City-building modpack

Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
- Defense: killing biters as an art
- Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World)
- Main Bus Concepts
- Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together
- Megabases
Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course.
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Clever and beautiful constructions, bigger than two chunks
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City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »


1) Pictures
2) how/ why
3) Mod list

Fuel.png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 9708 times
Crude oil is located only on water, in this island world generated with the island world mod and alien biome. Natural gas from BZ mods is not present on the starting area, both are brought via tankers from cargoship mods. They unload in Krastorio2's large storage tank. The Crude oil so far is turned into petroleum gas in a factorissimo2 building and made available in a fluid depot from the transportation drone mod, such drone being able to drive on asphalt from asphalt mod, thanks to the additionnal mod "transport drone on asphalt"

nightfoundries.png (1.28 MiB) Viewed 9708 times
Once the transport drone have fuel they can carry the minerals stockpiled in depot to different part of the town, each factory building host for now basic smelting process, to be improved with later technologies. Ideally 1 product per factory but there are quite the number of byproduct.
doublebridge.png (1.43 MiB) Viewed 9708 times
Later process takes part on another island, as the starting one is quite small. Using double elevated bridge from cargoship mod complemented by the beautiful railway bridge, to cross the channel, one train from previous island bring petroleum gas for the transport drones in the second island. ( the little mess of orange pixel is my character on the Jetpack (mod).
outpost.png (1.75 MiB) Viewed 9708 times
An example of outpost for Krastorio's mineral water, decorated like the rest with a heavy dose of Dectorio mod, allowing placing the Parm trees from Alien biome because i think they are beautiful, also fencing the Helipad from HelicopterRevival, as it's the most convienient way to move around things to remote island, boats being slower albeit able to carry more things, the jetpack is the opposite, faster, no additionnal inventory.

It started when i wanted to add more complexity after finishing a Krastorio game, and my previous game was an island map with cargoships, so i thought why not make a Krastorio island map with cargoship, I had already played with all the mods except for the BZ's mods which adds a lot of things but for now seem very welll integrated with Krastorio. I went on a test game to see if there was some compatibility issues when adding known mods together for the first time, i realized it would probably be very very tedious because some ressources are not in the starting area, which means one require boats, or using the zipline from Renai's transportation and floating power pole, which requires tech which require the ressources that are on other island that starting area. I dont think this is winnable without cheating.

Here is how my compromise work :

Expensive receipe x5
Expensive research X5

Each science is slowly researched while science pack up to the equivalent of the "blue science" are generated from infinity chest. This allow me to progessively unlock things, not get overwhelmed, not jumping straight to late game overpowered item and production option, once a research is finished i start its automation and slow down research when i have too much backlog.

Every material used for roads power factory building cargo train rails belts and so on, all those i'm just spawning from an infinity chest i''m carrying with me when i need and placing them either manually to test details or with personnal robots that i gave myself as with an MK2 armor filled with mid-game gears. ( given that Krastorio adds MK3 and M4)

Only beelining technologies that are necessary to unlock what i'm using, only using building/solutions/receipe that doesn't require more than "blue science" tier.

Goal is to stop needing infinity chest before i move on to next tiers of science past blue while focusing on making the map look like interconnected cities on islands more than a factory as much as possible. This means both science production, and creation of a mall, which to me is way more complex/interesting than science given the modpack. Blue science i feel is the required threshold to skip the early phase given the particular circumstances.

3) Mod list :
Production chain complexification :




Qol :

"VisionRadar", ( set to have a 24 chunk perma vision without scan to reduce number of radar)

Transportation :


"Logistic Carts"

Decoration :

"alien-biomes", ( with tile that are not of "natural" color removed like pink or purple grass)

Others :

"islands_world", ( with several attempt at settings so that the 17 different natural ressources existing with the mod pack and the various island are distributed to my liking)

If you think a mod would be a nice addition to the list, please suggest it to me !
Last edited by mmmPI on Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by FuryoftheStars »

I like what you did with the base. Looks very nice!
My Mods: Classic Factorio Basic Oil Processing | Sulfur Production from Oils | Wood to Oil Processing | Infinite Resources - Normal Yield | Tree Saplings (Redux) | Alien Biomes Tweaked | Restrictions on Artificial Tiles | New Gear Girl & HR Graphics

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

Thank you, here is an update with the part of the city that produces up to the blue science.

I'm low on stone to make zircon sand silica and silicon and glass... that's the next step, complementing the starting ressources with outpost because now they are being consumed :)
bluescience.png (1.77 MiB) Viewed 9642 times

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by BiterUnion »

This looks awesome, great work!

