[0.17.X] Multiplayer Mods desync

Desyncs in modded game will be ignored most of the time, until it is clearly proven that the desync is not caused by scripting.
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[0.17.X] Multiplayer Mods desync

Post by Izucherry »

I keep getting De-synced to my friends game upon joining. We have been playing the map for a few hours and got pretty far in but now it is just de syncing constantly. Starting a fresh map with the same mod setup does not cause a de-sync and we are able to play fine. it only started happening last night.

Here is the report, any feedback would be appreciated~ https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lMryB ... 4TT7A57YtW
cpture.PNG (103.96 KiB) Viewed 1249 times
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