Game of Life

This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations.
Smart triggering, counters and sensors, useful circuitry, switching as an art :), computers.
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Game of Life

Post by Brathahn »

i made a Game of Life cell thats easily tileable.
(so finally i have beat the trailer :lol: )
GOL1.PNG (1.76 MiB) Viewed 1770 times
The actual cell looks like this:
GOL2.PNG (632.68 KiB) Viewed 1770 times
With the famous glider:
GOL3.PNG (800.77 KiB) Viewed 1770 times
To set or reset a cell turn on and off the two constant combinators with L for life and D for death. (dont forget to turn off after setting)
To start the game, turn on the constant combinator on the timing circuit.

Blueprint with timing circuit - you need this once:
with timer
Blueprint without timing circuit - used for tiling:
without timer
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