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

Thank you, i try to tidy the look only outside of the factorissmo building, inside the actual production lane are meant to evolve as the tech unlocks so it's made to be purely functionnal.

From previous game i know that later tech in the mod pack from either Krastorio or Greentech allow for sustainable production of ressources from energy and space , and using the recursion feature of factorissimo, i will be able to nest inside of buildings the raw material production required for them to continue functioning when the nearby ressources deplete. That's my plan to keep the existing infrastucture while the city grows to have at the end a city that doesn't require human intervention to research infinite science :) I may add some mods later in case there is something i overlook in that regard.

I couldn't find any stone patch in a reasonable distance while exploring from the helicopter so i decided to go for a Zircon patch on an already connected by boat island.
Zircon from BZ mod can be sorted to get 1 stone and 50% zircon from 2 zircon.

I updated the existing gas field and planned a city to process all the ressources on the island that i named Zirconia with a tag on the map so that the helicopter can go there on autopilot.

gasfiel.png (932.25 KiB) Viewed 9596 times
The whole island is powered by gas power station from Krastorio but not using the precious non-renewable natural gas, instead in the city, wood is produced to be transformed into biomass and then petroleum gas to make it renewable, using the receipe from Greentech mod, sulfuric acid is also made in order to mine the uranium to send to the main island once i find a way around the harmful radiation it emits due to using Krastorio mod :) I will use this as an excuse to return to the main island and automate the military science card to make some shield even though there is no biters on this peaceful planet.

ZircH.jpg (387.77 KiB) Viewed 9596 times
The petroleum gas and sulfuric acid made on Zirconia being renewable (but slow) i'm loading those onto ships to supply laterr island with fuel for their transportation drone, and/or sulfuric acid for other uranium patch or for the other receipe that require sulfuric acid that i can see using the mod FNEI ( battery, fertilizer, processing unit and many others).

Some mineral water is brought in via tanker, as it's required to mine the wolframite patch located on the island but it's not connected yet with train. And there are also more docking slot for a cargo ship exporting stone zircon and uranium and wolframite for a total of 8 docking bay.

harbour.png (1.32 MiB) Viewed 9596 times

I would try more realistic signs on the asphalt if it didn't messed up the transport drone pathfinding, it's fun though to try and find something that looks fine and functionnal. They don't have collision box so their mediocre driving skill is not hurting them, just me, when i see them driving on the sidewalk. Maybe on another island i will make different road network one for transport drone, and one for player's car because those do not require the same signage as an test.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

South Norland.png
South Norland.png (1.11 MiB) Viewed 9529 times
Found another island all the way north with iron ore that i was looking for to make military science so i can make shield to connect uranium patches. Decided to make the military science there and shipping the extra iron since military science won't be researched much later in the game.

I added the mod Logisitics Carts, and started using it to carry the intermediates product required for military science. I also added the mod Kontraption, and i'm planning to use the long range delivery drone to carry the military science card to the starting island to have planes on the map too.

I realized i had all ressources available on the island to make spark plugs from BZ mods required for engines so i started a little factory thnking to deliver them if/where needed in other island later.

Plans is now to connect a neighbouring island with smaller boats to bring in tin and lead, the last ressources required for green circuit and some aluminium alloy from the main base to start the productions of logisitic carts, transport drones and long range delivery drones in Norland to be able to supply those to any other island later.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

North Norland.png
North Norland.png (2.06 MiB) Viewed 9456 times
The military science is still not being produced in Norland, it would require either shipping in electronic component from the starting island, or shipping out the military data card required to make the military science card in the main still unsure, maybe making an island only for electronic component and later more circuitry related thing is better to spare some of the available space on the military island.

Instead i automated the production and delivery of logicart, transport drone and long range delivery drones and pipes, those are placed in "long range delivery depot chest" allowing me to request them from anywhere on the map using a "long range delivery request chest" consuming 1 long range delivery drone ( the red plane ) per stack of item requested ( that's part of the mod Kontraption).

entnor.png (1.06 MiB) Viewed 9456 times
Future plans are an airport for logicart signeage delivery , a shipyard, and maybe automobile/truck/tank factory on the same island, also a place to automate the building of factorissimo's factory, and setting up their delivery via planes. Parts of a distributed-over-many-island mall while the research of tech requiring basic data card is almost done, which will mark the moment where i hurry up finishing the military science while researching some technologies requiring only red + green + blue card.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

Bioplastic.png (1.14 MiB) Viewed 9374 times
As time goes, the number of tech requiring only the science data card automated that are available to research diminishes, in order to properly make use of my time, (to avoid getting in a situation where i cannot research any science :lol: ) , I made a step further toward the military science, or in fact, toward the electric component that they required, which are made partially out of plastic which here at the bioplastic coorporation is made out of wood.

