request feature. Netwotk id and train leight changes.

Adds new train stops forming a highly configurable logistic network.

Moderator: Optera

Long Handed Inserter
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request feature. Netwotk id and train leight changes.

Post by zggz »

Network id
Most of people using LTN don't have set network ID on whole game before late comes. In this situation they need to change ALL their stations (as for me >800) and all blueprints just to set main network = 1 and add some others small site networks.
Now ID default set to All networks. Can you make default ID = 1 for easy adding new networks? like with priority

Train leight.
The same situation with train leight. As deafault its set to Any leight. When we adding long/short trains and stations for them we need to change All network+blueprints that we made before.
We need to set deafault leight in LTN settings.

Both of problem can be decided by making more smart LTN stations at start of using it. But it's too difficult and i see that people on Twitch play without this settings.

P.S. In any case we need to add recomendations to set train leight and networt ID when start to use LTN.
P.P.S. Really good mode for big bases (screen attached)
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Re: request feature. Netwotk id and train leight changes.

Post by mrvn »

What is train leight? What is a "leight"?

Did you mean train length? What should be the default of that?
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