Digital Display, Yay!

This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by rbtcollins »

DaveMcW wrote:Thanks, I updated the blueprint.

Here is an expandable 4-combinator display.
I've tweaked it slightly to let me use colours with it (use red to deliver the signal value, green to pass colour info.
display.PNG (821.8 KiB) Viewed 16213 times
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by Chico008 »

seems cool, but can someone explain step by step how to do for example a 5x9 digit
because some noob people (like me) would like to do this, but don't have the robots to build the blueprint automatically yet.

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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by BHakluyt »

Hi Guys

Could someone help me out please, I can't find a blueprint and I don't understand how the one I have work exactly. Basically I want to expand this one
this one
into a bigger digit display that have numbers of 2 or 3 pixels wide instead of 1 as this one.
bp 4 this 1
I want a display
like this rather
The v15 BP on the previous page is useless for me, which could convert BPs seems to be down these days..

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by FilthyMonkey »

BHakluyt wrote:Hi Guys

Could someone help me out please, I can't find a blueprint and I don't understand how the one I have work exactly. Basically I want to expand this one
this one
into a bigger digit display that have numbers of 2 or 3 pixels wide instead of 1 as this one.
It is easy enough to simply scale up DaveMcW's design by a factor of four. The actual magic behind the alphabet is a little beyond my current understanding, but taking each lamp and making it four lamps is easy enough. It won't have a smoother font, but it will be larger and more readable. I did that to display the percent of used steam tank capacity for a nuclear plant I made.

I had it changing colors with the plant status too (green for loaded, white for steam, red for an empty fuel chest), but I found it just made the display harder to read. Did the contrast of unlit lamps change sometime recently? My dark lamps seem to have a lighter color than a lot of the screenshots I see here.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by greenyaptec »

I will add mine to this topic :) It is also capable of displaying numbers :)

Bez názvu.png
Bez názvu.png (2.69 MiB) Viewed 15453 times
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by tzwaan »

I made a blueprint generator where you can easily create your own fonts.

You can set the size of the digits to anything you want as long as the width * height <= 108.
The design tiles by overlapping the single light that extrudes from the right side, and that is also the point where you connect the wire to show the signal you want to show. This is configured to be signal A

Some of the designs I made while testing:

*Power not included
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by Nazair »


Maybe I'm just plain stupid but really cannot get your display to work. The lone lamp has no real condition inside. I tried connecting constant combinator and my logistic network for the test but couldn't produce any results...
Can I ask for a little more detailed instruction how to make your display work?

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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by tzwaan »

The lamp doesn't have any condition and is just acting like a powerpole (aka, it just connects the red wire through to the combinators)

I just used the lamp instead of having a powerpole in each of the blueprints as I personally prefer using substations once every few digits.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by Medic5700 »

I created (and remixed other designs into) a digital number display and a letter display that is tileable and compact while being fairly simple to use. The ease of use was key here as I wanted to throw them EVERYWHERE :D

Included in the blueprint book is also an example blueprint showing a working example and where to connect the wires
Digital Displays Mk1.PNG
Digital Displays Mk1.PNG (4.87 MiB) Viewed 14518 times
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by AnthonyForPOTUS »

Here is my 5 x7 segment display, expandable

It uses more gates than other but the color of the output can be changed and it updates every tick, with a 5-6 gate delay between the input changing and the new value being reflected in the output, but the segments are all coherent every game tick, i.e. no intermediate segment states. e.g. input changing from 0 to 5 will not display 6 8 or 9 not even for one tick.

There are older segment designs in the book as well, but they have issues with ripple updates causing flashing. The 5 segment is the latest one.


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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by bungee75 »

I was fiddling with the displays and what I disliked in many designs is the complexity. I have found 1 design that works, but it was unreadable on times. So I created my own set on the similar idea. [Disclamer] Idea is from somebody else, but I can't find original poster anymore [/Disclamer]

Logic for individual digit is stuck inside of digit and on the edges. So single digit is compact and there is no offscreen logic for it. All you need to provide is power and number as black signal on red wire. Color can be selected on the top right constant combinator and the input goes to right lower constant combinator.

To stack displays just overlap constant combinators and the rest is already programmed in ;) You can go up to 10 digits, after that math in Factorio breaks.


And display in action can be seen here:

Factorio Prints link

And Blueprint Book:
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by cruz0e »


My compact 7 (+6) segment display:/


A bigger version here:

Uses also the 32 bits trick, to 'store' what lights to turn on.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by wobbycarly »

I don't want to just blindly copy-and-paste - I've tried looking into it, but can someone please explain the "32-bit trick" and how the bit left-shifting works? I kind of get it at a high level, but cannot work the maths to know how the values are programmed into the constant combinator. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by DaveMcW »

Make your pattern of 32 0's and 1's. Then use a binary converter to convert it into a decimal number.
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by wobbycarly »

DaveMcW wrote: Sun May 28, 2017 9:12 am spreadsheet.png
Hi DaveMcW, thanks for the reply. I had somehow missed this post of yours in which a picture saves 1000 words! I still don't fully understand it, but maybe a few re-reads will help!
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by wobbycarly »

OK, here goes, putting myself out for ridicule when showing my ignorance.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my conclusion is that Factorio is using 32-bit signed integers, right? So when using the top bits, the first bit is the sign. So when we left-shift the large numbers by the value of the number to display, the sign will change (negative for on, positive for off) based on how we've coded the alphabet. A Eureka moment for me.

Easy when you know how ;)
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by DaveMcW »

If you want something more compact, I present: the domino display!

domino-display.jpg (303.41 KiB) Viewed 12155 times
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by Ecconia »

I recently stumbled across one display version out of this Thread. So I made my own version of it.
It also uses size 3*5, but additional has some color support. It uses 4 combinators per digit though.
I am really impressed by putting the value to shift and the shift amount into one signal, but I did not do that.
Also I refained from using some really nice Voodoo magic to split the digit into shift amounts. -> I prefer the common /10 %10 attempt to get a digit.

My version of it:

(Although not visible on the image, lamps above the highest digit are off.)
Factorio API doc is my sworn enemy who keeps me raging! One day I will delete/defeat you!
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by SuicideParty »

@DaveMcW, can you please explain formula that magic bits from topic post was made? I saw the screenshot with formulas, but i didint get why 31 - 21...
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Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Post by judos »

If you guys like clean displays I can recommend this mod of mine:
Basically it adds another lamp called "lamp-panel" which is useful for displays and has cleaned graphics (works with colors, cables are positioned right at the edge, fast-replaceable by just building over regular lamps)

By the way i'm also interested in getting to know that bit-magic that was used to compress displays beyond the /10%10 approach... Can anyone explain it?
clean digits.PNG
clean digits.PNG (1.26 MiB) Viewed 10847 times
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