Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
- Defense: killing biters as an art
- Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World)
- Main Bus Concepts
- Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together
- Megabases
Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course.
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Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:42 am

Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Anlide »

Hello everyone, I've played Factorio for 10,000 hours according to the Steam. Of course, this is not all gaming time, it’s just that the computer is turned on.
I want to share all the blueprints that I have, but keep GameSave to myself. However, I can show you in the screenshots what my factory looks like.

I guess there is some errors in such big article. Please report I will fix all of them.

My performance criterion is the consumption of [item=space-science-pack] - 11k per hour. Despite the fact that all laboratories work with the productivity module.
I can increase the consumption of [item=space-science-pack], but UPS=6 and I don’t have the strength to play this anymore.

Why is the consumption of [item=space-science-pack] the criterion for the success of a factory, and not, for example, the number of launched rockets?
Because the only high-end content in the game is endless exploration.
For any endless research you need [item=space-science-pack] and they are most labor-intensive in mass production.
I can easily quickly accumulate any other science-pack in huge quantities.
Why consumption and not production? Because science-pack can be hoarded or inaccurately produced without being delivered to laboratories - therefore only consumption [item=space-science-pack] is the most objective factor in the efficiency of the entire factory.

I do not have or have installed any mods.

There is a limit of 60,000 characters, and all my blueprints that I would like to share weigh 41Mb.
That's why I provided them as links.
Also this is reason to split article to 2 posts.

Question to developers:
By the way, I have a very strong computer and a GeForce RTX 4070 video card. Why do I have FPS=6 with UPS=6?
Why can't I view the factory at FPS=60 even though UPS=6?
And even with UPS=6, make the movement of trains and drones and everything that gets into the frame smooth?

Question to developers:
By the way, why can’t you use the power of a video card or even a mining farm to raise the UPS for such a factory from 6 to 60?

Question to developers:
Is it possible to somehow transfer GameSave with this factory so that it does not go outside the development studio to investigate performance problems?
It seems to me that situations in which many identical trains go to many identical stations and they constantly change direction are poorly handled.
So why do this? Why can’t you just go where you decided to go and change the route only for some significant reason?

All blueprints weigh 41 Mb
All screenshots weigh 1.2 Gb
Here are screenshots of the factory scale
Here are screenshots of the scale of the factory in a little more detail
Here are screenshots of performance and electricity consumption
Stations: 2653
Trains: 4049
Construction drones: 6.69m
Transport drones: 4.39m
Save-game weighs about 450Mb.

As a map, I chose a railway world with a standard beetle expansion. It was put up a long time ago and of course I won’t play it again, this is the card I have - that’s what I’ll play.

The giga-factory concept includes a lot of rules.
Main rule: The factory must function uninterruptedly, provided that I can leave the computer for a week at any time.
Main rule: Setting up a redundant circular defense perimeter, organizing uninterrupted, fault-tolerant production of everything.

It was determined empirically that absolutely everything that can be produced with productivity must be produced with productivity. Excludes ore of any form.
The explanation is very simple - let's imagine how many resources are needed to produce all 7 science-packs, 1 each. Now let’s take and remove the productivity modules from the laboratory.
It turns out that to produce the same number of science-packs, ALL trains will need to carry 40% more cargo. Now let's imagine at each step of production if we remove the productivity modules. Well, that's the whole answer to the whole question.
Why such a rule with such an exception? Because in such a factory one of the most problematic areas is railroad logistics and it is very important that
  1. There would be fewer trains.
  2. Trains would travel as loaded as possible.
All activities at the factory can be summarized into the following large groups:
  1. Production of everything that is directly needed for the production of all types of science-packs.
  2. Production of everything needed to provide the factory with consumables.
  3. Production of everything defense related factory.
  4. Production of everything related to the expansion of the factory.
  5. Production of everything related to the development of occupied territories.
The main burden, of course, will be on everything related to point No. 1. Therefore, all trains directly or indirectly involved in the production of science-packs must have 4 wagons.
I conducted tests in 1 wagon, 3 wagons and 4 wagons. On the one hand, the fewer wagons there are, the faster the train accelerates. But often in such a huge factory the train simply travels at maximum speed for quite a long time.
On the other hand, the more wagons, the faster you can unload at a time. From the blueprints you will see further that it is very important to have an even number of wagons. For unloading speed.
You can also consider setups like 2 locomotives and 8 wagons, but I believe that this cannot be done - because even one such train will wait at intersections for too long.
As a result, I chose that most trains will have four wagons, and some trains will have one wagon.

Main rule: that if some workshop has been idle for quite a long time and the train is not full, then the trains are still sent out in order to stand idle while being full.
This rule is implemented differently for warehouse trains, production trains, and liquid trains. But this idea is implemented in all trains without exception.

