If I read that right you have trains running half full with both providers providing and requesters requesting more than their capacity. Perhaps you managed to get LTN into that narrow spot where current deliveries only manage to trigger the ~2k deliveries.gridstop wrote:I'm really enjoying trying out this mod.
I had a question on how to handle a situation though. If my network is train limited, ie my provider station is always full, and my requester station is constantly requesting much more than the size of my trains, yet the trains can't catch up, it gets stuck in a pessimistic state where each train is carrying only slightly more than the minimum delivery, and won't fill up.
For instance, my requester is requesting 8k iron, I'm using little LCCL trains (4k capacity) and minimum delivery is 2k. There is a huge surplus of providers. I will always end up with 4 trains in flight, together they sum up to the 8k delivery. But each one only carries around 2100-2500. Maybe this won't be possible until 0.15, but in theory you could have the LTN observe the train contents, and have the train schedule trigger on a signal sent from the LTN instead of directly on cargo quantity, so that you could dynamically adjust load amounts even after the train is dispatched, instead of scheduling a new train.
I guess I could use my own circuit system to detect this condition somehow, and bump up the minimum delivery size dynamically, when it detects starvation? This is just me playing around on a test map, in a normal base usually for ore the train isn't the limiting factor. But I could see scenarios when using trains for intermediates in a megabase where you'd have problems.
Has anyone else tackled this or have any suggestions?
EDIT: Is it as obvious as my request size is too small? If my trains can't keep up it means the buffer I was requesting isn't big enough for my consumption rate. There must be some way to approximate that number so I can get deliveries in time without excessive buffering or train usage.
As you noticed min Delivery size has a huge impact on how well trains are utilized.
To make sure trains mostly run full, I'm setting min delivery size equal to capacity of the smallest train I want LTN to use. Only shipments of more expensive products, like control units, warrant shipping before a full train load is required.
Buffer size depends on trains RTT (depot-provider-requester-depot) and (un-)loading speed at stations. Usually for ore I'm going for ~80k since I really don't care if it's lying around at my furnace station or the mine.