
  • Reducing duration of compost recipes to 10 seconds (30 seconds was way too high considering the size of the building)
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Version 0.4.3 released. I had to make some more fixes after finding Biomass recipes like 4x Kicalk into 280 biomass and other BS. The only changes in this version are Biomass recipes.

To understand the reasoning and how the recipes are grouped and tiered please check the file on github ( ... iomass.lua), it should be readable even for a non-coder.

Any feedback is always appreciated.

Complete list of changed recipes:
biomass-wood - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 30)
biomass-log - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 30)
biomass-moss - ingredient moss amount changed to 10 (from 3) - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 13)
biomass-wood-seeds - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 30)
biomass-seaweed - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 20)
biomass-saps - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 23)
biomass-creamy-latex - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 21)
biomass-agar - ingredient agar amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 13 (from 3)
biomass-ralesia - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-ralesia-seeds - ingredient ralesia-seeds amount changed to 8 (from 3) - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 4)
biomass-kicalk - ingredient kicalk amount changed to 10 (from 4) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 280)
biomass-kicalk-seeds - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 280)
biomass-moondrop - ingredient moondrop amount changed to 10 (from 5) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 35)
biomass-moondrop-seeds - ingredient moondrop-seeds amount changed to 10 (from 5) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 12)
biomass-phytoplankton - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 45)
biomass-tuuphra - ingredient tuuphra amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 5)
biomass-tuuphra-seeds - ingredient tuuphra-seeds amount changed to 8 (from 10) - product biomass amount changed to 6 (from 15)
biomass-rennea - ingredient rennea amount changed to 10 (from 5) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-rennea-seeds - ingredient rennea-seeds amount changed to 7 (from 10) - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 45)
biomass-yotoi-fruit - ingredient yotoi-fruit amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 3)
biomass-yotoi - ingredient yotoi amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-yotoi-seeds - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 10)
biomass-yotoi-leaves - ingredient yotoi-leaves amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 16 (from 2)
biomass-cadaveric-arum - ingredient cadaveric-arum amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 5)
biomass-cadaveric-arum-seeds - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-fawogae - ingredient fawogae amount changed to 10 (from 20) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 60)
biomass-yaedols - ingredient yaedols amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-navens - ingredient navens amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-cridren - ingredient cridren amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 100 (from 40)
biomass-bhoddos - ingredient bhoddos amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 5)
biomass-urea - ingredient urea amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 1)
biomass-cocoon - ingredient cocoon amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 1)
biomass-bonemeal - ingredient bonemeal amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 3)
biomass-bones - ingredient bones amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 3)
biomass-brain - ingredient brain amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 3)
biomass-carapace - ingredient carapace amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 5)
biomass-guts - ingredient guts amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 3)
biomass-mukmoux-fat - ingredient mukmoux-fat amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 3)
biomass-blood-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-bone-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-brain-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-fat-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-guts-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-meat-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-skin-caged-auog - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 30)
biomass-auog-pup - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 15)
biomass-ulric - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 8)
biomass-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 20)
biomass-blood-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-bone-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-brain-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-fat-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-guts-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-meat-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-skin-caged-mukmoux - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 8)
biomass-blood-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-brain-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-chitin-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-guts-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-meat-caged-vrauks - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-blood-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-bone-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-brain-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-fat-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-guts-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-meat-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-skin-caged-arthurian - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-arthurian-pup - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 10)
biomass-dhilmos - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 15)
biomass-blood-dhilmos - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-fat-dhilmos - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-guts-dhilmos - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-meat-dhilmos - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 20)
biomass-dhilmos-pup - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 10)
biomass-dhilmos-egg - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 5)
biomass-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-blood-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-bone-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-brain-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-fat-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-guts-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-meat-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-skin-caged-scrondrix - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 25)
biomass-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 10)
biomass-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 20)
biomass-blood-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-bone-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-brain-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-fat-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-guts-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-meat-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-skin-caged-phadai - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-phadai-pup - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 15)
biomass-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 15)
biomass-blood-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-bone-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-brain-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-fat-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-guts-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-meat-caged-dingrits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-dingrits-cub - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 10)
biomass-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 10)
biomass-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 20)
biomass-blood-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-brain-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-fat-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-guts-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-meat-caged-kmauts - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 20)
biomass-kmauts-cub - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 10)
biomass-serine - ingredient serine amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 5)
biomass-tendon - ingredient tendon amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 5)
biomass-blood-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-brain-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-fat-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-guts-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-meat-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-skin-vonix - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 30)
biomass-vonix-cub - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 15)
biomass-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 12)
biomass-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 15)
biomass-blood-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-bone-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-brain-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-guts-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-meat-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-skin-caged-phagnot - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 10)
biomass-bone-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 20)
biomass-brain-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 20)
biomass-chitin-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 20)
biomass-meat-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 20)
biomass-sulfuric-xeno - product biomass amount changed to 50 (from 20)
biomass-arqad - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 10)
biomass-guts-arqad - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-chitin-arqad - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-meat-arqad - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-blood-arqad - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-arqad-egg - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-arqad-maggot - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 5)
biomass-zipir1 - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 20)
biomass-blood-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-brain-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-fat-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-guts-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-meat-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-skin-zipir - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 25)
biomass-zipir-pup - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 10)
biomass-blood-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-brain-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-fat-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-guts-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-meat-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-skin-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-bone-trits - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 35)
biomass-trits-pup - product biomass amount changed to 15 (from 20)
biomass-xyhiphoe - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 10)
biomass-blood-xyhiphoe - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-meat-xyhiphoe - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-guts-xyhiphoe - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-shell-xyhiphoe - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-xyhiphoe-cub - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 1)
biomass-xyhiphoe-blood - ingredient arthropod-blood amount changed to 50 (from 10) - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 10)
biomass-arthropod-blood - ingredient arthropod-blood amount changed to 50 (from 10) - product biomass amount changed to 20 (from 5)
biomass-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 10)
biomass-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 25 (from 10)
biomass-blood-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-bone-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-brain-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-fat-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-guts-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-meat-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-skin-caged-korlex - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 10)
biomass-korlex-pup - product biomass amount changed to 12 (from 5)
biomass-fish - ingredient fish amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 30 (from 5)
biomass-fish-egg - ingredient fish-egg amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 4)
biomass-sea-sponge - ingredient sea-sponge amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 5)
biomass-sea-sponge-sprouts - ingredient sea-sponge-sprouts amount changed to 10 (from 1)
biomass-condensates - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 4)
biomass-condensed-distillate - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 4)
biomass-naphtha - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 5)
biomass-scrude - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 3)
biomass-tar - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 4)
biomass-crude-oil - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 5)
biomass-aromatics - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 5)
biomass-glycerol - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 10)
biomass-oleochemicals - product biomass amount changed to 2 (from 10)
biomass-tall-oil - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 8)
biomass-black-liquor - product biomass amount changed to 5 (from 10)
biomass-fish-oil - product biomass amount changed to 2 (from 8)
biomass-a-molasse - product biomass amount changed to 5 (from 12)
biomass-b-molasse - ingredient b-molasse amount changed to 30 (from 10) - product biomass amount changed to 2 (from 12)
biomass-casein-mixture - ingredient casein-mixture amount changed to 100 (from 10)
biomass-casein-pulp-01 - ingredient casein-pulp-01 amount changed to 100 (from 10)
biomass-casein-pulp-02 - ingredient casein-pulp-02 amount changed to 100 (from 10)
biomass-casein-solution - ingredient casein-solution amount changed to 100 (from 10)
biomass-depolymerized-organics - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 15)
biomass-flavonoids - product biomass amount changed to 4 (from 15)
biomass-milk - product biomass amount changed to 4 (from 5)
biomass-sweet-syrup - product biomass amount changed to 4 (from 8)
biomass-liquid-manure - product biomass amount changed to 4 (from 5)
biomass-syrup-01 - product biomass amount changed to 5 (from 7)
biomass-raw-ralesia-extract - product biomass amount changed to 2 (from 5)
biomass-ralesia-extract - product biomass amount changed to 3 (from 5)
biomass-fawogae-substrate - ingredient fawogae-substrate amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 5)
biomass-fungal-substrate - ingredient fungal-substrate amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 4)
biomass-fungal-substrate-02 - ingredient fungal-substrate-02 amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 5)
biomass-fungal-substrate-03 - ingredient fungal-substrate-03 amount changed to 10 (from 1) - product biomass amount changed to 10 (from 6)
biomass-fertilizer - product biomass amount changed to 40 (from 15)
biomass-chelator - product biomass amount changed to 1 (from 12)
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

