[MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by MainTango »

Earendel wrote: No, 1 weapon per vehicle. This is to make sure vehicles have specialised roles and encourage squads of mixed unit types.
Well, in that case a big fat warning sign in the OP wouldn't hurt since people find out about this when they're far into the game. Would you consider making it a config option so that the vanilla tank isn't touched by your mod? You already added 3 combat vehicles. Please?
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Earendel »

pezzawinkle wrote:on the 0.3.3 update, the graphics quality went to hell, im not sure what did it, but im reverting the version, its soo hard to play with grainy images.
I can't check in-game for a few hours. Which images went grainy?
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by AliceTheGorgon »

Is there a simple way to make haulers always grab a certain amount of fuel from the depot (so they can refuel miners when picking up ore), but also be able to drop any surplus off if they have it (such as after picking up a load of coal from the coal miner)?

The only things I've been able to come up with are either an entire extra depot and hauler dedicated exclusively to coal mining with inserters to forcibly stuff coal into the primary depot, or using a ridiculously complex combinator setup to ensure only one hauler is ever near the depot at once and compute which hauler is closest to the depot and dynamically setting the depot's requested coal to (depot coal + hauler coal - 200).
Both of these seem like I'm massively overthinking things, and that there's probably a much simpler solution, but I can't figure out what it might be.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by pezzawinkle »

by Earendel » Tue May 02, 2017 5:07 pm
pezzawinkle wrote:
on the 0.3.3 update, the graphics quality went to hell, im not sure what did it, but im reverting the version, its soo hard to play with grainy images.
I can't check in-game for a few hours. Which images went grainy?
Sorry to be snarky and a bit short in my previous post.
The update sounds awesome, i just wish i could help test it more.

When i updated, all the items (not just the ones for your mod), icons and ores turned to super low quality images, i could not narrow it down to anything else... i have had the issue before with the 5dim automation mod.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Earendel »

AliceTheGorgon wrote:Is there a simple way to make haulers always grab a certain amount of fuel from the depot (so they can refuel miners when picking up ore), but also be able to drop any surplus off if they have it (such as after picking up a load of coal from the coal miner)?

The only things I've been able to come up with are either an entire extra depot and hauler dedicated exclusively to coal mining with inserters to forcibly stuff coal into the primary depot, or using a ridiculously complex combinator setup to ensure only one hauler is ever near the depot at once and compute which hauler is closest to the depot and dynamically setting the depot's requested coal to (depot coal + hauler coal - 200).
Both of these seem like I'm massively overthinking things, and that there's probably a much simpler solution, but I can't figure out what it might be.
I don't think so... at least not a simple way. I think that either 2 haulers or 2 depots is probably the simplest setup.
pezzawinkle wrote:
by Earendel » Tue May 02, 2017 5:07 pm
pezzawinkle wrote:
on the 0.3.3 update, the graphics quality went to hell, im not sure what did it, but im reverting the version, its soo hard to play with grainy images.
I can't check in-game for a few hours. Which images went grainy?
Sorry to be snarky and a bit short in my previous post.
The update sounds awesome, i just wish i could help test it more.

When i updated, all the items (not just the ones for your mod), icons and ores turned to super low quality images, i could not narrow it down to anything else... i have had the issue before with the 5dim automation mod.
That sounds like your sprite resolution setting got reduced somehow.
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Question about tick alignment

Post by poetter »

Hey Earendel,

First of all. Your mods are quite an awesome extension to Facrorio. GZ and Thx.

I'm playing a 0.14 Bobs Angels playthrough right now. Started this before 0.15 came out. The mod setup is quite similar to Arumba and Stejos Refactorissimo (or messing around with AAI) pLaythrough. So I'm using the latest 0.14 versions of your mods.

I found that if I send a single tick zone signal to the scanner i only ocationaly get an output signal. I have to send the signal at least 2 ticks to make sure i get an output signal. On the output side I found that i will always get a 2 tick output signal, what messed up a lot of things i had planned after getting the signal.

After seeing Arumba and Stejo messing around with combinators and AAI I just had the idea to try the same setup in 0.15 and aha. 1 tick in, 1 output tick out. Can't reproduce the problem. So my questions are:

- Is V 0.2.11 of programmable vehicles or any of your latest 0.14 versions of your mods borged and the signals are not tick aligned?
- Did you may be fix that in the 0.3.X versions?
- Is there may be a 0.14 version where this problem is fixed?
- Or am I missing something else at all?