In a wood producing unit; the four greenhouses from Krastorio are used to produce wood without additionnal input than water, this makes the setup autostart, the other 10 greenhouses are from Greentech mod, 2 of them makes seeds out of the wood from previous greenhouses, 8 of them produces from those seeds wood, stored in a transport drone depot for the factory accross the street.

The process for the fabrication of plastic are some sort of industrial secret, but i can tell you that it's first made into sawdust, then some of it into ashes , sulfuric acid, biomass, petroleum gas, some of it is made into cellulose, and then those are combined to finally make the plastic. Some people claims it's just the same process developped in Zirconia to produce petroleum gas with just the addition of cellulose, and plastic at the end but i ignore them and pretend it's not the case. :roll:

LEA.png (1.21 MiB) Viewed 9374 times
As planned an airport designed to export all the road signeage was added to Norland. Each of the 4 Long range delivery drone depot is fed up from the warehouse with signeage and long range delivery drone. They have each 2 slots "reserved" for a signeage, (and 4 drones) as the delivery is done 1 stack at a time, the constant combinator associated to a depot is set up with a negative number corresponding to 1 stack for each piece of signeage, this is sumed with the content of the depot, and then multiplied by *-1, to give a positive number corresponding to the quantity missing to match the request in the constant. This is used to set filter to the stack filter inserter. Each drone is set to be requested once as their stack size is 1, 4 slot are reserved for 3 inserters.

The quantity in the warehouse is send as signal to the factory accross the street that produces the signeage based on which particular piece is missing, Krastorio allows from (very) long undergound (green) belt. I keep the higer tier for the high tech area, but i couldn't resist the green ones earlier one so i'm cheating those, "artistic license" they call it.

If you are into this maybe you can recognize a fountain ; hint : it's next to the truck !

Plan is still to get uranium for which i need shield to avoid radiation for which i need military science for which i obviously needed a frightening truck ,

They come in 2 version, one off road like the car , and one that uses rail tracks with custom tracks making it as a loco + fluidwagon, the military insisted the truck was absolutly necessary and the custom rails are aestheticly interesting ; both being tested actively !

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by FuryoftheStars »

mmmPI wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:54 am
Plan is still to get uranium for which i need shield to avoid radiation for which i need military science for which i obviously needed a frightening truck ,

They come in 2 version, one off road like the car , and one that uses rail tracks with custom tracks making it as a loco + fluidwagon, the military insisted the truck was absolutly necessary and the custom rails are aestheticly interesting ; both being tested actively !
Ah, and there looking at that last image, I was wondering if you had something like AAI without it being the AAI mods. :P
My Mods: Classic Factorio Basic Oil Processing | Sulfur Production from Oils | Wood to Oil Processing | Infinite Resources - Normal Yield | Tree Saplings (Redux) | Alien Biomes Tweaked | Restrictions on Artificial Tiles | New Gear Girl & HR Graphics

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

FuryoftheStars wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:00 pm

Ah, and there looking at that last image, I was wondering if you had something like AAI without it being the AAI mods. :P
AAI is complicated , progress is even slower :D

Transport drone are easier to use, they function a little more like the vanilla logistic robot with depot chest and request chest. Each requester chest is given a quantity of transport drone by me when building it. Then i choose 1 item. And the request is automatically created, the transport drones inside the requester chest will use the Asphalt Paving Road (tm) to find the closest depot to fulfill the request. The quantity of the request is based on the number of drone & drone stack size which is a research that is infinite, same as the speed of the drone.

The Kingjo's truck will function like a train but on custom rails that have from i have tested so far, a smaller visual footprint = they look like lane of paint when built over an asphalt road, so it's easier to use than AAI too and potentially can be added alongside other vehicule. That is for the automated version, the mod add another version of the truck that is to be used like a car, not sure how dangerous the automated one is for the player, but when driving the rail/road version i already destroyed many trees. I added to help me drive on the lane.

It adds a functionnality for vehicule to recognize asphalt road lanes when the player is driving them but with default settings the truck is too massive for the tight turn of the existing road infrastructure and trees are protecting the factory. The cruise control functionnality that goes with Pavement drive Assist function can be adapted from "map" settings i reduced it quite a lot and noticed it applied on the helicopter too, which was comically slow. Both speed control and driving assist have a hotkey to activate deactivate which is nice :) i'm deactivating it when flying.

The same is also true for one of the small boat added in cargo_ships, placeable on the "water way" that are like rails for automated ship transport placeable only on water and shallow water, or you can place the boat outside the network or water way and sail wherever you want.

