Multiplayer pvp mod developed for use on the multiplayer server
Currrently has one scenario which is a 4 faction ffa, chests exist in initial spawn area for choosing your team, which will teleport you to that team's start location. ... /releases/
[MOD 0.12.30] FLSW Factions (PVP)
[MOD 0.12.30] FLSW Factions (PVP)
Last edited by silent on Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: [WIP][MOD 0.12.30] FLSW Factions (PVP)
New release:
Closer spawn locations
Auto-gen on init so no need for a scenario map
Introduce basic axes to make early-game spawns less painful
Closer spawn locations
Auto-gen on init so no need for a scenario map
Introduce basic axes to make early-game spawns less painful