Main rule:
Of course, almost everything at such a factory is delivered by train. For drones, only this is provided:
  1. Nuclear fuel for trains.
  2. Stores for turrets.
  3. Artillery shells.
  4. Diesel barrels for flamethrowers and empty barrels.
Such a mega-factory has a core, in my case not even one (two and I was thinking of installing a third). The core is a warehouse of all products that may be somehow needed at hi-end with the exception of equipment.
There is a separate workshop for equipment, more about it at the end of this post.
Screenshots of blueprint kernel
Rule: Train color - almost all warehouse trains are pink, trains with weapons are purple, trains with drones are color #ff0060 and the service wagon is white.
table with train colors
Contributor request: if somewhere in the blueprints the color differs from the table, it must be brought to a single standard
Rule: Manipulators - always and wherever possible, instead of a green manipulator, a white one is used, indicating which resource it moves.
Rule: Fuel - always and everywhere at any station there must be a request chest for nuclear fuel and a manipulator loading fuel into the train.
Rule: Core chests - all chests must be green, some chests that cannot be green due to the consumer must be red.
Rule: In the middle of the core there are two blocks with yellow chests. There should not be a single yellow chest in the factory outside of the core, or perhaps in the future a carefully thought out module specifically designed to handle yellow chests.
Question to developers: I have repeatedly seen that if all the yellow chests are empty and something needs to be delivered to the yellow chests, the drones deliver not to the nearest yellow chests, but across half the map. We need to fix this.
Contributor request: Due to the problem described above, you need to make some kind of station at which there will only be a lot of yellow chests and a lot of drone stations around. And it will be prescribed to install only one in the center of the map. Use only if there is more than one core station and remove all yellow chests at all core stations.
To launch new drones, steel chests, green chests, blue chests and purple chests are used.
Rule: The color of a station must always match the color of the train to that station.
Rule: The train schedule always has a station at which it must stop most of the time, and this station must be the first in the schedule list.
Rule: Warehouse trains wait 1000 seconds for unloading and if the warehouse is not full, the train is sent back for more. And if it waits 3000 seconds for unloading and the train is not full, the train goes back for more.
Rule: Any loading station or storage station can calculate the amount of products in chests
Screenshots of the schedule
Main rule: The entire plant is divided into workshops. Each workshop is occupied with one simple production and this production is brought to perfection.
This means that at maximum load all production units are functioning (for example, an assembly machine).

Rule: Each workshop is surrounded by a wall and thus forms a rectangle.
Rule: Each workshop can have the minimum number of train entrances and exits as possible.
Rule: Each workshop sends its own trains for products.
Rule: Almost every workshop has a speaker that turns on when idle for a very long time (for example, if I forgot to start the trains after construction or for some reason the production failed).
Rule: Almost every workshop has one or more loading stations and one or more unloading stations. Either for 1 wagon or for 4.
Rule: Usually each workshop produces one thing, and often has loading stations for both 4 wagons and 1 wagon at the same time.
Rule: Sometimes a workshop has secondary production, this is allowed only if it does not require new loading stations and there is no need to build a loading station for one wagon.
Rule: This rule only applies to: marked reinforced concrete, pipe, fish.
Contributor request: implement marked reinforced concrete, workshop pipes in such a way that this too is produced there.
Rule: Each workshop must have a large power line support along its perimeter. Especially in the corners.
Rule: The entire workshop must be covered with a zone of drone stations. Strictly and necessarily. It is advisable to place drone stations more and more evenly.
Rule: The entire workshop must be an electrical network - avoid unnecessary power lines and have no gaps in the power lines (this is important for the construction of new workshops according to the blueprints).
Rule: A workshop must have 4 request chests around the loading station for 4 wagons with a request for the products of this workshop. The exception is that in warehouses in red chests.
Rule: If the workshop has a branch for loading into one wagon, there should be another request chest with a restriction on passing by this chest as long as there is something in it.
Rule: Also, any workshop that has a branch to a one-wagon station should have a green chest there without any settings (if the player requests, the logistics network should deliver).
Rule: any production in which productivity modules can be applied must have productivity modules (with the exception of ore).
Rule: any production in which productivity modules cannot be used must have one speed module and the rest efficiency modules.

Next I want to talk about the supply concept.
Theoretically, supply can be implemented in two ways - “the workshop produces a lot of products and delivers the products to consumers with its trains” or “the workshop itself sends its trains to pick up raw materials for itself.”
I considered both options and chose the second one for several reasons:
  1. This option allows you to regulate the quantity of required products.
  2. When consumption is very fast, it is necessary to supply trains one after another; it is necessary for trains to accumulate in front of the unloading station. And if there are enough tracks to wait there, it would be reasonable to put a train there right away on the blueprint. How else?
  3. I use the behavior of trains based on the name of the station, more on that later.
Rules for placing tracks in workshops:
  1. For the convenience of assembling workshops, the train entrance is always in the lower left corner.
  2. Use a 9-train template using the most widely used material, if possible.
  3. Indents between paths are 4 cells at the first and last path.
  4. Traffic lights and semaphores are always at maximum separation.
  5. There must always be at least one semaphore in front of the station.

----------- Station Book -----------
(316.32 KiB) Downloaded 109 times

Rule: Any station does not have a shutdown condition - in such a huge plant it is simply death at any second in an unpredictable place. Perhaps the developers need to redo the reaction of trains to turning stations on and off.
Question to developers:
Why if there are two stations at which the number of trains is regulated and switched off and switched off. For example, both stations have a train limit of 1. 2 trains left for them.
Then suddenly one station turns off - then one train will continue moving, and the second will stop in the middle of the movement and will stand waiting for who knows what. Why this logic?

Rule: Therefore, in principle, any conditions for turning on and off stations are not used anywhere. However, stations can be manually turned off for various reasons (for example, when building a new workshop in a busy area or to direct traffic).
Rule: Any unloading station limits the number of trains equal to the number of trains on the blueprint of this workshop. Without exceptions, it is not regulated by combinators anywhere.
Rule: Any loading station always has a limit of 0 trains and the train limit is always set by the logical network.

