(yet another) 7 segment display

This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations.
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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:39 pm

(yet another) 7 segment display

Post by Arkad »

I've been improving on this (very simple) design for a while and this is what I came up with:
Screenshot 2023-12-11 144241.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 144241.png (2.53 MiB) Viewed 1178 times
  • Vanilla compatible (I use the Text Plates mod but it's entierly optionnal)
  • You may choose the display color
  • The leading zeroes are automatically turned off
  • The design is tileable
  • It reads from a single value, you don't need to do any math
  • Very compact (7x16 per digit)
  • Easy to read from any distance

Note: lower the divider value in the clock combinator to make it go faster.
The design is very simple AND stupid :
  • Each digit takes the number represented by the X signal
  • Compute N = X % 10 to represent the current digit value and pass it down to the mapping layer
  • Compute X = ( X - N ) / 10 and pass it to the left digit
  • A mapping layer consisting of 10 constants combinators is used to determine which segment to light (A to M)
  • A decider combinator decides whenever to let those signals go through (digit IS NOT a non-heading zero) or not (digit IS a heading zero)
  • The "heading zero" information for the current digit is carried over the digit to the right as Z signal
  • The leftmost digit recieves an addition Z signal count to mark it as the last digit
What do you think?

Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:39 pm

Re: (yet another) 7 segment display

Post by Arkad »

After second though, I managed to simplify the design by eliminating the need for the Z constant. It's also a looot cleaner like this :P
Screenshot 2023-12-11 203438.png
Screenshot 2023-12-11 203438.png (324.2 KiB) Viewed 1133 times

Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2024 6:14 am

Re: (yet another) 7 segment display

Post by cybersteve547 »

lol, i made one with one digit recently, and it was about the size of this :)

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