Here is my unloading setup: Some features:
- 20 chest storage size for a reasonable supply buffer between trains.
- 5 to 3 bluebelt balancer for maximum comperssion and output sharing.
- Stabling for 3 extra trains for low demand times.
- Enter and exit to and from either mainline direction.
- Full chest detection and balancing.
Here is a closeup of the unloader:
In the lower part of the unloader you can see some logic units that detect when either the left or right banks are full. A green lamp will light.
There are a pair of belts between the wagons that will shuffle material between wagons in case there is a full bank imbalance. If one bank is full and the other is not (Only one green lamp is lit) material will be moved to the non full bank until such a time that both banks are full or both wagons are empty.
I made the balancer because I noticed my trains would be sitting at an unloading station waiting to feed material in to a full bank while the other bank had plenty of room.
This is the setup that I used to launch over 100 rockets with.