As can be seen from the list of station templates, they are divided into groups. Unloading stations and loading stations. For liquids and objects. For items on both sides.
Let's consider all the features and rules of the stations. This is a very important detail in this plant.

Loading stations come first because the plant starts there. It is at these stations that ore is loaded. By the way, all forms of ore loading stations are presented below.
8 conveyors are supplied to the station and it unloads everything as quickly as possible, first into chests, and then into wagons. You can see a huge number of combinators and signal wires, everything is necessary, now I will describe the meaning of each element in order.
The station is grayed out and named "NoName" in case the player forgets to rename the station. Two traffic lights are needed in case the station is carelessly connected to the main railway network.
Lanterns are decorative in nature.
Radar is needed everywhere and putting one in the blueprint here is a good idea.
White manipulators without marking the object are a reminder that you need to mark them.
Green manipulators are needed to ensure that all possible garbage under the new workshop accumulates in chests (these are then conveniently and easily unloaded from garbage by drones).
Turrets are needed to prevent random single biters or spitters from destroying the entire plant. Having a little bit of turrets in the template, we get a plant that is all studded with a little bit of turrets.
3 permanent combinators: setting the number of items in the stack, setting the maximum number of trains and setting the maximum idle time.
If the loading station chests are not filled to the maximum, the idle timer starts.
If the idle time exceeds the time specified in the corresponding setting, the station sets the train limit to 0 (this means that arriving trains will continue to travel here, but there are no new trains).
If the idle time exceeds the time specified in the corresponding setting by 10 times, the speaker will turn on.
The train limit is calculated based on the cargo available for loading (and for each wagon separately). Thus, you can be sure that if a train goes to this station, then there is enough cargo in it to fill all the wagons of all arriving trains at once. I'm proud of this algorithm.
There is also a modification of loading in the other direction. And there are also two modifications of loading, when at the entrance we have not 8 conveyors, but 16.
And immediately predefined modifications for all types of ore, 2 modifications for each ore.

The blueprint book also includes blueprints with settings for permanent combinators - this is convenient for expansion and mass installation of ore stations.

Any loading and unloading stations must be built so that each wagon has a pump attached to it.
Moreover, there are 3 pumps for each wagon. And each pump at the station would be directly connected to the reservoir.
Using a similar scheme, information is collected on the entire storage facility at the station and on the tanks connected to each specific wagon separately.
So we have a natural limit of 3 trains arriving at the station - because 3 tanks can load 3 trains at the same time.
However, inspections cost not 25,000 per wagon, but 22,500 per wagon. To avoid a situation where a full station can only accommodate 2 trains.

There is a separate station for one wagon with acid - it is needed to be installed next to each uranium deposit.

Combinators are convenient for managing the configuration of a station after its installation.

Contributor request:
Implement a loading station for one wagon for all workshops so that the limit of 3 tarins is reached not when the minimum is available for loading, but when a maximum of minus 3 trains is available for loading.
For example, usually 12 full chests can load 14 wagons in a row.
Accordingly, for example, if the chests are full for 12 wagons, give a limit of 1 train, if the chests are full for 13 wagons, give a limit of 2 trains. etc.
The number 3 in this case should be customizable through combinators.
Make the template so that it would be convenient to use in every workshop.

----------- Logistics Book -----------
The scheme is similar to citiblock. But much more flexible.
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It has been experimentally established that trains constantly need roundabouts - without them, when changing routes, they can easily enter a plant and block local production.
Why does the train change route? For example, a slot has become available nearby where to go - why now go across half the map when you can arrive at the station nearby.

It has also been experimentally established that such a circular route is often sufficient. Yes, near the missile silo workshop such a patrol is often not enough, but this is rather an exception to the rule.
Contributor request: make a circular drive for 2 circles.

There are 2 forms available - with fill and with reinforced concrete. With backfilling, new territory can be developed by water without any problems.
It's not a matter of saving filling - one can say that an infinite amount of it can be made. The fact is that water is finite, it is not known in advance where and how much it will be needed.
And why the excess filling?

Question to developers:
Why can't the installed fill be removed?
If something is upset there in terms of balance, it may take a very long time and be very expensive in terms of resources, but it is possible.

The main track lines are made into 4 lanes for 4 wagons. It is easy and convenient to set up huge long lanes.
Unfortunately, the two circular patterns are slightly larger than one linear path. Therefore, it is very inconvenient to make a replacement if you really need to insert a circular one.
Contributor request: convert the main tracks into 4 lanes for 4 wagons +1 cell.

Contributor request:
A circular fill has excess fill, here is a blueprint of an arc railway with the minimum required fill:
(See in the logistics book line-2 column-1)
You need to apply this in the corresponding blueprints.

Contributor request:
Everywhere it is indicated how balanced the workshop is. If not in terms of loading or unloading speed, then this is already a request to remodel the workshop to suit this balance.

----------- Main book -----------
Here is a list of 62 workshops that produce everything needed to produce all the science-packs and all types of consumables.
(9.31 MiB) Downloaded 89 times

------ General components ------
--- Copper ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Move the loading one wagon lower.
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
3. A lot of free space - make it more compact.
4. It has been experimentally established that 9 waiting trains for loading is a lot, you need to do 7. Reducing to 5 will most likely be a bad idea.

--- Iron ---
Similar to copper.

--- Stone block ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This workshop has most likely been brought to perfection or so, but if you really want to, you can try to reduce the height of the workshop, because there is free space (width will not work).

