My kovarex setup.

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Burner Inserter
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My kovarex setup.

Post by jeanmarc »

Kovarex machine that will start on its own and output only the created U235, provided you let in the ingredients on the appropriate belts. At each node, the quantity used for the last cycle will always be put back into the centrifuge.

Edit 2020-10-05:
- Limit to input of U235 now working; the node never takes more than 40 U235.
- The low-cost version now blocks the belt to the next node until the U235 counter reaches 40,allowing immediate placement of multiple nodes for initial processing without scattering the first pile of 40.
- The low-cost version now works with inserter stack sizes of 5.

Inserter capacity bonus research to level six is required for inserter stack size of 10.
The low-cost version works with Inserter capacity bonus research 3 for inserter stack size of 5.

This blueprint book contains four blueprints: The base node, the front of a line of three nodes with beacons and a power switch, a line of three nodes that can be tiled at the back end of a line and a low-cost version of the base node with yellow belts and no modules.

Blueprint book:
(7.82 KiB) Downloaded 122 times

Front of Kovarex line showing four nodes with beacons and a power switch:

- Red and blue belts are woven in for letting in U235 and U238.
- At each node, the input inserter for U235 will disable after counting to 40 items, allowing no further U235 into the node (some excess U235 can get in during construction if the inserter is up before combinators are, but it should not prevent the machine from working; the U235 will just remain in excess within the node).
- The blue inserter that takes U238 from the belt checks the content of a buffer to avoid overfeeding.
- The yellow inserter will take out the modulo 10 from the content of the output chest, preventing the breakup of the stacks of 10, which the green inserters will take to put back into the centrifuge.
- The white inserter checks the output belt and stop taking product from the centrifuge if it is not clear.

I tried to make this small, but I added counters for used U238 and outputted U235.
kovarex-jmc-20201005.png (3.16 MiB) Viewed 2767 times
Low cost version, with yellow belts and no modules for initial processing:
kovarex-lowcost-jmc-20201005.png (3.62 MiB) Viewed 2767 times
The extension line and both versions of the base node can be tiled inline.

I have been running a line for two hours, producing 23K U235 with no serious problem.

Know problem:
- Edit: Power pole connected to power switch too close to the line; machine will not turn off when buffer is full.
- Taking U235 manually from the node can leave it with not enough ingredients to keep working as the input counter for U235 will not reset itself.
Last edited by jeanmarc on Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:31 am, edited 9 times in total.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:13 pm

Re: My kovarex setup.

Post by jeanmarc »

Now I can keep producing MIRV!
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: My kovarex setup.

Post by jeanmarc »

Edited on 2020-10-05. See changes at the beginning of the post.
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Re: My kovarex setup.

Post by biggerw »

Perhaps my very cheap design will be useful for you
be patient if my english is not suitable it´s not my mother tongue.
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