Hi all,
I am not sure if this is a bug. I have search the forum regarding train limits but I not finding anything.
I have a requester station that the max train limit is set to 4 trains. The threshold is set to 80 stacks and the requested resource is set to 400 stacks. Thus making the requested stacks 4 trains of requested resources. As per LTN manager the specific resource I have 100 trains worth of resource available for pick up. Did a manual scan of each station that provide said resource and LNT manager is correct. The problem I am facing is that LTN never send more than 2 trains for the requested resource even if the limit is set to 4. What I notice is LTN schedules a request then when the train pulls into the station it sets a second train. Then the first train is off to the depot to get reset. When the first train gets to the dpot the second train pull up to the station and the loop starts again. There are always 2 trains set to the requested station. Never more even if there is loads of resources that waits for pickup.
What I have tried is set the provider stations train limits to 6. I have set the resource requested to the limit that is in the provide station when it is completely full. The unloading of my station is a few seconds and is almost immediately empty as the trains pulls away.
Anyone have a Idea?
Limit Trains Symbol
Moderator: Optera
Re: Limit Trains Symbol
Below is the signal going into the lamp on the requester station. I am totally stumped. Anyone have any ideas what I can do to resolve this?