--- Cable ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. Instead of many beacons, reduce the size of the workshop.

--- Rod ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- Gear ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. There is free space due to which the workshop can be made smaller.

--- Steel ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- Microcircuit ---
One of my favorite workshops. Very nicely balanced.
Blueprint: ... ircuit.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. Does not follow the path placement rule. + add iron train.

--- Sulfur ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation
2. There should be 6+ trains with gas
3. There must be buffer tanks around the station (see production of diesel from fuel oil)
4. Loading must be in 16 streams.
5. Maintain a balance of water supply from 4 sources, provide a source capacity of 3000 water/sec.

--- Plastic ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Despite the very good balance of the workshop, there were few trains with gas. Looks like we need 7 or 8 trains with gas.

--- U. Microcircuit ---
Blueprint: ... ircuit.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Redesign the workshop so that the speed of production is limited either by the speed of supply of materials or the speed of loading. Now the balance is very good, but not maximum.
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- K.M.P. ---
Blueprint: ... ucture.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

---Acid ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation
2. It was determined experimentally that all produced acid should be poured into one barrel in the middle, then poured into tanks up to the loading station in small blocks.
The problem in the screenshot is that the left side of the plant is constantly working, but the right side is not working.
3. Make the space between paths correct.

--- Processor ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. Similar to acid production, the left side of the plant should not go directly to loading, but through the center.
3. Make the space between paths correct.

--- B.U.R. ---
Blueprint: ... l-unit.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x2
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon (it is only needed for Y.Raketa).
2. Make the workshop larger and balance the speed of loading or unloading

------ Consumables ------
--- Concrete ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
3. Loading for 1 wagon must go through the main loading (so that there is no extra exit)
4. Rework the train supply - 9 standard blocks (bottom) and 3-4 iron ore (left)
5. Processing units for one conveyor are already balanced in terms of material supply speed, you can use them

--- Reinforced concrete ---
Blueprint: ... ncrete.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation
2. Put here the production of marked reinforced concrete + its loading station (example in "R.K.S.").
3. Processing units for one conveyor are already balanced in terms of material supply speed, you can use them
4. Rework the train supply according to the standard.

--- Construction drone ---
Blueprint: ... -robot.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

--- Transport drone ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

--- R.K.S. ---
Blueprint: ... -shell.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- A. Projectile ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. See the descriptions of the core - you need to redo the loading of shells.

--- Backfill ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the 4th generation of workshop, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators)

--- Explosives ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

------ For science-pack-2 ------
--- Manipulator#1 ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. Remove loading station manipulator #1 for one wagon.
3. Add the production of a long-distance manipulator and a loading station for 1 wagon.
4. Add production manipulator #2 and a loading station for 1 wagon.
5. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)

--- Conveyor#1 ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)

------ For science-pack-3 ------
--- Wall ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators)

---Grenade ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. The 5th blue chest is positioned incorrectly.

--- Store#1 ---
Blueprint: ... gazine.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)

--- Store#2 ---
Blueprint: ... gazine.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. The 5th blue chest is positioned incorrectly.

------ For science-pack-4 ------
--- Pipe ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. Add underground pipe production and a loading station for 1 wagon.

--- Engine ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. Place the 5th blue chest.
4. Add pump production and a loading station for 1 wagon.
5. Add O.Turel production and a loading station for 1 wagon.
5. Make the plant larger and balance production based on the speed of loading or unloading.

------ For science-pack-5 ------
--- Rails ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is workshop generation 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
2. Reduce the number of incoming trains to 5.

---Oven ---
Blueprint: ... urnace.txt
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon.
2. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. Make the plant larger and replace all unloading stations from 8-outlets to 16-outlets.

---Module-p#1 ---
Blueprint: ... module.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. The modification of the module production system will be discussed separately.

------ For science-pack-6 ------
--- Electric motor ---
Blueprint: ... e-unit.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x2
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon.
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. Make the plant larger and balance the speed of loading or unloading.

--- Frame ---
Blueprint: ... -frame.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x2
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
2. Make the plant larger and balance the speed of loading or unloading.

------ For science-pack-7 ------
--- Battery ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x2
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon.
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
3. Add the 5th blue chest.

--- Ac.Block ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon.
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)

--- S.Panel ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Remove loading for 1 wagon.
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)

--- Radar ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators and distance between paths)
2. Rework iron unloading - there should be 5-7 trains

--- Satellite ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x2
Contributor request:
1. Convert loading into 1 wagon. Practice has shown that there is no need to carry satellites in 4 wagons.
2. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker and incorrect manipulators)

------ Other ------
---Module-c#1 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. The modification of the module production system will be discussed separately.

---Module-e#1 ---
Blueprint: ... module.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. The modification of the module production system will be discussed separately.

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:42 am

Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Anlide »

------ Petroleum products ------
What should the entire petroleum products production system look like within the concept of this plant?
Gas consumers: sulfur, plastic
Diesel consumers: rocket fuel
Fuel oil consumers: lubricant

Lubricant is needed in very small quantities for electric motors.
We need a lot of rocket fuel and sulfur and plastic.
We need workshops that will separately produce gas and separately rocket fuel - so that I can supply two such workshops as much as needed.

