Name: Artifact Retexture
Description: Changes artifact texture/icon into a purple circuit, more thematically-appropriate for people playing on peaceful mode with artifact-crafting mods.
License: No rights reserved
Version: 1.0.1
Release: 2016-03-07
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.30
Category: SimpleExtension
Download: Mod Portal Older Versions
English, 日本語
DescriptionThis mod retextures and renames alien artifacts into "Advanced processing units" (purple circuits), without changing any recipes that use them. Of course this means that biters will drop circuit boards, but is that really any less silly than dropping elf brooches? This mod also renames "Alien technology" to "High-temperature superconductors" but again this is a name change only and has no other effects.
Pictures (with Crafted Artifacts)
With retexture:
Without retexture:
Version history