The logistic cart mod adds automated vehicule that reads signeage on the ground as automation process, so you have to prepare them a little path. So far i've made just a loop with some conditional branching to unload based on their content, each logicart is filtered to either grab 1000 wall or 500 grenade and they alternate, that's the ratio for military data card. They load when on a special signeage that trigger a transfer process with adjacent chest, same for unload in a different place for different content due to content detection and signeage for branching, transfer chest of factorissimo building are used for this process as if logicart were delivering directly in a warehouse :)

I couldn't make the eletric ones function, i cheated those for testing ; i suspect a mod interaction but i need to try a bit more when i have the research unlocked. I'm using the fueled one for now. Those are simpler to get started with than AAI imo. I haven't tested all functionnality yet, i had not unlocked the auto-deploy chest at the time nor did i had a place where all signeage were automated.

I'm keeping the truck for a volcanic island :)

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Yeah, I recognized the transport drones in other pics. I’ve used them before, too, it’s just they’re so small and don’t really respect the rule of the road (immersion). :P

That’s interesting that truck mod has a rails version, although I’d imagine that, too, wouldn’t respect other things on the road. :lol:

And yeah, I don’t play anymore without Pavement Drive Assist. :D

First I’m hearing about logistic carts, though. Will need to check that out. :)
My Mods: Classic Factorio Basic Oil Processing | Sulfur Production from Oils | Wood to Oil Processing | Infinite Resources - Normal Yield | Tree Saplings (Redux) | Alien Biomes Tweaked | Restrictions on Artificial Tiles | New Gear Girl & HR Graphics

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

The logicart have a hitbox, they are very tiny and do not risk killing the player when collision occur, but i guess that mean the truck would kill them, the transport drones though i think the truck will just run though them as they do with the player or with the speed limit sign i put on the sidewalk :)

I can try different systems in differents islands to see what's creating a functionnal mix , so far i've spent a lot of time in 3 island but there's plenty more, maybe even one without roads but canals instead :)
map.png (139.38 KiB) Viewed 9327 times

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

Shipyard3.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 9217 times
Finally the military science is up and running ! And the Shipyard too, and also some buildings are automated and ready to be delivered by plane anywhere on the map. The tanker itself require 5 different intermediate including the 6061 aluminium allow which also require 5 intermediate , silicon , iron plate , copper plate, aluminium plate, rare metal, engine being 4 intermediate including spark plug, 4 intermediate too.

The shipyard is used to load long range deliery drone to deliver them on other islands, while military science card are sent to the main base directly using those drone plane.
Silicon.png (1.04 MiB) Viewed 9217 times
Electronic component for the military science card require silicon, and i had this little peninsula on the island with sand, which is the first step on the production chain after stone. I made a silicon peninsula :roll:

Soon after getting access to the military science i researched shield to sustain radiation while connecting uranium patchs. The existing island already having their independant power generation, it seems natrual to search for another island to process this uranium and build a nuclear power plant. Having found ore patchs of all ressources except for the appropriatly called "rare metals" some helicopter research was necessary to find if possible both at the same time.

Vision Radar from the mod are set up to give 24 chunk of vision in my game, instead of 3 in vanilla and 5 for the scanning range. This represent 4 of them, with the starting one in the south west, Norland , to the north , one radar and its solar pannel/accumulator was placed on a landfilled island in the middle of the ocean north east reavealing some large island but with few ressources. Maybe good areas to place tree-farms as the ground is grass and those look nice.

But the most important update is the radar on the East !
ELI island.png
ELI island.png (609.97 KiB) Viewed 9217 times

It' located in the East, and it contain "rare metals" which are necessary for processing units, and therefore modules. Modules being themselves necessary for the "production science card" i decided to call the island Eastern Logistic Island. Because of the production science card that are produced there, the purple one, oh wait it's the green one that are called "logistic science card". It's too late, and it's not worse than "starting island anyway.

For scale, between northen island and eastern island, the game tells me the plane flying in straight line are 3000m away when they start their delivery.

ELI airport.png
ELI airport.png (1.54 MiB) Viewed 9217 times
I have placed prod module 3 in my mining drill so that they are slower so the ressource patch last longer to give me more time before i have to find new ressources, but then i had a free slot for module, so i put a Speed 3 module and it made them not slow anymore partially ruinning the effect but i don't care i have nuclear.

I tried to make the island volcanic to make it look more dramatic , with the /editor and placing craters lava tile rocks and decoratives but i wasn't satisfied with the result, it needed way more polish to look remotely like a naturally generated volcanic island, and the island was so big it would take forever so i decided to cancel the operation and maybe try again later on a smaller island.