The line of reasoning is as follows:
1. Unlimited number of oil stations, evenly scattered throughout the map. Taking into account the 5th generation stations, each will be able to receive 3 trains and quickly restore oil reserves for loading.
2. You can take oil directly from such stations to fuel a flamethrower - we’ll close this question right away here.
3. Crude oil can be processed in two ways, one into gas, the other into gas + diesel + fuel oil.
4. We can build a workshop that will process oil into gas using the first method and thus we will receive an unlimited amount of gas at the plant. The issue of gas production is closed.
5. The second method has an obvious drawback - any production comes with an excess of other production. But it is necessary to create such a workshop, because without it there is no way to get diesel and fuel oil.
6. Having a small amount of fuel oil, you can create an infinite amount of fuel oil using coal liquefaction, but here excess gas and diesel appear in small quantities. The issue with fuel oil production is closed.
7. Having an infinite amount of fuel oil, you can create a finite amount of diesel using a chemical plant. The issue with diesel production is closed.
8. We will not consider converting diesel into gas - it is much more efficient to obtain gas from oil.
9. The production of solid fuel must be from diesel. Let's close this question here.
10. What to do with excess gas, diesel, fuel oil? I decided to build huge storage facilities into which the excess of the corresponding petroleum product will be transported.
11. They are either taken from the storage facility by ordinary consumers or, when the storage facility is full, sent to fuel production.
12. Fuel production from excess petroleum products should produce solid fuel for ordinary consumers and fuel for combustion if the loading station for ordinary consumers is full.
13. Station for burning excess solid fuel. The whole cycle is closed, with any bottleneck you can install an additional workshop and everything will work in a balanced and fault-tolerant manner for weeks.

--- Petroleum products ---
Blueprint: ... essing.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)
2. It is necessary to open the filling of excess loading stations not immediately when filling some petroleum product, but after some time.
3. There should be 6 speakers - 3 of them should turn on if any of the surplus stations is not emptied for a very long time. 3 of them if any of the regular loading stations are not full.

--- Gas ---
Blueprint: ... essing.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Practice has shown that unloading in the center (see Petroleum products) is very successful and balanced. We need to do the same.
2. Similarly, loading should be in the center and not from the edge of the workshop.
3. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

--- Fuel oil ---
One of my favorite workshops. Very nicely balanced.
Blueprint: ... action.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators)
2. There must be a speaker for a long absence of fuel oil at the loading station. And there should be two speakers for excess gas and diesel - if they don’t take it for a long time.

--- Diesel ---
Blueprint: ... acking.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Practice has shown that unloading in the center (see Petroleum products) is very successful and balanced. We need to do the same.
2. Similarly, loading should be in the center and not from the edge of the workshop.
3. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

--- Fuel ---
Blueprint: ... vy-oil.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Practice has shown that unloading in the center (see Petroleum products) is very successful and balanced. We need to do the same.

--- R. Fuel ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the 4th generation of workshop, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (manipulators, railway tracks)
2. You can make a larger workshop and balance the unloading speed

--- Petroleum product warehouses ---
Blueprint: ... .store.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

--- Excess petroleum products ---
Blueprint: ... s.burn.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators)
2. There are 7 threads implemented here, we need to make the workshop a little larger and make 8 threads.

--- Burning excess petroleum products ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators)
2. Make the workshop noticeably larger with 8 flows, balance it for high-speed water supply and use centrifuges.

---Lubricant ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

------ Uranium industry ------
We have an unlimited supply of uranium ore. And you need to get:
1. Uranium element
2. Nuclear fuel
3. Spent fuel
4. Uranium-238 for 3 types of weapons
5. Uranium-235 for an atomic bomb

We have the option of obtaining an unlimited amount of uranium-238 from ore, but there is an excess in the form of uranium-235.
We have the option of obtaining an unlimited amount of uranium-235 from uranium-238 if you already have some amount of uranium-235.
We have the option of obtaining excess uranium-238 from spent fuel.

Accordingly it turns out:
1. We have two production of uranium-238, one of them is unlimited, the other is a surplus that must be quickly withdrawn.
2. We have two production of uranium-235, one of them is unlimited, the other is a surplus that must be quickly withdrawn.

Obviously, with such input there must be some kind of node in which uranium-238 or uranium-235 from two sources will be mixed, with priority from the source with an excess.
And then mixed uranium-238 or uranium-235 is already distributed to consumers.

Uranium-235 has only consumers of 1 wagon.
Uranium-238 has consumers for both 1 wagon and 4 wagons.

The scheme is clear, and according to it I made a structure that can work for months without failures.

--- Uranium warehouse ---
Balanced: no
Contributor request:
1. It is necessary that under any circumstances, until the entire excess is unloaded, the resource does not reach the loading station due to excess.
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- Uranium-238 ---
Blueprint: ... essing.txt
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. During construction, the speaker of excess uranium-235 sometimes works, this needs to be corrected.

--- Uranium-235 ---
Blueprint: ... rocess.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. Unbalanced unloading - the first and last wagon are unloaded first, but uniform unloading is needed.
2. Most likely, it is not reasonable to increase this workshop, but it may be possible to balance the size of the 2x drone stations or even the unloading speed.

--- Nuclear fuel ---
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. 6 trains with uranium-235 is a lot, 2. Maximum 3 is enough.
2. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

--- Nuclear element ---
Blueprint: ... l-cell.txt
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).
2. Add a speaker.

--- Spent nuclear element ---
Blueprint: ... essing.txt
Balanced: according to maximum loading speed
Contributor request:
1. Add a speaker
2. Remove the timer that requires you to wait until the loading station is completely filled.

