Test Setup: A load of reactors on one side, columns of 10/18 exchanger/turbine rows on the other. The number of heat pipe paths bridging the two sides can be easily varied. I took extreme care to make sure all heat pipes were placed from teh reactor to the destination, since it's already known they tend to behave directionally.

Sure enough, the pipes seem to choke at roughly 1GW/pipe. There doesn't seem to be any pattern as to which paths after the chokepoint get the energy, but the final electricty output is quite definitely capped at ~1GW/pipe width. Replacing the missing pipe widths lets the system resume full power with little difficulty.

If there's a distance limitation to heat pipes, I haven't found it. Even at 1000 units of heat pipe, you can still keep a 10/18 configuration at full output. You will, however, wait a LONG time for the heat to actually reach the destination