I just start to have fun with modding, so sorry if i making mistakes, or don't get it.
As i seen the vehicles (expect Train) is pretty useless in the game. As soon as you get the mobility module you will never use your car again.
I intend to change on it, so i created an override (get the basics from Dytech Mod) to rewrite the inventory size of the Player, car, and tank.
Player: 30 slot
Car: 40 slot
Tank: 15 slot
Added a bit more health to them to make them useful.
Plus created a truck with 100 slots, and flame-thrower to get rib of the trees

Is slightly bigger than the car,i add some extra to just see the current size.
I used the APC sheet form Fallout tactics just for the time being, till im not finding a good truck one.
As palned they will be not mine able, just to make it more fun

Download link here to try it out: (right now is just 1 iron plate to make it, and accessible from the beginning, that will change)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6vuh56xnq2p7i ... 0.zip?dl=0
The reason why i put that in work in progress because i need some help.
A few days ago i tried out the RoadTrain mod from Cheata. Its working nice, GUI and everything (sorry mate) but its too static, and that gave me an idea. Making the cargo hold area out of it, so it can be attached with for example tanker, accumlator or normal container, with overlapping image. Need to turn out the collusion box o it, and set the selection area just on that part (like the trailer).
I have just basic programing capabilities so i ask you to lend me a hand please.