[MOD 1.1] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by orzelek »

TheSAguy wrote:
Sky_Orc_Mm wrote:I found that the atomic bomb on the enemy base without any harm, and even let the enemy base to restore HP, this a function? How do turn it off?
I'm not following what you're saying Sky, could you please elaborate. Does not sound like anything my mod does though.
I have a feeling that default nuke doesn't do enough damage to kill bases with beefed hp.

Second question - does any of your mods suppres the increase of health regen from base game?
Third question - fire resistance of all enemies is still reduced by you while base game increased it for bases. Is that by design?
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

orzelek wrote:

Second question - does any of your mods suppres the increase of health regen from base game?
Third question - fire resistance of all enemies is still reduced by you while base game increased it for bases. Is that by design?
I just did my first ever atomic bomb and boy, is it big! Killed a lot of spawners at once...
Yes, NE Enemies reduces the health per tick for spawners.
I've not looked at resistances in some time. I like that the biters are vulnerable to fire tough.

Open to suggestions tough.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Chalkeus »


Can you tell me what part of the mod code to disable to stop the big purple spitters from turning my buildings purple and disabling them? I like everything else about the mod, but that part is unnecessarily difficult and tedious to deal with. Could you tell me what the spitter name, attack, or damage type it is that's causing it so I can alter the mod file accordingly? I appreciate it. Great mod, by the way.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Chalkeus »

Also... why are they called "File Clouds" under the Fire Clouds attacks?
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

Chalkeus wrote:Hello,

Can you tell me what part of the mod code to disable to stop the big purple spitters from turning my buildings purple and disabling them? I like everything else about the mod, but that part is unnecessarily difficult and tedious to deal with. Could you tell me what the spitter name, attack, or damage type it is that's causing it so I can alter the mod file accordingly? I appreciate it. Great mod, by the way.
Are you sure it's my Spitters?
You could mess with file:


It would be under "Infected-Projectile" and "Mutated-Projectile"
Under the damage section you can reduce the damage. If it is my spitters it would probably be the Acid or Poison damage doing it.

Might be Bob's Enemies if you're playing with that.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Rascher »

After destroying bitter\splitter spawner my game slows down to 1-10 FPS (and same value of TPS). I have also tons of messages like "Hidden marker created: %number%". Latest number is 500. But after destroying battle marker (which was created in place of spawner) i received "Hidden markers deleted" (or something like this) and TPS returned to normal values. I have all NE mods, all bobs and angels, but markers are related to NE-buildings (and after disabling this mod i can destroy any spawner without lags and tons of messages in console)

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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by orzelek »

Rascher wrote:After destroying bitter\splitter spawner my game slows down to 1-10 FPS (and same value of TPS). I have also tons of messages like "Hidden marker created: %number%". Latest number is 500. But after destroying battle marker (which was created in place of spawner) i received "Hidden markers deleted" (or something like this) and TPS returned to normal values. I have all NE mods, all bobs and angels, but markers are related to NE-buildings (and after disabling this mod i can destroy any spawner without lags and tons of messages in console)

It seems like battle markers are by design but why spawn 500 of them at same spot.. no idea :D

Btw QC Mod is left enabled in latest building release which means that all debug output will be visible.

Are battle markers supposed to cheat the expansion system?
So 500 of them at same spot will prevent further expansion into that area?

It would be good to be able to disable them through setting. Adding so many entities might not be good for save size :)
It's currently 501 per spawner so with big bases that will be a lot of entities.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

Sorry about all that, for now I've disabled the additional hidden markers.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

On hard settings, How do you guys attack large enemy bases when trying to expand?

So this is my 3rd game in 0.15 with my usual hard settings and again, when I get to around 60% evolution factor, I'm getting stuck. Can't expand without getting wiped out...
I've upgraded my bullet damage and speed about 3 times and have done the same with laser turrets.

I have my usual wall of turrets and try to keep closer, but when there are 5+ spawners, I just can't seem to get close enough without being overrun.
I've attached a save and my mods are here if anyone would be interested in taking a look.

I just don't know how I'm going to get these nests wiped out. I can pull back and upgrade my damage maybe one more time before I run out of iron....

Save File
(10.99 MiB) Downloaded 148 times
Last edited by TheSAguy on Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Xuerian »

TheSAguy wrote:Question:
On hard settings, How do you guys attack large enemy bases when trying to expand?

So this is my 3rd game in 0.15 with my usual hard settings and again, when I get to around 60% evolution factor, I'm getting stuck. Can't expand without getting wiped out...
I've upgraded my bullet damage and speed about 3 times and have done the same with laser turrets.

I have my usual wall of turrets and try to keep closer, but when there are 5+ spawners, I just can't seem to get close enough without being overrun.
I've attached a save and my mods are here if anyone would be interested in taking a look.

I just don't know how I'm going to get these nests wiped out. I can pull back and upgrade my damage maybe one more time before I run out of iron....

I'm not exactly sure where I got to pollution-wise, but doing AB+++ runs I think I've gotten to around that point and it ends up that I have to creep with at least two flamethrower turrets, a big wall buffer, and three rows of sniper turrets with maybe a couple gun turrets. I usually try to set up outside of aggro range of the base and do bombing runs with the personal flamethrower, picking off a nest or two at a time, chugging fish like crazy. Relying on the flamethrowers saves iron, too.

