Load from Custom scenariors. Save it. Load it for mp game. Invite players. Advantage: players are not require to download mod.
Download: pvp-gamescript_0.1.2
Pre-game setup: First player is host (god controller). Host can place start places for teams, edit start item list and move players from team to team freely. Other players are ghosts and they can see almost same gui as host, but can not edit settings. All players return to characters after host clicks start.
Game settings:
- Flying chat: Adds textfield and say-button to send flying texts over your character.
- Player port: Host can make spawn points for both red and blue team by placing player port. If this option is disabled player port is removed, but location coordinates is still used as spawn point. Team member are always teleported to spawn point when they die. If this option is enabled player won't loose items. Except if player is killed on top of player port.
- Respawn items: Player gets initial items everytime she/he respawns.
- Team colors: Random variation of red and blue colors are assigned to players in start.
- Peacetime: This will offset timer. so that timer will decrease first as many minutes as it is set. Peacetime is not enforced in anyway.
Initial items: Text field accepts 2 types of inputs:
- iron-plate adds 1 iron plate in list
- iron-plate:20 adds 20 iron plates in list
Team lists: Crude, but I hope it gets the job done.