Version 0.4.4 released.
Version: 0.4.4
Date: 2020.07.27
  • Coke to Carbon Dioxide recipe now takes 5 Coke and turns it into 200 Carbon Dioxide (instead of 2 -> 80) and takes 4 seconds instead of 10 (in HPF-mk01)
  • Combustion Mixture recipes using Biomass have been adjusted to produce the same amounts as when using Coke, these recipes are:
  • Coal Gas, Coal Slurry, Tall Oil, Hydrogen, Syngas, Gasoline, Diborane, Fuel Rods
  • Doubled the amount of both ingredients and products in Wood->Biomass and Logs->Biomass recipes
  • Duration of Biomass recipes reduced to 9 seconds (from 10)
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by DarkyPupu »

Would there be any sense to provide an option to balance the pollution without the recipes changes or do you consider the whole goes together ?
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by esso23 »

DarkyPupu wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:15 pm Hi,
Would there be any sense to provide an option to balance the pollution without the recipes changes or do you consider the whole goes together ?
do you mean like all the recipes? Combustion Mixture, Biomass, etc? Or just Biomass?

The reasoning behind the changes to recipes is that you generate most of the pollution by energy generation, so when you have some overpowered Combustion Mixture recipes (like Hydrogen to CM), or you can just power your entire factory with Biomass from Logs (1 Log to 30 Biomass default = 120 MJ of energy) the entire challenge just goes away and the pollution values serve little purpose (feels like cheating to me). You absorb everything with forestries and you have almost the best fuel with just red science. What is to gain at higher science levels?

I mean, making a setting to disable some features is not a problem. But I think it would be better to work out the problems if there are any. So if you don't like some changes that the mod introduces, I'm open to any feedback.

Edit: Also, what about the 4x Kicalk to 280 Biomass recipe? (that's in default mod) That's 1.12 GJ of energy from 4 small plants.
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Re: pY Pollution & Energy (Unofficial)

Post by DarkyPupu »

I understand the concept, and agree with the pollution part, especially this :
you can just power your entire factory with Biomass from Logs (1 Log to 30 Biomass default = 120 MJ of energy) the entire challenge just goes away and the pollution values serve little purpose (feels like cheating to me).
It was my understanding that it was on purpose ( ? ) that Pyanodon didn't really balance pollution (yet ?), more important things to do and i understand this.

I am not in disagreement of anything you made based on the mod description, i'm more concerned about the impacts it can have on the original balance and possible "mod removal" problems. By experience, the more intrusive a mod is, the more difficult it is to remove it in the case it doesn't fit :D (sometimes it can just be because mod is not kept up to date regarding original recipes / buildings, also).

Just curious, since Pyanodon is not really meant to be played with biters, does it imply you play with biters (i do) or is it just to keep pollution challenge for "ideological purposes" ? :lol:
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