Among other things focusing on smelting - using a fully beaconed smelting line to produce a full blue line.
After some trial and error I've found this layout:
- UPS optimized: AFAIK the less smelters/inserters I have, the better
- power/pollution is not an issue, end game phase
- must be tilable, 100% vanilla, belts only
- the last smelter on the righ is to fill the remaining gaps, so I've added buffering. Less could do as well
- interesting that doing a mixed SM3+PM3 smelter mods would be "safer" than a 2xPM3 setup (needs more ore but 8.91 vs 8.96 smelters)
- layout could be compressed 1 title in height, but would need more belts & I like the lights this way
- a bit offended that it ends up at 9 smelters, why not 8???

A SM3 only setup needs exactly 9 smelters -> and a full belt of ore of course.
Comments welcome before I refactor my bases!