I kept the truck though, it is waiting at its base for a request, the rails are the yellow line in the middle of the road and the train stop are in the middle of the road. The war rig having a capacity of 200 stack i only use 1 truck on the whole island and it carry every input to every factory/area on the island with some wiring and latches to manage the request and priority for delivery.

Still testing the system for now, the truck uses fuel barrel as fuel and output empty barrel when they are used, which is tricky to handle when i want the truck to carry dozen of different material, also barrel can only be made out of light oil.

Plans are to automate "purple science" on this island and send it to the main base, also modules there, and prepare the delivery of nuclear fuel for other islands so that they don't have to worry about energy.

First research of purple science will be coal / coke liquefation, and the equivalent tech of greentech mod in order to make better use of the coke that's being burned or even crushed sometimes when bakelite for green circuit demand is spiking, as for producing bakelite i'm using the phenol receipe that also produces coke as by product and not the receipe from lightoil. Which i will use when i have the coke liquefaction available.

Amongst the next things to automate are cars, trucks, helicopter , tanks and even aircraft in Norland maybe trains too, maybe an island only for train-related thing. Also the transport drone buildings in Norland, in ELI the nuclear-related building like reactor heat exchanger turbine probably using some material from the starting island which seem to be willling to become a smelting/foundry island, probably attached with the island just under it as there is a train lane already connecting them. I may automate concrete in Norland and asphalt in ELI.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by spiral_power »

mmmPI wrote:
Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:25 pm
From previous game i know that later tech in the mod pack from either Krastorio or Greentech allow for sustainable production of ressources from energy and space , and using the recursion feature of factorissimo, i will be able to nest inside of buildings the raw material production required for them to continue functioning when the nearby ressources deplete. That's my plan to keep the existing infrastucture while the city grows to have at the end a city that doesn't require human intervention to research infinite science I may add some mods later in case there is something i overlook in that regard.
Very interesting images and descriptions. I sense new possibilities for factorio.
Can't most types of assembly machines be installed outside of factorissimo? If so, that would be my ideal game. But surely green houses should be placed outside.
I hope that when we are in infinite research mode, eventually maintenance of the resource patch will be as unnecessary as possible. In my experience, even with increased mining efficiency, vanilla depletes somewhat quickly and is a pain to maintain, Bob becomes almost unnecessary, and SE requires some maintenance.
I hope the patch is only needed until the research is done all the way through, and eventually some super-technology will allow infinite generation of all resources. k2's resources are finite, but it's a bit K2-ish.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

spiral_power wrote:
Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:01 pm
Very interesting images and descriptions. I sense new possibilities for factorio.
Can't most types of assembly machines be installed outside of factorissimo? If so, that would be my ideal game. But surely green houses should be placed outside.
I hope that when we are in infinite research mode, eventually maintenance of the resource patch will be as unnecessary as possible. In my experience, even with increased mining efficiency, vanilla depletes somewhat quickly and is a pain to maintain, Bob becomes almost unnecessary, and SE requires some maintenance.
I hope the patch is only needed until the research is done all the way through, and eventually some super-technology will allow infinite generation of all resources. k2's resources are finite, but it's a bit K2-ish.
Thank you ! I saw you made a giant interplanetary base and posted pictures, it is inspiring :)

It is possible to place the assembly machines everywhere, most machines i choose to place them only inside factorissimo building because it takes more time to make assembly lane look nice , and i upgrade them sometimes, to x2 or X3 the production inside, or sometimes a new technology allow better receipe, this way i just need to change inside the building quickly and not redo all the decoration, adding input or output belt on a building is quite easy with the very long underground belt from Krastorio.
inside.png (1.58 MiB) Viewed 9062 times
Trying to center everything or have symetry would take a lot more time and would be hidden most of the time so i don't. On the left the building output some combinators on output chest with filter inserter to split the chest for 2 items. On the right the other building takes crude oil and empty barrel, and ouput light oil, fuel barrel and lubricant, the excess petroleum gas is burned, this will change when i can use renewable source of input, and change again when technology unlock receipe that doesn't produce petroleum gas as byproduct. Most building though are simpler than those, with only 1 or 2 machines.

For sustainable ressources there are some technologies that are unlocked early game, and some only very late. For stone, wood, coal , plastic, sulfuric acid, solid fuel, i'm using receipes from
sustainable2.png (198.89 KiB) Viewed 9062 times
Stone is important with Krastorio2, it is made into sand, then silica, silicon, and silicon wafer. One can also sort stone for Zircon required with GreenTec allow some ressources to be maintenance-free quite early in game because it adds alternate receipe while BZ and Krastorio change the base game receipe to more complex, sometimes more steps which makes productivity module very strong and ressource consumption lower.

