High Quality Gif with Colors and Simple System

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High Quality Gif with Colors and Simple System

Post by GugaStarr »

This kind of system attracts me a lot, I always try to make it as compact as I can and still make it beautiful, so the people can use it in their maps. This gif should resemble the evolution of Science Packs, but I had to make many optimizations in the image, so it was simpler.
PotionGif.gif (9.91 MiB) Viewed 2084 times

The system have 2 parts, the clock above, that defines the frame number, and the decoders on the sides.
Each lamp have its own code, but some are joined because they behave the same. This code includes when the lamp and the colors should turn on or off.
To define when it should be on or off, I'm using the Left Bit Shift function (represented by << ), here you can see an exemple of how it works:
LeftBitShift.gif (316.24 KiB) Viewed 2084 times
When the first digit on the left is 1, then the output will always be negative, and when its 0, its commonly positive, with some exceptions. (There is no number when you make LBS 31 that keeps positive, for this reason with a single number I can only define the colors for 31 frames)

Considering that one number can only define the code for 32 frames, I made a simple system to increment more 32 frames, using 2 coded numbers.
To define the number that will correctly code the colors for the 33-64 frames, instead of deactivating the first number and activating the second one, I just leave the first number in the system and I merge the difference between the number code that represents the 33-64 frames and the number for 1-32 frames, this merging only occurs when the clock sets frames from 32 and after.
There are some contraptions to handle the fact that the 32° frame can't be colored, you can check the 2 decider combinators in the top right of the blueprint.
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Re: High Quality Gif with Colors and Simple System

Post by Pascali »

How can i define, which lights do shine in the first frame, and so on?
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