Starter powerplant builder/ uranium processing.

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Starter powerplant builder/ uranium processing.

Post by Fishy »

Does it frustrate you when you go to build a nuclear power plant components, and it totally zaps your other production? Well, no more!

This Is designed to be completely self sufficient. Just stuff the belts with raw materials!
-iron ore
-copper ore
-add then uranium ore

It will make 4 centrifuges in about 15 minutes before starting production on the power plant components (so you can start processing uranium ore right away), and then shutdown when the there is enough materials for a 4 Reactor Power plant. (about an hour) It even produces Sulfuric Acid on site for your Uranium Miners.
-4 Reactors
-48 Heat exchangers
-83 Steam Turbine
-122 Heat Pipe

Once uranium ore is added, it will produce some fuel cells and store the rest of the processed Uranium for future use. Spent fuel cells can be belted in from the left, next to the fuel cell output.

Inputs and outputs are marked with combinators.

It will run ok without the productivity 1 modules, and would be a bit faster, but would require a few more smelting furnaces and cause the green and red circuit production ratios to be off a bit.

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Re: Starter powerplant builder/ uranium processing.

Post by zOldBulldog »

Nice simple self-contained setup.

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