This is one example for plastic :

plastic.png (110.02 KiB) Viewed 9062 times
This is the simplest receipe for wood, one can add regular fertilizer, or organic fertilizer for faster production later in game.

Krastorio2 offers "wood" => "matter" conversion receipe but only very late in the game, and also "matter"=>"copper ore" but not only "copper ore", Krastorio and BZ mod are integrated so there is also matter conversion receipe for the new ressources from BZ mod, like tungsten, titanium.

For now all the greenhouses are located outside factorissimo building, but late-game, it is possible to nest greenhouse to produce wood inside a building then wood=> matter => iron inside a parent building, and place the 2 building inside the exisiting iron furnace -building. This is mean in late game it is possible to use 0 ore from the map, 100% maintenance free; it usually require LOT of energy and space but space is not a concern thanks to factorissimo recursion feature, one can do it all inside buildings. Although indoor greenhouses are not the best because tree need light :)

I'm not sure i'm going to spent the necessary time to do "wood"=>"matter"=>"everything", but i know it's possible, I can also use a dedicated island to produce one specific ore if one is too rare or deplete too fast, those are things i know can solve resource shortage if they occur so i know i won't need to resize every train train station or harbour or airport or roads or drone network x) if ressource get too far away, i can sove the problem "forever".

( I know there is deep core mining in SE, but it feel very slow ,and SE feel like you need much much ressources, so it doesn't seem possible to only use renewable ressources on SE, or at least it sound much more difficult to achieve X SPM than with this game's modpack, this allow me to focus mostly on transportation and decoration :) ).

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by spiral_power »

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:36 pm
It is possible to place the assembly machines everywhere, most machines i choose to place them only inside factorissimo building because it takes more time to make assembly lane look nice , and i upgrade them sometimes, to x2 or X3 the production inside, or sometimes a new technology allow better receipe, this way i just need to change inside the building quickly and not redo all the decoration, adding input or output belt on a building is quite easy with the very long underground belt from Krastorio.
So you can put assembly machines outside, but it makes more sense to put them inside.
I think the land size constraints work well.

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:36 pm
For now all the greenhouses are located outside factorissimo building, but late-game, it is possible to nest greenhouse to produce wood inside a building then wood=> matter => iron inside a parent building, and place the 2 building inside the exisiting iron furnace -building. This is mean in late game it is possible to use 0 ore from the map, 100% maintenance free; it usually require LOT of energy and space but space is not a concern thanks to factorissimo recursion feature, one can do it all inside buildings. Although indoor greenhouses are not the best because tree need light

I'm not sure i'm going to spent the necessary time to do "wood"=>"matter"=>"everything", but i know it's possible, I can also use a dedicated island to produce one specific ore if one is too rare or deplete too fast, those are things i know can solve resource shortage if they occur so i know i won't need to resize every train train station or harbour or airport or roads or drone network x) if ressource get too far away, i can sove the problem "forever".
Yes, it is K2's mater.
I played K2 2 years ago, and I remember that the tree production speed was very slow because the greenhouse could not use modules. So, at late-game, trees were generated from matter instead of greenhouse. This may have changed in the current version.
I hope you will not have such problems.

This may be a little off topic from here on out.
However, I am most interested in what will happen to late-game.

Another approach to resource infinity is to trim and regenerate chunks. That is a standard feature in SE whether Earendel intended it or not, or DeleteEmptyChunks can be used.
However, these are a bit tricky and time-consuming to maintain, so it is a last resort for me.

It is possible to generate patches using console commands or ensure that the patch itself not depleted ( I don't want to do it. ) , and the decision of how far to allow them to go without compromising gameplay is a tough one for me.

The most desirable solution is one in the mod set that does not require such anguish.
I want to deal with patch depletion until the game is cleared and finish all researches, but do not want to do so in the late-game after the game is cleared.

Since we went to the trouble of building our factories, we want to keep them running for a long time, don't we?

mmmPI wrote:
Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:36 pm
( I know there is deep core mining in SE, but it feel very slow ,and SE feel like you need much much ressources, so it doesn't seem possible to only use renewable ressources on SE, or at least it sound much more difficult to achieve X SPM than with this game's modpack, this allow me to focus mostly on transportation and decoration ).
In the 0.5 SE, infinite research will increase coremining efficiency enough for realistic operating hours.
My problem is with some ores where coreminer is not present. naq, methane ( may be 0.6 )
I don't know much about 0.6 yet, so I don't know if game balance has changed.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

spiral_power wrote:
Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:21 am
I played K2 2 years ago, and I remember that the tree production speed was very slow because the greenhouse could not use modules. So, at late-game, trees were generated from matter instead of greenhouse. This may have changed in the current version.
I hope you will not have such problems.
I don't know the previous version of Krastorio2, I only played with the mod this year, it seem that things have changed; I finished a game with only Krastorio2 i think this summer with this setup in late game :
late game Krastorio2
This current game i made it easier to produce wood using the settings from GreenTec mod, to make sure i don't have problem !
Krastorio2 GreenTec
I don't want to build too many greenhouses this game :)

spiral_power wrote:
Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:21 am
This may be a little off topic from here on out.
However, I am most interested in what will happen to late-game.

