Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
- Defense: killing biters as an art
- Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World)
- Main Bus Concepts
- Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together
- Megabases
Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course.
Forum rules
Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
- Defense: killing biters as an art
- Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World)
- Main Bus Concepts
- Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together
- Megabases
Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course.
My normal play style is very structured, neat rows, blocks squared off nice and tidy, lots of straight lines. This year I decided to do a spaghetti challenge, no straight lines, lots of unnecessary turns, everything squished together just because...
Looking back, I see straight lines everywhere Despite my best intentions, I ended up with long lines of belts, oh the miners and smelters and green circuit factories! I did manage quite a bit of tasty spaghetti, doing a consistent 5 science per minute.
To all of you, heartfelt wishes for all the best in 2022, may your Factory always Grow, and I hope you enjoy a tasty helping of Pasta con Amarula!
Starter base:
Pasta con Amarula.png (3.35 MiB) Viewed 2699 times
My own personal Factorio super-power - running out of power.
I love my artillery trains, using spidey for train defense. So satisfying when the last vestige of red is gone from the map.
The final plate of Pasta con Amarula:
Pasta con Amarula finished plate.png (265.67 KiB) Viewed 2695 times
My own personal Factorio super-power - running out of power.
Those train tracks give me shivers. Probably the only thing that I don't like more than diagonal belts
Nice one
Primarily a vanilla player. Enjoy extreme rail world death worlds with biter expansion and a 10x+ tech price. Do not feel much fun after the tech tree is fully researched.