An efficient setup for the kovarex process

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An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

This setup sends the uranium in cyvles processing more uranium 235
A filter inserter picks the mixture 1 u-235 and 19 u-238 from the belt.
The filter inserters are controlled with the combinators.
If you send iron plates it will produce uranium fuel cells.


This works a very long time. Sometime the balance is disturbed.
So I use a belt stop detector, which sends a warning.

Last edited by biggerw on Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: a efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by MassiveDynamic »

Your English is not terrible, but your ratios are way off. You need 40 u235 and 5 u238 for Kovarex processing.

Edit: I think your ratio is referring to Uranium Fuel cell production. (1 u235: 19 u238)
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Re: a efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

Oh, you are right.
The Koverev is selforganising, because the chest in the cycle process contain u-235 and u-238.
The machines take what they need. So no active control is nessesary. I like selforganising.
Parallel to the process I take out the mixture for the fuel production. This needs the 1:19 ratio.

As the result I created a continous flow process
you put in uranium ore ->
run permanent the enrichment process ->
take out what you need for fuel ->
sent iron plates an get fuel at any time
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

This an optimized version. It uses a cargo waggon.
So there is no need to create a cyclic process.


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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by disentius »

Nice build!
Personally I have some additional requirements:
- Modular
- Extendable
- No circuits if not necessary
This one works with overflow and backpressure(full belts). Can be used with each belt type, autostarts, and you can set your production priority by changing the order of the production buildings at the bottom.
Uranium proccesing extedable to top and right, Kovarex to the right.
Room for beacons included.
No circuits:)

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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

- Modular -> I agree
- Extendable -> I agree
- No circuits if not necessary -> no, because it is impossible to implement pull without.

The reason is that nearly all setups produce overproducion.
It is waste of material, energy, space and so on.
And it generates more environmental pollution than is necessary.

I can easy modify my setup for your requirements. The basic trick is the use af a cargo wagon.
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by NotRexButCaesar »

biggerw wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:56 pm - No circuits if not necessary -> no, because it is impossible to implement pull without.
what do you mean by "pull without"
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

Ah sorry, that´s an incomplete sentence.

All the factories I have seen organise the supply of everything with a traditional push strategy.
They produce an much as possible and push it to the cunsumtion sinks. The main bus concept is
a is a prime example of this. Also all this discussions about compacting belts.
There is a big disadvantage of push systems: overproduction.

The opposit strategy is pull. You only produce when a customer (machine) requires it.
This meeds some oranisation. You must have local buffers to bridge the time until supplies arrive.
The advantage is that there is few overproduction an you need in prociple only one sorting conveyor.
So you also have to take care that the transport needs fit to the conveor capacity.

Normally you run a mixed strategy of push and pull, central and decentral production,
lokal buffers an central warehouses. It the job of the logisican to design the right mixture.
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by disentius »

IF you follow a pull strategy, you are right; need circuits for that. This build is indeed push (backpressure) based.
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by biggerw »

Perhaps I should show my factory. There is pull everywhere.
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by HedgehogTheAlmighty »

biggerw wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:08 am Perhaps I should show my factory. There is pull everywhere.
Please do! I am 200+ hrs into the game and from the start I had this niggling feeling that all designs don't feel quite right to me due to overproduction, just throwing resources at the problem and hoping it'll be enough.
And here is your post, finally putting a name to this phenomenon! Now I want it in my factory.

By the way another problem with a push-only approach I found is uncontrolled belt buffer. Belts tend to get backed up and it creates an illusion of abundance, until it's consumed and suddenly an entire factory is out of balance.
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Re: An efficient setup for the kovarex process

Post by mrvn »

In the long run it doesn't matter. The amount on the belts is a fixed quantity and you produce and consume constantly. So percentage wise the overproduction to create back pressure goes towards 0.

If you still want to reduce it you can create back pressure with holes in the belt by connecting belt tiles with wires. Set the end to read content+hold and the start to enable: Everything = 0. The hole under the wire will get filled at least partially from time to time but then the belt stops till the hole is empty again. For long belt distances that can reduce the amount buffered quite a lot making feedback loops more reactive. No need for complicated combinator constructs.

Note: The start can also be an inserter that places things on the belt or even the inserter that fills the centrifuge.
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