griefer / stupidity ALARM

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griefer / stupidity ALARM

Post by Nexarius »

This is one of the most annoying things that could happen to a factory either through a griefer or stupidity and I solved it. :)
It should prevent the biggest problems.

with sound:!/v/nexarius/9hi2taxt

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Re: griefer / stupidity ALARM

Post by Caine »

If I was a griefer then I would add the items after the circuitry, not before.

You can also use splitter priority and filter to actually move the improper items into a storage chest such that the factory continues while you clean up the mess.
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Re: griefer / stupidity ALARM

Post by Shaun_das_Schaf »

Hi Nex!

I've already seen your design in-game.
Do you mind if I leave this here as it deal with the same problem? ;)
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Re: griefer / stupidity ALARM

Post by Aeternus »

Buffer chest at every split from the main bus with a double stack inserter feed/filter stack inserter drain from buffer also works. Heck, make em passive provider chests if you're feeling creative so the excess crap gets sorted automagically by the bots. Just need to set some buffer chests for each item at a central location and periodically check if something's filling up.
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