---Nuclear power plant ---
Balanced: according to the maximum rate of water consumption
1. Consumption by heat exchangers is balanced at 3600 water per second for each branch.
2. The design error is here <screenshot>. After this point, steam consumption is no more than 3000 steam per second. It is necessary to make it possible to consume 3600 steam per second and apply this to each branch.
3. It is very tedious to connect high speed water lines. Somehow systematize this issue with connection templates.

----------- Help book -----------
Here are blueprints with items that are needed when building new workshops or expansion, or some forms of consumables.
Almost all items here are divided into 4 groups according to the number of types of items needed for production.
And several grouped production facilities.
(1.06 MiB) Downloaded 64 times

They are all made quite well and do not require any modification, however:
1. I would like to change all the manipulators to white wherever possible.
2. Add a speaker everywhere.
3. Apply the updated loading to 1 wagon (described above).

------ One component ------
--- Chest --- --- Marked reinforced concrete --- --- Stone oven --- --- Barrel ---
------ Two components ------
---Curved pipe --- ---Repair --- --- T.Pipe --- --- Tank --- --- Automatic #3 --- --- Boiler --- --- D.Cartridges#1 --- --- Drone#2 --- --- Drone#3 --- --- Manipulator#3 m. --- --- Mina --- ---Rocket#2 --- ---Traffic light --- --- Semaphore --- --- Store#3 --- --- K.S.U. --- --- R.K.S.U. ---
------ Three components ------
---Gate --- --- Pump --- --- Pump --- --- Dronestation --- ---Substation --- --- P. Turret --- --- Turbine --- --- Heat exchanger --- --- Steam engine --- --- Wagon --- --- Locomotive --- ---Yellow Grenade --- --- Machine #1 --- --- D.Cartridges#2 --- --- Drill --- --- Drone#1 --- --- Manipulator.d --- --- Manipulator#2 --- ---Module-c#2 --- ---Module-e#2 --- ---Module-p#2 --- ---Module-c#3 --- ---Module-e#3 --- ---Module-p#3 --- --- Laboratory --- --- L. Turret --- ---Grenade#2 --- ---Fuse.C --- ---Rocket#1 --- --- Power lines-m --- --- Power lines-b --- --- Lantern --- --- Switch --- --- Ya.Raketa --- ------ Four components ------
--- Lighthouse --- ---Tank --- --- Oil rig --- --- Chemical plant --- --- Centrifuge --- --- Reactor --- --- Artirelia --- --- Automatic #2 --- --- O. Turel --- ---Speaker --- --- Manipulator#3 --- --- Station ---
------ Five components ------
Contributor request:
It is necessary to align in height with similar workshops.

--- Oil refinery --- --- Art.wagon --- --- Mine ---
------ Other components ------
--- Chests --- ---Wires --- --- Conveyors --- --- Flamethrower fuel ---
----------- Scientific book -----------
(2.52 MiB) Downloaded 118 times

------ science-packs ------
--- science-pack-1 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. Here it is relatively easy to slightly increase the workshop and balance the unloading speed.

--- science-pack-2 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. Here it is relatively easy to slightly increase the workshop and balance the unloading speed.

--- science-pack-3 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. Here it is relatively easy to slightly increase the workshop and balance the unloading speed.

--- science-pack-4 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. It is relatively easy to expand the workshop and balance the unloading speed.

--- science-pack-5 ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. Increase the number of trains with rails to probably 9.

--- science-pack-6 ---
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 3, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators, wrong paths)
2. It is relatively easy to expand the workshop and balance the unloading speed.

--- science-pack-7 ---
Balanced: according to maximum unloading speed
Contributor request:
1. Convert satellite unloading to 1 wagon
2. Unloading K.M.P. + B.U.R. + R. Fuel must be equal in quantity and not less than 6 trains. Most likely, these should be different approaches to the workshop (currently there is one entry point, there should be more).
3. You can balance consumption using beacons around the mines. Currently balanced to completely fill the loading station in 150k seconds. If the balance changes, this loading station setting must be adjusted.
4. Remove the fish loading station and just put a red chest with a fish.

------ Cone warehouses ------
The point of warehouses is that different studies require different science-packs and therefore science-packs must be accumulated in order for the plant to operate continuously. And any imbalance would be visible in advance.
Blueprint: ... ence-1.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-2.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-3.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-4.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-5.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-6.txt
Blueprint: ... ence-7.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker, manipulators)

------ Laboratory ------
Blueprint: ... ratory.txt
Balanced: according to the size of drone stations x3
Contributor request:
1. This is the generation of workshop 4, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (no speaker)

----------- Special book -----------
(815.08 KiB) Downloaded 67 times

------ Warehouses ------
--- Core ---
Contributor request:
1. This is the 4th generation of workshop, it needs to be converted to the 5th generation (manipulators)
2. Artillery warehouses need to be converted into 3 locomotives + 2 art wagons or 2 locomotives + 3 art wagons.
In this scheme, more shells are delivered + art wagons are somehow meaningfully used.

--- Construction warehouse ---
Contributor request: TODO

--- Defense warehouse ---
Contributor request:
1. See the descriptions of the core - you need to redo the loading of shells.

