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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

Weekly spoiler:
_Roentgenium will be a 4th type alloy and will require Nobelium, Mendelium and Newtonium for its crafting.

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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by Paborg »

Hi all,
in mod "DP77 - Factorio Plus Power" there is a line:
" type = "solar-panel",
name = "spmk2",
icon = "__Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Power__/graphics/icons/1.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5, result = "solar-panel"}, "

It mean if I harvest solar panel mk2 it return common solar panel. Is it intended?
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by Paborg »

Hi again,
another bug - raw sulfur mined from ore is not processed by puryfing machine. Must change "raw-sulfur" into "sulfur-ore" in a few mods:

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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

Are u using my Sulfur mod?
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by astroshak »


I am running a bunch of mods, and honestly, I do not know which one(s) is/are causing this problem. With this mod setup, a bunch of Red Science techs are dependent upon a pair of Red+Green techs, including both Bottling Research and Basic Science Research 1 (aka green science), which are necessary to produce the green science.

Basic Quicksilver Stone Split (Dp77s FactorioPlus Plates > ScienceCostTweaker Mod (Mexmer) > More Science - Science Cost Tweaker Extension) requires both red and green science with the mods I’m using, and is very early on in the tech tree before most red science.

Metal Refining (Dp77s FactorioPlus Advanced Tech > ScienceCostTweaker Mod (Mexmer)) is dependent upon Basic Quicksilver Stone Split, and also takes both red and green science.

Steel Processing, Automation 2, Basic Science Research 1, Fluid Handling, Bottling are all dependent upon those two red+green techs.

I’m running a LOT of mods, but if it would help, I could list them all out for you.
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

I don't know now man, 'cause i'm returned today and i don't remember all...but soon i'll see if there's something i can do. :oops: ;)

But, before do anything: Hi guys i'm returned at home and... i'll restart programming this Monday... working on the Roentgenium Update! :D
Sorry if i've not spoilered you something every week, but i hadn't a good connection and i couldn't do anything.
I'll see what i can do with the bugs that you've noticed in these weeks… :)
Good Game.
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

I've looked at your latest videos where you treat my mods and i've looked also your posts and now i'll rebalance a bit the randomite processing 'cause the modpack is becoming very very complex and the "old-things" needs to be adapted to the whole game. :)

For the sulfur: when i've created my FP mods i haven't thought to merge them with the previous ones, so when you've united my sulfur mod with FP ores you've created an excess of sulfur, 'cause obviously you can obtain it with the ordinary vanilla process, mining sulfur or cinnabar… and it had also consequences with the RSO generation, 'cause the mod has had to balance the sulfur's ore spawn with the other resources and obviously they've have become more rare. :?

I'm sorry for it 'cause if i want to edit the spawn settings it'll request a lot of time, 'cause orzelek, the owner of RSO mod, updates his mod when many modders needs an update of their ore spawn's setttings (and he's right in my oppinion )… :(
I can edit the spawn settings and send these ones at orzelek, but for apply them you'll be constricted to create a new world. :!:
There isn't a method, unfortunately, for change the spawn settings of a world already created, but for the randomite i can do something. :oops:
However thank you for the support eF eX, i need it. ;)
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

I'll release this evening or tomorrow an half of the roentgenium update, and it'll contain:
-obviously new alloys;
-new tiers of ass. machine, belts and inserters;
-new science packs;
-a new lab.
Hope you'll enjoy them.

The second part of this update will contain:
-new tiers of solar pannels and accumulators;
-new teches and machines;
-the famous singularities;
-alien things;
and more!
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

I've seen that some uses both my sulfur mods… so i'll try to merge them together while i'll release these updates. ;)
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by ef_ex »


Ok, i guess i missed that the sulfur mod is not part of the modpack. not having factorio plus in the name wasn't to obvious for me it seems :lol:

I am thinking of starting a new map since i have biters turned off and you implement them into the mod package, also i do not really like the map i am currently on.
Question about the biters, will there be a way to obtain whatever you need from the biters in another way ?
So lets say you get the biter goo lets call it like this and later you can do some research to produce this thing without the biters ? because one thing i didn't like back then when you needed biters for research was that you didn't have any other option and need to kill biters for research, if you make metals now out of them and need alot this might create a super annoying bottleneck in factories.

eF eX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

I've already thought how to use my modpack in a peaceful world so you're not obligated to change your one and kill biters, (cause it's very annoying you're right and i don't know how to implement the orb-dropped-from-biters so for now they'll not be useful for that until i'll program FactorioPlus: Enemies) ;) :?
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

The key for obtain the alien orbs will be the omega's amethyst, that will be "the aliens' ore"; infact, when you'll refine this ore, you'll obtain some alien orbs, with wich you'll able to create the famous alien artifact that will be used for... ;)
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by ThorsDragon »

Hi DiegoPro77!

