Name: Skandragon's Radio Telemetry
Description: Adds radio equipment that can transmit circuit network signals over long distances. All signal types are supported.
License: GPLv3
Version: 1.0.0
Release: 2016-11-21
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.14.20
Category: LogisticsNetwork
Tags:Logistics, Signals
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This mod allows wireless signal transmission over large distances. All signal types are available.
Two different transmitters are provided -- one has a shorter range, while the other is unlimited range, but more expensive.
Transmitters send the combination of both red and green circuit networks to all in-range receivers. Transmitters require power to operate. All inputs are summed (that is, if 4 transmitters all transmit "10" for "plastic", the receivers in range will all see "40")
Receivers do not require power to operate
Version history