BTW: Your mods make Factorio like a new game. After messing around hours with AAI and realizing that you pretty much ignored your factorio a couple of days you start to ask yourself if it wouldn't be time to make green sience first and then have another look into AAI again. AAI made me check out how combinators work and after a big learing curve I think I got the start of the idea. On the other hand I just wanted AAI to take the part of the trains but there is one thing that new players to AAI should know before they try it out. There is no GUI for AAI. You have to do that all by combinators. I would pretty much like to have the option to configure AAI by GUI and not via combinators. Making AAI smart requires some really deep combinator knowledge. If you never did this before it will take a lot of time to get into it. (We are not talking about wireing up an inserter an tell it to stop if there are more than 50 something in a box. For AAI you have to create some real combinator machines to get it running. At least if you want them to be smarter than the examples in the first posts)
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Re: Question about tick alignment

Post by Earendel »

poetter wrote:Hey Earendel,

First of all. Your mods are quite an awesome extension to Facrorio. GZ and Thx.

I'm playing a 0.14 Bobs Angels playthrough right now. Started this before 0.15 came out. The mod setup is quite similar to Arumba and Stejos Refactorissimo (or messing around with AAI) pLaythrough. So I'm using the latest 0.14 versions of your mods.

I found that if I send a single tick zone signal to the scanner i only ocationaly get an output signal. I have to send the signal at least 2 ticks to make sure i get an output signal. On the output side I found that i will always get a 2 tick output signal, what messed up a lot of things i had planned after getting the signal.

After seeing Arumba and Stejo messing around with combinators and AAI I just had the idea to try the same setup in 0.15 and aha. 1 tick in, 1 output tick out. Can't reproduce the problem. So my questions are:

- Is V 0.2.11 of programmable vehicles or any of your latest 0.14 versions of your mods borged and the signals are not tick aligned?
- Did you may be fix that in the 0.3.X versions?
- Is there may be a 0.14 version where this problem is fixed?
- Or am I missing something else at all?

BTW: Your mods make Factorio like a new game. After messing around hours with AAI and realizing that you pretty much ignored your factorio a couple of days you start to ask yourself if it wouldn't be time to make green sience first and then have another look into AAI again. AAI made me check out how combinators work and after a big learing curve I think I got the start of the idea. On the other hand I just wanted AAI to take the part of the trains but there is one thing that new players to AAI should know before they try it out. There is no GUI for AAI. You have to do that all by combinators. I would pretty much like to have the option to configure AAI by GUI and not via combinators. Making AAI smart requires some really deep combinator knowledge. If you never did this before it will take a lot of time to get into it. (We are not talking about wireing up an inserter an tell it to stop if there are more than 50 something in a box. For AAI you have to create some real combinator machines to get it running. At least if you want them to be smarter than the examples in the first posts)
Hi, thanks for your comments. I'll try and address them.

All the the scanner and controller-style structures are processed by the aai-programmable-structures mod so generally the aai-programmable-vehicles version won't make a difference for that.
Most of the 0.14 structure versions have the 2-tick-min bug, but I think it was fixed in 0.2.8 but if not let me know and I can make a new 0.14 version with that fixed.
The 2-tick bug is not in any of the 0.3.x versions which are for 0.15.

In terms of AAI's lack of a GUIs, that is something that is changing slowly. The latest release enables you to edit unit data with the unit remote controller. Soon you will be able to filter structure output with a gui, but I don't intend for AAI to ever have very many guis. You will be able to do a few train-like loops in the future when you can queue up move-to commands with the unit remote controller to make waypoints and repeatable paths, but that's still a way off. Anything more complicated than that and you'll need combinators. I'm not trying to replace trains, ideally everything will have it's place.

The core concept behind this mods was: "What would be possible of you could control vehicles with combinators?" Everything else, the zones and inventory transfer systems, were to added in order to support that original focus. The unit remote controller and RTS aspects appeared because it was a convenient debugging tool. The amount of UPS resource it takes to do the structures signal processing is unfortuante, I'm working on it. For the moment players are having to make more complex setups in order to do more with combinators and less with the structures, which is both good and bad.

Also, until earlier this week the mod portal page stated that the mod state of aai-programmable-vehicles was 'alpha' and it still is, I just ran in to the character limit and had to remove something.

I'm guessing that this mod is still only about 25% complete...
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Lacisum Utama »

TheChronicler wrote:EDIT: This post will be a bit of a mess too while I figure out how spoilers work.
EDIT2: Fixed, images are in my post below this one since this is my first post.
EDIT3: Forgot to add some information.
EDIT4: It's a bit buggy, after further testing I've found out it's move buggy when K values exceed 90. For now I can't be bothered to fix it, but I will update when/if I do.
EDIT5: Yes, yes, I edit a lot, ok? Just to correct my above edit. It bugs out if you stop the clock incorrectly(in a way it doesn't like, isn't really incorrect).
(If you're interested exactly what: I stopped the clock by setting input on the leftmost combinator of the clock block to 1. This messes up the clock and in turn messes up the whole system. Instead, if you for some
reason want to stop it, simply go into the same combinator and set the operator(+-<>) to something other than what it is(<) )
Also in edit5: Added a new blueprint string

So, I've tested out some circuitry to search for resources in a spiral pattern.