Another approach to resource infinity is to trim and regenerate chunks. That is a standard feature in SE whether Earendel intended it or not, or DeleteEmptyChunks can be used.
However, these are a bit tricky and time-consuming to maintain, so it is a last resort for me.
I read on your thread that you finished mining the right side and i couldn't understand , now it make sense, i sometimes use the /editor method to increase/regenerate ressources depending on the rules for the game.

This current island game, the factory only produced on average 40 SPM for the last 50 hours so ressources are not depleting fast and i probably don't need it. My best minings drils on the North far away from center are covering 5M ore each so they will last very long even for my slow building :)
It only consuming 1000 iron /copper / aluminum per minute, even less for the other ore, and coal and stone are already mostly sustainable. I hope natural ressource last long enough for me to replace them easily with wood=>matter=>ore later in game. I try to only build on new island with ressources to spread the drain of ressources on multiples patch early game, the later science card will be produced on their own island with their own ressources for this reason.
spiral_power wrote:
Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:21 am
The most desirable solution is one in the mod set that does not require such anguish.
I want to deal with patch depletion until the game is cleared and finish all researches, but do not want to do so in the late-game after the game is cleared.

Since we went to the trouble of building our factories, we want to keep them running for a long time, don't we?

In the 0.5 SE, infinite research will increase coremining efficiency enough for realistic operating hours.
My problem is with some ores where coreminer is not present. naq, methane ( may be 0.6 )
I don't know much about 0.6 yet, so I don't know if game balance has changed.
That is interesting i think because i didn't know SE 0.5 had infinite research for coremining efficiency. It replace mining productivity very well. I don't know about SE 0.6.

In my previous Krastorio game, i was producing lots and lots of wood to make matter, and then from matter created a few ores. And the research i did was "robot speed" because i had almost 0 mining drill but this current game i'm using very few robots, instead i plan to research the speed of transport drone those on the roads ( stack size is NOT infinite : ( i made a mistake ). The research will save me UPS hopefully and allow to carry a scalable quantity of wood and matter later on once stack sized is maxed out, and it serve the purpose of keeping the factory running.

The other alternative for end game raw ressources production that i have used is from Angels mod, it was used in seablock games, i really enjoy those and since my time playing with mineralized water i enjoy having such means of creating raw ressources from the game. The different process have changed overtime but it was mostly made out of water. You could pump slurry and then filter it many times to get small quantity of ores. But then it's difficult to find an infinite research with a real benefit to keep the factory running, robot speed is not that good if you don't use robots to carry ore, and robots are not the best to carry ore ( for me ).

I think with the different receipes for fast wood and the transport drone infinite speed research it offers possibilities for sustainable production in late-game. I will increase SPM above 40 later, when all the science card that are necessary for infinite research are automated. Transport drone speed only requires 3 different cards it seems but mining productivity 6 so maybe i will do another research that uses all 6 science card at some point. I'm not quite sure for the choice of the research but i trust trees to provide for matter and ore :)

Maybe i will add, that's always a possibility, if i found no interesting research choice or to give myself reasons to add new islands late game :) I see in the changelog that BZ mods are supported, which is nice !

Another alternative i've seen but not yet used is this one Which could also be a reason i give myself to build other island late game if i add the mod :)

(ps: usually i would not advise to add / change mod in the course of a game, i'm used to do many save and be careful :) )

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by spiral_power »

I see, it seems that the speed of wood production is not a problem with the recent K2.

Yes, what to research in infinite research is also an important factor. I have chosen inserter capacity for my Bob, and it is a very good choice. As with your drone speed, UPS can be improved.
However, I will eventually switch to mining efficiency research because the SP required for research other than mining efficiency usually multiplies by a factor of two, so it now takes years to do one research.
mmmPI wrote:
Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:47 pm
Maybe i will add, that's always a possibility, if i found no interesting research choice or to give myself reasons to add new islands late game I see in the changelog that BZ mods are supported, which is nice !

Another alternative i've seen but not yet used is this one Which could also be a reason i give myself to build other island late game if i add the mod
These looks interesting.

