Only small deliveries of 1000..2000 every time

Adds new train stops forming a highly configurable logistic network.

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Only small deliveries of 1000..2000 every time

Post by tpreissler »


I have LTN all setup and running just fine. I noticed though now one thing:

My main storage area as a requester (hooked up to the LN with your Logistic Network to LTN stop filter and is requesting
-100k for each steel, plastics, iron and copper plates. This Requester Threshold is intentionally set to a Request Threshold of 40k.

As soon Copper/Iron/Plastics drops below 100k a L-4C-L (via min/max trainlength) is sent off to pick up, let's say 1009 plastics. 1009? And there is actually 99k in storage, with a Request Threshold of 40k (that's why I set it so high, as I wanted only full train loads).
Also, the Request Station have a Provide Threshold of 1000000 and the Provide Station a Provide Threshold of 5k (or 4k, I believe). Locked slots is set on the Provider to 2.
Also, I am not mixing resources. And the Plastic/Copper Providers have plenty of resources. The signals on the pole at the Requester show a resource demand of -1200 for example.

I used the LTN Blueprints, but as I was upgrading my stations, I needed to remove the chests from the blueprint and removed the existing inserters from my map. I rewired it all - and it's basically working.

I love the idea that it's only going off when resources drop below a certain point, but I dislike the idea of carrying only about 1000 items.
But what am I missing? It looks like my Request Threshold is ignored or do I understand it wrong?

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Re: Only small deliveries of 1000..2000 every time

Post by tpreissler »


it seems I have hit a problem with connecting LTN to LN to query stock.
1000... seems to be very much like some default value somewhere.

There are too many signals on my network, so I tried the Virtual Signals mod and hooked it up to the power pole near my LTN station querying the roboport.
It appears that the signals I am setting are all lost. I set train length for example to 6, but trains with 4 are stopping.

Virtual Signals, though it's buggy (Factorio crashes when re-placing it again), also doesn't show me any of the copper, plastic, steel or iron or any other green signals I should be seeing as part of LTN.
I also noticed that my Ore station are always sending the "right" amount, 3900 and those trains are just 4 long, which is ok.

So something has gone wrong when placing the RoboPort BP. It was originally an LTN station, then I placed the RoboPort BP over it - as it has a rail on the left to line it up nicely.
I guess some wires are missing in my setup. It's hard to see what is connected to what unfortunately.

Will do some troubleshooting later.

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Re: Only small deliveries of 1000..2000 every time

Post by tpreissler »

Hi again,

I think I found my problem now.

I replaced me RoboPort with a Constant Combinator simulating the LN from a signal point of view - just to see the signals generated and make debugging easier.

I was missing the "default" LTN combinator where you usually put requests and also the LTN specific parameters like train length, # trains asf.
After adding this CC and hooking it up to green, but still specifying the requested amount in the "RoboPort" CC I can see the right signals coming out.


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Re: Only small deliveries of 1000..2000 every time

Post by Optera »

Like you guessed, that's not a bug with LTN, your combinator logic is simply messed up.

To isolate a signal from a list too long to display even all inputs I use an arithmetic combinator set to signal+0=signal and read the output from either another connected combinator or a pole.
If you used my blueprints the fastest way probably is to deconstruct all combinators and stamp them over it again from the blueprint.

The stop is just to indicate the output. I probably should remove it and indicate the output just through the pole.
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