[1.0.0] Scenario desync, no mods (not happening before 1.0.0)

Desyncs in modded game will be ignored most of the time, until it is clearly proven that the desync is not caused by scripting.
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[1.0.0] Scenario desync, no mods (not happening before 1.0.0)

Post by Oarc »

I'm not sure what changed. I haven't made any significant changes to my scenario code since 1.0.0 was released.
However, I'm seeing a huge number of desyncs now for players joining my server.

Here are some reports uploaded by another player: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/za0h0osa019h ... 9byba?dl=0

I don't really know what player action or sequence of events might trigger this.

All I could figure out from the looking at 2 of the desync reports is that the first diff seems to be related to a <random-generator> and a lot of subsequent diffs are related to biter positions being very slightly different.

Any help would be much appreciated. I have a hard time figuring out what causes desyncs like this, especially when I haven't made any major changes recently, only the update to 1.0.0 seems to have been the major change.
I can't roll back and test easily cause it's hard to get a player base to help me do that.

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Re: [1.0.0] Scenario desync, no mods (not happening before 1.0.0)

Post by boskid »

Files appear to be removed from dropbox.
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