[MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

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[MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by Staplergun »

Name: Advanced Underground Piping
Description: Adds flexibility with underground piping
License: GNU GPLv3
Download: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/underground-pipe-pack
Version: 0.16.5 19 August 2018
Release: 12 August 2018
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.16.0
Category: logistics
Author: TheStaplergun/Staplergun


Adds new pipes to ground with restricted 1, 2, 3, or even 4 underground ports, single tile underground pipe extensions and junctions, and underground fluid management structures. Allows rotating the underground portion of vanilla and included pipes to ground. Even helps with UPS slightly due to less pipe entities being used!

Feedback and ideas are greatly welcomed.
For bug reports please give a screenshot that attributes the issue, or copy the stack trace from the GUI into here

Long Description:
Adds new technology "Advanced Underground Piping." Requires 50 red research. Basic fluid handling is a pre-requisite.
Subsequent tier technologies require 100 red and green, and 200 red, green, and blue.
Recipe Screen
This adds ability to rotate the underground ports on vanilla and included pipes to ground within this mod after research.

Now with an underground connection ping hotkey: CONTROL+SHIFT+P
Pings nearby pipes-to-ground and the pump in this mod, and shows connections between them if they are there. Ping stays visible for 20 seconds.
Pipe Ping

New pipe to ground entities:
Requires 1 pipe to ground, plus ten additional pipes for each additional underground port above one.
  • --One to One: One for each cardinal direction and one for each direction that the underground port faces underneath.
    --One to Two: One for each direction with two variants, in-line, and an L shape.
    --One to Three: One for each direction that has 3 underground exits in a T shape.
    --One to Four: One for each direction with a four way junction underground.
Underground Pipe Extensions:
Underground distance of 11 to compensate and be compatible with existing double pipe to ground extensions
Requires 1 pipe for the grid, and 10 for each port underground.
Players and vehicles can walk/drive over these.
  • --Two way In-line(straight) and L (or corner) extensions
    --Three way T junctions
    --Four way junction
Underground Fluid Management Structures:
Underground distance of 11 to compensate for being shorter.
Same cost as a regular pump for now.
Players and vehicles can walk/drive over these.
  • --Underground Mini Pump: A 1x1 miniature pump that only connects to underground pipes, but costs 50% more power to run. This is because it only takes 25% of the surface space required to put in for the same pumping power.
Has custom graphics for everything listed above.
Possible implementations:
Adding a requirement for a unit of landfill for all the underground entities.

Contact me on discord at "TheStaplergun 2.0#6920", here, or on the mod portal directly.
Last edited by Staplergun on Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:35 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.3

Post by orzelek »

Simple question:
Is this scripted in any way or fluids work based on game stuff only?
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.3

Post by Staplergun »

The only script is the rotation piece. The rest is just custom entities.
Last edited by Staplergun on Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.3

Post by orzelek »

Staplergun wrote:The only script is the rotation piece. The rest is just custom entities.
Ohhh niceee... maybe a bit more order to pipes with angels.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.3

Post by Staplergun »

orzelek wrote:
Staplergun wrote:The only script is the rotation piece. The rest is just custom entities.
Ohhh niceee... maybe a bit more order to pipes with angels.

The rotation is an illusion. It's actually creating a new entity and deleting the old one, then pasting in the previous fluid contents exactly as they were.

There's actually four of every single pipe-to-ground entity in that recipe menu. I streamlined it so that you only make one of them and rotate to the others, but when you mine any of them you'll always get the recipe one back. Reduces inventory clutter and just makes way more sense.

Plus to add in the custom graphics, you kind of have to make custom entities for every variant. I was originally going to write something that would overlay and show outputs as sprite arrows, like the pump does, but I don't have the patience for that based on the API's current state.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.4

Post by Staplergun »

Updated. Changelog on mod portal.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.5

Post by Staplergun »


Pipe ping hotkey. Pings nearby vanilla and included pipes-to-ground and the pump in this mod, and shows connections between them if they are there.
Pipe Ping
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.5

Post by canisin »

Hey there!

I have just installed your mod and I am loving it! :D
I have a few suggestions:

1) Your pipe entities do not go to the quick bar when crafted, unlike regular pipe entities.
2) One of the best parts of your mod is the underground I extension. But unfortunately, when drag placed pairs of this entity get placed instead of the single one that is required. Can this be fixed?
3) Your 1 to 1 forward (underground) pipe is a complete replacement for the regular pipe to underground you might want to remove, hide or replace the vanilla entity and/or recipe.
4) Until you add complete compatibility with bob pipes, you can add a startup setting to remove all of his extra pipes except the iron one for consistency.
5) You might want to move the regular pipe recipe to your crafting category for a one stop access to the pipe recipes.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.5

Post by Staplergun »

canisin wrote:Hey there!