I think your modpack is pretty cool! Question: You've made compatibility with Bob's; does this mean that it is also compatible with Angel's modpack? I'm also wanting to use madClown's mod pack as well- do you have to know if your mods will work with madClown's mods? I tried it, and it loads fine, except I think I found a problem where I needed an ore to refine to get the ore, but the process to refine it was unavailable. Now that I'm getting a better picture of bob's and angel's mods, I'm realizing that I may have missed a link in the research process that would have fixed this problem.... anyway, just curious to know if your mods are compatible with madClown's mods? :D
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

About the compatibilities, i've told months ago that i'll do all after i'll released all my FP mods… so it'll request a lot of time but, if many players want a better compatibility with bob's mods or other ones with anyone (like angel or madClown ) you have only to ask me and i'll see what i can do for it. ;)

However, for simplifing this thing, the next mod that will be released, FactorioPlus: Refining, will be compatible with or without my FP mods, so you'll be able to play it in other modpacks without use all my stuffs. I'll do this 'cause this mod will be inspired from a great mod of an another great game, Minecraft, called Mekanism… for the players that have already used that mod, i leave you to imagine what i'm going to add at the game. :D :arrow:
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

In the last update of FP: plates i've added 8 new ways to process Randomite, they're:
_Vanilla Processing; only for vanilla ores,
_Fuel Processing; only for uranium and coal,
_Stones Processing; only for copper, iron and stone, (i'll extend this processing at all the no-metals ores)
_Metal Processing; only for the metals provided from the game and my mods,
There's an advanced version of each one.
This addon will help you to do more focused processings of the normal ones don't satisfy you: we're on the 4th page of the most trending mods in the game: it's a good place for start! ;)
Last edited by DiegoPro77 on Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by ThorsDragon »

DiegoPro77 wrote:About the compatibilities, i've told months ago that i'll do all after i'll released all my FP mods… so it'll request a lot of time but, if many players want a better compatibility with bob's mods or other ones with anyone (like angel or madClown ) you have only to ask me and i'll see what i can do for it. ;)

However, for simplifing this thing, the next mod that will be released, FactorioPlus: Refining, will be compatible with or without my FP mods, so you'll be able to play it in other modpacks without use all my stuffs. I'll do this 'cause this mod will be inspired from a great mod of an another great game, Minecraft, called Mekanism… for the players that have already used that mod, i leave you to imagine what i'm going to add at the game. :D :arrow:
I went back and check it- i had an alternate version of science pack that I needed, and it allows me to get what I need to get going. Thanks for the quick response! Looking forward to the new releases. :)
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

Players, in the past months i've seen that some of you wanted a compatibility with bob's mods and i've done a little plugin for it, but i think that we can do something better together; ;)
so, since i don't know much those mods (i've never played them :mrgreen: ), i need ideas (ex.: to use one of my cables for create a bob's circuit ). :)
After this we could do the same for Angels' mods. ;)
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

Finally, after an evening of working, i've released FP: Refining! :D
For now it adds a crusher for duplicate the vanilla and my ores, and it has dependences, so it can't be ran without my FP mods, but these things will be only temporal. ;)

This is one of the most important of my mods, why? This is a list of the things that will be added soon in this mod: :o
_Ores Triplication;
_Ores Quadruplication;
_Ores Quintuplication;
_Molecular and Atomic structures and separation methods (like distillation or filtration ); :D
_Subatomic structures: (proton, electron and neutron separation (science fiction obviously)) thing that'll allow FP: power to power up the fusion reactor for the entire base (yes i'll add a fusion reactor in FP power). ;)
Hope you'll enjoy in this "scientific" update!
The newest High-Tech Crusher mk1
The newest High-Tech Crusher mk1
Refiner mk1 (4096x2048).png (3.64 MiB) Viewed 6508 times
Aka Playmaker. My mods: https://mods.factorio.com/user/77playmaker -|- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6NGYQdX
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by Azarhiel »


I found a typo / "error" in the tree tech :

- Unknown-key:"technology-name.common-ore-science-pack"
- Unknown-key:"technology-name.rare-ore-science-pack"
- Unknown-key:"technology-name.epic-ore-science-pack"
- Unknown-key:"technology-name.legendary-ore-science-pack"

Belongs to FactorioPlus Advance Tech Mod.

Installing FP Refining messes with Long Reach Distances...
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Re: Dp77's-Factorioplus:-Ores

Post by DiegoPro77 »

Sorry, but i've not understand: can you be more accurate?

However: I've started to release the Alien Update! Alien artifacts and their related things will be available in peaceful mode too (yes, it will not be the annoying kill-biters-processing).
Hope you'll enjoy and stay tuned with the new updates!
PS: we've reached 100 posts on this page: thank you guys for the support and for all that you've done for me!
PS: we've reached 100 posts on this page: thank you guys for the support and for all that you've done for me!
altech1.png (116.93 KiB) Viewed 6428 times
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