Throughput Counter with Features

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Throughput Counter with Features

Post by snezhnij.kom »

It uses Nixie Tubes mod for Display, but the combinators dont need it. Creators mod has been used for Energy and Resource supply for demonstration purposes.
Its a timed Throughput Counter and Total Materials Counter.
Usage: You connect the belts in pulse mode to it and it:
1. Gathers all Data without resetting
2. Calculates Throughput with or without float (2 decimal places after .) values every C seconds (in Combinators, default 60)
If you want only some of this features, just remove the unnecessary Modules and connect to desired output parts, all modules are in the Blueprint book and on screenshot, shouldnt be that hard.
Or Build your own from scratch with the modules.

Only 2 Things should be setup per hand, the C Value in all Combinators, they dont have to be the same.
The R combinator near Memory cells is for resetting it all, turn it on and off again.
Reserved Signals in all or some modules: 0, S, R, T, H, M, C, N
Generelly for the Modules, input is on the left and output on the right Green/red Star combinators, some modules require input from 2 sources or have two sources as output
Modules in Blueprint book:
1. In/Out
2. Seconds, makes a pulse every 1 Sec
3. Sum Memory: Add all Signals every Tick, basically Adds all pulses
4. S to HHMMSS: turns seconds into HHMMSS Format
5. Signal-Filter: Filters Signals, 2 types, Filters Signal after Usage (goes in and doesnt go out) and before usage in next modules
6. Puls-Memory:
6.1 Puls: Makes a puls every C Seconds, doesnt pulse when S = 0 (just remove the SS Arithmetic Unit if you dont want this behavior)
6.2 Memory: Stores Data after Recieving a puls, erasing everything it held before.
7. HHMMSS to Total: instead of 3 Variables for H M and S it makes 1 for HHMMSS as a single int
8. Float Divisor: divides all ints through a selected divisor, its S in the examples.
9. Float*int: Multiplies the result from Float Divisor with a int (C)
10. Combined:
10.1 Factory: simple Red Production with Creators mod
10.2: All Modules combined
10.3: All Displays combined
11. Everything together as on the Screenshots

Pipes cant be connected to the network in the Game as of 0.15
Storage Tanks send out a continious Signal, as such they should be connected without memory cells (add another in/out Combinator, connect the tank to input, and output to the output of the memory cell or directly to other modules)

Notes: The Float Off displays in the Example have been directly connected to the Throughput Memory because it was writing every 60 sec, as such no calculation were needed to get the per min value, for per sec value everything has been divided by 60. If you want to change the Throughput timing, then you will need the Float divisor and Multiplicator and to change the C value in Combinator in Pulse Module.
If you arent using the 60 sec timing in Pulse Module, but want per sec values without floating, then just connect the int part from the Float*int module.
Throughput and Total.txt
Blueprint book
(34.47 KiB) Downloaded 119 times
How it works together
How it works together
Combined.PNG (4.14 MiB) Viewed 1802 times
Modules.PNG (4.23 MiB) Viewed 1802 times

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