--- Expansion Warehouse ---
Blueprint: ... ansion.txt
Contributor request: TODO

------ Perimeter ------
---Defense line ---
Contributor request: TODO

---Defense line through the water---
Blueprint: ... .water.txt
Contributor request: TODO

--- Corner defensive line ---
Contributor request: TODO

------ Expansion ------
--- Drone stations ---

---Dronstation-Power Line ---
Contributor request: TODO

--- Radar-LEP ---
Blueprint: TODO
Contributor request: TODO

--- Two-Power Lines ---
Blueprint: TODO
Contributor request: TODO

--- Two-Dronstation ---
Blueprint: TODO
Contributor request: TODO

---Two-Substation ---
Blueprint: TODO
Contributor request: TODO

--- Artillery station ---
Contributor request:

------ Drills ------
--- Electric drill ---
Contributor request: TODO

--- Oil rig ---
Contributor request: TODO

------ Other ------
---Circular railway ---
Contributor request: TODO

--- Artirelia on the water ---
Contributor request: TODO

--- Module system ---
Contributor request:
It was planned to remodel the production workshop for such modules, but never got around to doing it.
To produce modules we need resources:
* Electrical diagram
*U.Electrical diagram
* Processor

* Module-c#1 // Involved in the production of science-packs, you need a train of 4 wagons + 1 wagon for Drone#3 + 1 wagon for Automatic#3
* Module-c#2 // Drone delivery for equipment
* Module-c#3 // During the construction of workshops
* Module-e#1 // no
* Module-e#2 // Drone delivery for equipment
* Module-e#3 // During the construction of workshops + Delivery by drone for equipment
* Module-p#1 // Involved in the production of science-packs, a train of 4 wagons is needed
* Module-n#2 // no
* Module-p#3 // During the construction of workshops

Features of the second and third levels are that they take an incredibly long time to produce.
Obviously, it is necessary to build 9 workshops, probably somewhat similar to each other.
It looks like you need to design 3 workshops and duplicate them with minor modifications.
The first level should be produced in 4 wagons and 1 carriage, for compatibility with existing stations.
The second level should be able to receive 4 wagons and have only a station with loading into one wagon.
The third level should be able to accept many trains with one wagon and also loading into one wagon.

----------- Demolition Book -----------
(881 Bytes) Downloaded 57 times

--- Demolition of a factory without drone stations and chests ---
--- Demolition of a factory with drone stations ---
--- Demolition of a factory with chests ---
---Train demolition ---
--- Demolition of objects on the ground ---

----------- Old book -----------
I provide "as is" my old blueprints. Second generation, third generation.
(3.04 MiB) Downloaded 46 times
(2.01 MiB) Downloaded 52 times

----------- Appeal to the developers -----------
I ask you to take into account in updates that there is no need to devalue the achievements achieved.
And even vice versa, all achievements achieved before v2.0 will be made more difficult to achieve.

Taking the opportunity that I have mastered all the content. I believe that I have every moral right to offer new hi-end content.
I will divide the proposals into parts:
1. Leverage existing resources.
2. Set new goals for the player in a single player game.
3. Arrange some kind of competition between the players.
4. Arrange to achieve something together.

I don’t know what of this is interesting to developers and what can be done.
But I’m interested in this and therefore I’ll consider all these options.

------ Use resources ------
1. A turret that would fire grenades (regular, cluster, slowing). Throw in a drone shot here too.
2. A turret that would fire tank shells.
3. A turret that would fire missiles.
4. A turret that would fire shotguns.
5. Tank and car with equipment grid.
6. Electrical discharge protection would at least somehow work automatically.
7. The power switch should be somehow modified so that it could be used to switch built trains into automatic mode.
8. Somehow come up with a way to make it possible to disconnect and connect carriages. This will most likely not be needed at a giga-factory, but it will make it possible to build a sorting station. It would be very interesting.
9. Update pomegranates with acid.

Separately, I would like to note that some kind of building is needed to absorb emissions. Look at the screenshots - I believe that the cloud of pollution spreads over a distance of 3 artillery shots (with my improvements).
I believe this is why I have UPS=6. All processor power is directed to calculating the movement of beetles.

------ Set new goals for the player in a single player game ------
1. I think new goals like “produce resources per second” should not be introduced. With a giga-factory, all this will be achieved easily and quickly.
2. Target type "summon enemy". When there is already a giga-factory so that it is possible to summon creatures, withstand their onslaught and get this achievement and some rare resource.
Since this is an action initiated by the player, make it so that the active intervention of the player is required.
Moreover, somehow complicate the call so that the player stops where he had difficulty stopping the invasion and the plant would not be destroyed by an enemy with whom the player cannot cope.
A resource, for example, for the production of shells reinforced with something. In this way, the player will be able to “automatically” summon the level that he can cope with automatically and accumulate resources for such an enemy that he needs to cope with only taking into account new resources.
Hence a new building - such as a radar for the nearest area, which would transmit a list of enemies to the logical network and this would make it possible to turn on turrets with rare or expensive projectiles (for example, throwing out an expensive one in the production of a drone).
3. I saw in one of the mods enemies that attack weakly, but are very heavily armored. Make them vulnerable to acid and tank shells. It would greatly diversify the defensive line.
4. Make it necessary for the player to foray outside his base. This would greatly update, for example, a tank with a network of equipment.
For example, we would like to make some kind of caretakers for the hi-end, who would be located far beyond the radius of the artillery gun and would monitor buildings that produce any pollution and send a detachment there.
Thus, it would be possible to build a long railway route into the enemy’s ranks, but without radar and any defense. Then arrive there with artillery wagons and tank wagons, pellet gun wagons and retreating to shoot everything.
For what? to hit with artillery something that cannot be hit from the base.
Well, or the player will want to use a tank + the support of many spiders to independently destroy this “something”. Also, as a reward, you will receive something that gives you the production of enhanced ammunition.
5. Outposts on new planets are also very interesting.