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by mmmPI »

Here is an update :

ELI production science block :
ELI science.jpg
ELI science.jpg (391.36 KiB) Viewed 8765 times
The upper part shows part of the latch system used to request truck delivery of material , copper plate, but also uranium 238 ( a requirement for production science card receipe with Krastorio2) , aluminum plate and iron ore quantities are monitored in warehouses and when the level drops under a threshold, 1 of the item is sent as signal in the red wire. This trigger some other train stop all named the same to compete for opening with priority. So when copper plate level drops low in the block, the copper providing station is enable, and the truck goes there, pick up copper plate, and then goes to the science block to unload, and then goes back to idle in its base waiting for a new request, if uranium and copper are low, it will fist do the 2 steps for uranium, load-unload, then go to base, then do the 2 step load-unload for copper plate. Because uranium has priority over copper plate set up at the truck's waiting area.

With this modpack, iron ore is a byproduct of uranium processing, ( from Krastorio2 ) , in order to consume in priority this iron ore over the one from mining drill, this particular byproduct iron ore is brought not using the big truck but instead small transport drone, and a splitter priority is used to consume first the iron ore that risk jamming the uranium processing over the newly mined iron ore. Given that science is a ressource sink, extra processed uranium can be produced at ELI and the byproducts won't be a problem.

The top left building is decorative, and the middle one at the bottom is where the science is produced, that's the icon for the "production science card" at the bottom right is a little parking so road-based transport drone can bring plane drones from the harbour to the mini airport used to fly the science card back to the main base the big truck and the small transport drone don't collide and can share the road/rail.

Norland smol nuke plant :
smol.png (691.1 KiB) Viewed 8765 times
The same system of transport drone using road to carry long-range-delivery-plane drone is used at the new Norland's nuclear plant. Those long range delivery drone are used to fly the used fuel cell back to ELI, and the new fuel cell are brought in by planes too. This makes it quite easy to centralize nuclear fuell cell production and fuel reprocessing over many island. The nuclear plant was necessary to increase power generation in Norland as it was relying on oil with limited throughput and non-infinite with my settings.

Norland Mall district :
mall.png (1.65 MiB) Viewed 8765 times
With all that new energy available in Norland i took a sidequest and decided to automate some of the entity i was using a lot or planned on using and related. It uses the same system of long range delivery drone as in the logicart export airport to make everything available map-wide. The inputs are brought in via transport drone for what is available in Norland, tungsten required for lamp is coming from the starting island via planes.
inside2.jpg (397.14 KiB) Viewed 8765 times
This one building uses 4 chest to ouput 9 different building, signals buoys for cargo ships, waterways ( ship-rails), lamps and glowing lamps ( for stronger color glow from Dectorio), floating power pole , "port" ( ship-station ) and ship- loading pump. A constant combinator is setup with value near to the maximum number, (2^32 - 10 ) , connected to the non-directionnal transfert chest and to filter inserter. This means that each chest inside and outside the factory building are trying to balance their content. So if inside an inserter load 100 signals, a few ticks later, when the update occurs, 50 signals will stay in the chest inside the factory, and 50 signals will be in the chest outside the factory.

Chest outside the factory are emptied to be loaded into the long range delivery depot. This thus deplete the quantity inside the factory.

When more than 10 item are in a chest inside a factory, its quantity sumed with the very large number in the constant combinator overflow, and create a negative number, which remove such item as filter for the inserters.

Such system is used twice in serial for the bottom 2 chest ( first a warehouse) because they can only be filled with 1 inserter, which would then need to pick up more than 2 different item from a single tile which is not so straightforward as belt only have 2 lanes.

I quite like the look of aligned small buildings, i think it ressemble urban sprawl, not that i like urban sprawl but if the aim is to make it look like a city then it's realistic.
The plan is still to automate concrete somewhere as it's required to automate nuclear reactor, and to make sidewalks.

block.jpg (468.9 KiB) Viewed 8765 times
Plan was to automate asphalt production and this represent 25 different tiles because each signeage like yellow straight lane, yellow diagonal lane , white straigtht lane .... is a unique tile made out of regular asphalt tile. This meant many different almost identical production chain, and was a perfect excuse to try and design a generic city block that can be copy pasted to experiment a bit more on the urban sprawl look.

Each house has a garage where transport drone unload asphalt, it is processed into one of the particular tile and output into a long range delivery depot. Flying drones are themselves supplied using underground belt to minimize visual impact, which i imagine like the sewage system of a real city :).

90% of the time was spent doing the gardens that's why i cannot show the rest of the new island, it's not finished :)

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Re: City-building modpack

Post by Di3zel »

Are you able to share some of your city blueprints or factorismo building prints?

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