Stagger your turrets at least a block apart so spitters don't AoE them down. Do the same with your walls if you have to, but leave a gap in the middle to funnel the biters into.

Otherwise the retaliation waves are too big.

There's also the bio cannon, but I've always gotten distracted before getting to circuits 3.

Though to be fair I think this is on default NE settings. I don't actually know what the difficulty there changes.

Edit: Just loaded your save. Two suggestions:

1. Move the insulary tree lines behind your turrets if you need them as pollution blockers, because..
2. Flamethrowers. Flamethrowers everywhere.

With Bobs/Swarm/Rapant/NE you need flamethrowers as soon as you start getting units that fragment. Otherwise you just hemorrhage iron. Like you're doing.

You can use barreling to carry oil with you if you don't want to run pipes.

Something like https://i.imgur.com/ByzH0KS.png, except with flamethrower coverage on the whole line. You have to figure out the optimal depth of walls ahead of your turrets so you can shoot things but the spitters can't go for your turrets.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

Xuerian wrote:
I'm not exactly sure where I got to pollution-wise, but doing AB+++ runs I think I've gotten to around that point and it ends up that I have to creep with at least two flamethrower turrets, a big wall buffer, and three rows of sniper turrets with maybe a couple gun turrets. I usually try to set up outside of aggro range of the base and do bombing runs with the personal flamethrower, picking off a nest or two at a time, chugging fish like crazy. Relying on the flamethrowers saves iron, too.

Stagger your turrets at least a block apart so spitters don't AoE them down. Do the same with your walls if you have to, but leave a gap in the middle to funnel the biters into.

Otherwise the retaliation waves are too big.

There's also the bio cannon, but I've always gotten distracted before getting to circuits 3.

Though to be fair I think this is on default NE settings. I don't actually know what the difficulty there changes.

Edit: Just loaded your save. Two suggestions:

1. Move the insulary tree lines behind your turrets if you need them as pollution blockers, because..
2. Flamethrowers. Flamethrowers everywhere.

With Bobs/Swarm/Rapant/NE you need flamethrowers as soon as you start getting units that fragment. Otherwise you just hemorrhage iron. Like you're doing.

You can use barreling to carry oil with you if you don't want to run pipes.

Something like https://i.imgur.com/ByzH0KS.png, except with flamethrower coverage on the whole line. You have to figure out the optimal depth of walls ahead of your turrets so you can shoot things but the spitters can't go for your turrets.
Thanks Xuerian, this is very useful information.
I've never really used Flame turrets on the front line, even though I suspected I needed to do that!
I'll give it a try.

Like the pic of that wall. Looks really good.

Thanks again!
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Berkys32 »

As i told manytimes before, i really like your mod!
But i cant find anybody to play with me, and there are no servers with it, or with tons of others mod (angels, bobs).
So I would like to leave here link to discord channel i made. Contact me there if you want to play with me. Or anybody who is already there. Or wanna discuss this mod...

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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

NE Buildings -Version:
V7.1.1 - Made Player Evolution Factor = Enemy Evolution Factor.

I just converted a Spawner and got Huge Biters spawn even though the evolution factor was only 58%.
On further investigation, I found the the Enemy Evolution factor was 58%, but the Player was at 81%. So now made it that the Player and Enemy Evolution factors are the same.

Don't think this will affect anything else or any other mods, but let me know.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Berkys32 »

Suggestion - mobile artefact collector (into vehicle grids)
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

Berkys32 wrote:Suggestion - mobile artefact collector (into vehicle grids)
Ooh, like the idea. Don't know how to do it yet, will have to go look for examples 8-)
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Berkys32 »

Another suggestion - artifact collector without logistic part (that error icon if not in roboport area is annoying)

possible bug - artifact collector can be placed manytimes in same spot and when in hand it doesnt snap to grid
My tank squad controlled by AAI attacking spawners
EDIT: Im not sure, but I think before last patch Terraforming station 2 research didnt cost 3x red science, 2x green science and 100x purple science (all x300, played on deathworld setting)
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Kryzeth »

Error with Reverse Factory explained on forum

tl;dr There are "normal" level recipes defined without "expensive" level counterparts, which Reverse Factory does not expect.
Seems like "expensive" level recipes were desired, but no "expensive = " header in the line before the block of data.
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by TheSAguy »

Kryzeth wrote:Error with Reverse Factory explained on forum

tl;dr There are "normal" level recipes defined without "expensive" level counterparts, which Reverse Factory does not expect.
Seems like "expensive" level recipes were desired, but no "expensive = " header in the line before the block of data.
Thanks for the report Kryzeth. Fixed now. Surprised the game allowed it :)
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Kryzeth »

TheSAguy wrote:
Thanks for the report Kryzeth. Fixed now. Surprised the game allowed it :)

LOL, yeah I definitely wasn't expecting an error like that. Thanks for the fix though~
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Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

Post by Berkys32 »

After last update, im still getting this:
20170709110417_1.jpg (390.51 KiB) Viewed 8455 times
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