I have just installed your mod and I am loving it! :D
I have a few suggestions:

1) Your pipe entities do not go to the quick bar when crafted, unlike regular pipe entities.
2) One of the best parts of your mod is the underground I extension. But unfortunately, when drag placed pairs of this entity get placed instead of the single one that is required. Can this be fixed?
3) Your 1 to 1 forward (underground) pipe is a complete replacement for the regular pipe to underground you might want to remove, hide or replace the vanilla entity and/or recipe.
4) Until you add complete compatibility with bob pipes, you can add a startup setting to remove all of his extra pipes except the iron one for consistency.
5) You might want to move the regular pipe recipe to your crafting category for a one stop access to the pipe recipes.
1) Already swapped it back to quickbar. Will be released in next update.
2) Unfortunately, it does not allow for override of that behavior. That's a hard coded behavior. I have an idea of a workaround, but it could cause problems if you try to place one next to one when you're not dragging. I will build and test this functionality in my personal system.
3) That's a very valid point and I've been mulling it over in my head. That's a truly hard debate, as I have it the way it is because you can craft a pair of pipe-to-ground and then choose to make a single forward pipe and a single 4 way. I could "hide" the pipe-to-ground recipe but that might cause issues with other mods. I may hide the one to one recipe, but that would cause issues with blueprint placement. This will go into my list of things to improve and I will find an optimization for it.
4) I don't want to override bobs pipes. The reason I don't implement pipes in his types is because when using his pipe-to-ground entities skins, I'm unauthorized to modify the graphics, so there would be no arrows. This could become quite confusing when doing pipe placement. However, if feedback deems this is ok due to the pipe pinging utility, I could work with it and do it. (This would add a metric ton of pipes though, 9 custom recipes for every single material, and I believe 17 entities as a whole for each material)
5) Re-iterates the point of #3.

Thanks for the feedback!
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.7

Post by Staplergun »

Updated. Changelog:
--Altered included 4-to-4 pipe to 11 underground depth to match other pipes in pack
--Due to multiple requests, and re-assessment of use of these items, flag replaced to "goes-to-quickbar" instead of "goes-to-main-inventory"
--Added a prototype of a function that overrides build behavior of the underground I extension. You cannot build them any closer than their maximum distance to each other. Do not attempt to build any closer if your inventory is full.

This function only overrides building with I extensions.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.9

Post by Staplergun »


--Fixed icon in underground L entity.
--Added T2 pipes. Distance set to 22.
--Added second tier research. Requires red and green research (30 units).
--Rebalanced all costs. Every underground segment costs a pipe. Previous design was giving away free pipe lengths (1 pipe per leg underground)
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by Staplergun »

--Fixed intermediate products to be gated behind technology properly.
--Fixed rotation problem on t3 pipes
--Fixed various other random stuff
--Added blueprint script! Now you can blueprint this stuff without worrying. You will get flying text notifications for each entity fixed, and a notification when all ghosts have been fixed.

Yes I know the version number is way different. Jacked it up previously.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by kfsone »

Updated to .54. Can't make any of the pipes any more, can't find a tech to research to unlock.

Not entirely sure what the purpose of the additional tech layer is, can you make it optional?
fact-pipes-1.png (269.38 KiB) Viewed 12067 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by kfsone »

If I start a new game, the recipes unlock correctly, but existing games are borked.
"Worst thing about being a game dev is the dev-mode switch when you spot a stray pixel/server lag right as your guild starts the boss fight, your team engages the enemy, or whenever it's least inconvenient. And you're dead."
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by Dragony »


It is a real big problem that there are no fluid icons on the underground junctions. The problem is that I have around 200 different fluids and hundreds of fluid networks. It is really amazingly hard to follow the flow if there are no icons on the junctions. It is also next to impossible to find the next [insert random specific fluid name] flow if needed.

Did I miss a checkbox, which enables it?
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by slippycheeze »

Dragony wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 11:52 pm It is a real big problem that there are no fluid icons on the underground junctions. The problem is that I have around 200 different fluids and hundreds of fluid networks. It is really amazingly hard to follow the flow if there are no icons on the junctions. It is also next to impossible to find the next [insert random specific fluid name] flow if needed.
If it helps, I use the Picker Pipe mod and it'll highlight the network on hover. Doesn't let me tell at a glance which fluid it is, but it does let me find the network once I find any pipe connected to it.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by slippycheeze »

wishlist: add 5 percent and 95 percent limited versions of the overflow and top-up valves.

I use them for a number of fully passive "reserve" sources of fluids, such as steam. Fully passive, no power required, is a pretty important part of the whole deal because these are there to ensure power operation continues in the event the primary source stops supplying liquid ... which can be because of a power interruption that would turn a powered pump into a zero flow connection. :)

Also, to prevent overflow of oil processing outputs, by controlling cracking to only happen when the buffer is close to full for one of the fluids. eg: light oil to gas only when almost full, because consumption varies depending on flamethrower and solid fuel consumption, and I don't want either too huge a buffer if I can avoid it, but I also don't want to write complicated combinator controls there...
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by Blokus »

See viewtopic.php?f=7&t=73080. the short version is that my save cannot load with 0.17.2 of your mod and can load with 0.17.1.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by Staplergun »

Apologies. I had messed up the prototypes. The latest version is fixed.
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Advanced Underground Piping v0.16.53

Post by slippycheeze »

4-way pipe-to-ground can't fast-replace a 3-way pipe-to-ground, which seems wrong. I'd personally prefer all pipe-to-ground fast replaceable, but if limiting it to "only things that don't reduce the system" like the 1-way to 2-way fast replace, 4-way over 3-way can't reduce.
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