------ Arrange some kind of competition between players ------
1. Arrange a competition based on ratings, on the speed of production of something for 10,000 UPS. The player’s most successful period for the calendar week is selected, checked for cheating and the presence of addons that break the balance.
And added to the rating. Prizes include achievements and rare resources for the production of enhanced ammunition.
2. Allow multiple players to invade your base. It is important to understand where exactly the battle will take place, either on the player’s computer or on the Factorio server. The second option is better, of course, but more expensive.
For example, for such a regime, the owner of the plant is obliged to put up a flag and a landing site. And then it’s simple - within the allotted time (for example, an hour), the attacking players must destroy the flag and protect the owner of the plant.
Ban the use of nuclear missiles for this mode and I think it would be very interesting to see how players would make their way through the line of defense of the plant owner.
3. Participate in an invasion of another factory.

------ Arrange a joint achievement of something ------
1. Joint defense of the plant.
2. A joint outing somewhere.

----------- Thank you for your attention -----------
I can make a github account and correctly place all the blueprint there. So that you can make a fork or pull request.
The plant is also designed in such a way that the names of the stations are locale-specific.
Accordingly, if someone wants to localize this giga-factory, then it won’t be lost anywhere through github.

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:42 am

Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Anlide »

Is anyone post something? :roll:

Smart Inserter
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Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by mmmPI »

Anlide wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:51 pm
Is anyone post something? :roll:
your post too long, need a week to read, it's too early for feedback :D and i fear for you that most people won't manage to read everything, and thus commenting is difficult, except to say waow that's big :)

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:42 am

Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Anlide »

Thank you

So much work has been done, I wonder who is interested
Thanks for the feedback, I'll be patient and wait a week :geek:

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Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Abarel »

Anlide wrote:
Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:51 pm
Is anyone post something? :roll:
First of all: An impressive publication for the attention to detail being so extensive.

Regarding the designs, I would like to say that in general I like it, although I like some things more, and others things less.

Among the things I like the most, that you can see the terrain, with trees here, lakes there, some cliffs... and that you haven't filled everything with concrete. I also like the round corners on the defensive perimeter.

Among the ones I like least, I miss some sidewalks or roads, to walk between the trains without being hit, especially in the "core wharehouse" areas.

Regarding the questions you ask about the low amount of UPS and FPS:
There is no more FPS than UPS even if your computer could create more, because the exact same thing would be drawn over and over again until the calculations for the next simulation cycle are completed.
The low amount of UPS, on the other hand, is something about which you can study some measures to optimize your experience. You have built something big, very big. With a large number of buildings, inserters, boxes, bots, etc. each simulation cycle must handle a lot of data, and the limiting factor may not be just the ability to do more calculations or do them faster (CPU power), but rather the amount of data you can move in a certain time (RAM bandwidth; amount and specially speed).

There are many threads on this forum with discussions about what others have tried with more or less success.
At first glance, I think that, since you use inserters to manipulate everything, you could use a lot less roboports and bots (and second to that you will consume much less power, so your power plant could be smaller). I also get the impression that there are too many splitters.
If you manage to do the same with less entities (an entity is anything you can build), you will need to move less data every cycle.

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Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Tertius »

It's all a very nice big base, and it's especially nice you documented it here with all the screenshots.

However, I'm not sure what to do with all screenshots that come with your blueprint links. Many blueprint screenshots seem the same. It also doesn't help that your screenshots are not labeled in English, so any text is incomprehensible for most of us. Whenever I intend to publish some of my base, some of my blueprints, or some of my screenshots, I make sure I switch Factorio to English before taking the screenshots, and I create all blueprint names and descriptions in English in the first place, although my native language is German and my usual Factorio UI language is set to German as well. I create only temporary and WIP stuff in my local language; finalized stuff is always English. It's because this enables me to share it, in case I want that.

If it comes to your blueprints, don't worry about missing feedback. I also published good stuff (I assume) as blueprint, but nobody actually used my blueprints (I found out about that, because some blueprints were broken at post time, so they were not even possible to import to Factorio, but the first complaint about that was half a year after the post).

Instead, I guess people are visual and look at the screenshots and take inspiration from them for their own ideas instead of just copying blueprints. At least this is how I use the posts in this forum section. And this is a good thing, in my opinion, because it shows people play the game on their own and don't just copy the game from someone else. Although I would be kind of proud if someone used my blueprints, it's even better if everyone creates and plays his own blueprints.

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Giga-factory v1.0 (screenshots 1.2 Gb ! )

Post by Anlide »

Thank you for your responses.

On such a large factory, it's pointless to move around on foot, except within the area where new workshops are being created. Even there, it makes sense to move around using a spidertron.
I'm currently running an experiment—I've paused research and almost doubled the factory area so that the pollution doesn't reach the bugs. My UPS has increased to 16. From the load, I can see that the warehouses are getting filled, and a lot of resources are being used for artillery and maintaining the nuclear power stations. We'll see how this works when everything reaches balance. What will the UPS be like when such a large factory is idle? 175,000 drone stations, is that really such a problem?
Your note about screenshots in English is very sensible. Thank you. But I don't want to redo them for now.

Thanks for the kind words.

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