My take on the enrichment process

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My take on the enrichment process

Post by FalcoGer »

Max beacon, fuel reprocessing/byproduct prioritization, maintaining it's 40/80 needed materials. Produces 1 U235 every 6.25s. Compact.
I'm pretty happy with it. You could easily add a soft limit with a power switch to stop you from using all your U238 or overflowing the U235 chest with all that useless junk.

To use it with lower stack inserter research, alter the stack inserters to the right to use stacks of 2 or 5 instead of 10. Then change the inserter that puts the finished product onto the output belt to U235 = 1 instead of U235 != 0

On a side note: 1 U235 makes 10(14) fuel cells, fuel reprocessing makes 5 -> 3x U238. And the enrichment process uses 3x U238 to make 1 U235. So basically you only need to feed U238 into the process forever and all you have to worry about is that you get too much U235.

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Re: My take on the enrichment process

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

This could be a bit simpler with no combinators I think.

Output to a chest in stacks of 2, 4, 5, 8 or 10 (basically any denominator of 40). Two Inserters pull from this chest, one works if the amount is stack size set on first Inserter (full stack moved) which moves it back to the Centrifuge, the other Inserter works when U-235 = 1 which is the final piece that can be turned into fuel.
Either way it's faster than my first solution, I set up a memory Decider (looped to itself) [U-235] < 42 - a Filter Inserter pulls U-235 out of the Centrifuge onto a belt and pulses contents to the memory cell, which is then connected (both input and output) to an Inserter pulling from the Belt to an Assembler making the fuel cells which activates when [U-235] = 41 (stack size limited to 1). It also pulses the contents to the memory cell which bumps the number to 42, resetting it back to 0 ready for the next round.
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Re: My take on the enrichment process

Post by FalcoGer »

Didn't occur to me. I just saw the modulo operator and I wanted to try it. Either way, thanks for the input.
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Re: My take on the enrichment process

Post by SaurusRex »

Deadly-Bagel wrote:Output to a chest in stacks of 2, 4, 5, 8 or 10 (basically any denominator of 40). Two Inserters pull from this chest, one works if the amount is stack size set on first Inserter (full stack moved) which moves it back to the Centrifuge, the other Inserter works when U-235 = 1 which is the final piece that can be turned into fuel.
Ah, that's a nice idea. I don't think it would save any space compared to what I currently use, but it would be slightly faster, since it can move full stacks at a time. I think the only way to make things more compact would be to transfer the 235 directly from one centrifuge to another and pull out the spare, perhaps arranged in a circle around a beacon or 2. Or to just not remove the forty 235 in the first place, though I'm not sure how that would work. It would certainly be trivial if centrifuges could be connected to a circuit network.
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