There are some mistakes, It when it gets to a corner, it adds one to the opposite direction of where it's going then returns to it's correct path. I can't be bothered to fix this right now, but I will upload an uploaded version if I do.
As fas as I'm awake it works beyond that.
Another thing is that I haven't checked 100% if the flagging of resources works correctly. The algorithm and navigating the grid works fine, but I have not tested the zone controller to see if it flags all zones.

It's controlled by a clock that sends a single pulse every three(3) ticks. This can be changed to a higher number by changing the numbers in the combinator to the left and right in the clock section.

This is my first time testing out combinators and it was done between 2 and 4 in the morning so please excuse the messy and sub-optimal build.
It works, although, it might be a little slow.
It also doesn't handle the x and y position 0.
So resources in x=0 and y=0 will not be flagged. As far as I can tell this is because factorio handles value 0 as NULL(no signal). There may be a way around this, but I haven't found it.

Math behind it:
Math stuff
Here's the blueprint string.

I cant seem to get your blueprint to upload into my game no matter what i try. is there a way to add more details as to what combinators are set to what? I havent been able to recreate this and ive tried.
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Re: Question about tick alignment

Post by poetter »

Earendel wrote:
poetter wrote:Left out. See post above
Hi, thanks for your comments. I'll try and address them.

All the the scanner and controller-style structures are processed by the aai-programmable-structures mod so generally the aai-programmable-vehicles version won't make a difference for that.
Most of the 0.14 structure versions have the 2-tick-min bug, but I think it was fixed in 0.2.8 but if not let me know and I can make a new 0.14 version with that fixed.
The 2-tick bug is not in any of the 0.3.x versions which are for 0.15.

In terms of AAI's lack of a GUIs, that is something that is changing slowly. The latest release enables you to edit unit data with the unit remote controller. Soon you will be able to filter structure output with a gui, but I don't intend for AAI to ever have very many guis. You will be able to do a few train-like loops in the future when you can queue up move-to commands with the unit remote controller to make waypoints and repeatable paths, but that's still a way off. Anything more complicated than that and you'll need combinators. I'm not trying to replace trains, ideally everything will have it's place.

The core concept behind this mods was: "What would be possible of you could control vehicles with combinators?" Everything else, the zones and inventory transfer systems, were to added in order to support that original focus. The unit remote controller and RTS aspects appeared because it was a convenient debugging tool. The amount of UPS resource it takes to do the structures signal processing is unfortuante, I'm working on it. For the moment players are having to make more complex setups in order to do more with combinators and less with the structures, which is both good and bad.

Also, until earlier this week the mod portal page stated that the mod state of aai-programmable-vehicles was 'alpha' and it still is, I just ran in to the character limit and had to remove something.

I'm guessing that this mod is still only about 25% complete...
Well, as the 0.15 mods come along now I'm thinking about restarting the playthrough in 0.15 again, but I think Stejo would be amazed to get an 0.14 version without the 2-tick-min bug. I more or less just wanted my findings to be qualified. I moved my AAI setups to a creative world for now and made my green sience in the 0.14 playthrough :-) Once I figured out my smarter machine for AAI in creative i will start to use them in the normal playthroughs. I already build a smarter scanner. 2 stages. first one just marks zones in a spiral outwards with a 5 tile stepping. second one will look at these zones and if something valueable is found it scannes the tilles auround in a 9x9 square. But as i just learned how to write programs with combinators I'd like to clean that up and get rid of my first setups before I post them here.I read some posts about a lua combinator. that would make things a lot easier

BTW: Can you explain that 2-tick-min bug a bit more in detail? Is that game related, or a bug in your mod?
BBTW: Another finding. If you place a scanner by blueprint in 0.15.6 creative the output terminal is not connected to the scanner entity. you can remove the scanner, but the output terminal will stay. you can only shoot it to get rid of the entity. Have not tried other than a zone scanner.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Sedar »

I got carried away by your mod and built a scheme for the dynamic management of a group of chaingunners. Here are a few pictures: It was really cool!
But it was not a real game, but only a test in the creative-mod for the potentialfor the future game. The potential is amazing!

But there is one significant drawback.
This is the fall of the UPS. I do not care about the costs of the UPS in the active mode: while vehicles is driving / searching patch, this is justified. The problem is that every vehicle in the world _ constantly_ consumes a large ammount of UPS, even when no one controller is running and no commands are given.
This set of 36 chaingunners shown on my pictures reduces the total max UPS by 7 times!(I watch the maximum ups with multiplied game speed) This is on an empty map with AAI only and stopped controllers.
Remove after the "mission" and deploy, if necessary, not in the spirit of the game about automation.

I propose to add the possibility of hibernation to vehicles. By using the appropriate signals to the Unit Data Controller:
-Hibernation signal
-Wake-up signal
Just my part of the feedback.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by TokMor »

Here is my creation, I plan to add more, but I think it is presently worth sharing.
In short, it provides an easy way to send any number of miners to a zone of ore, in a UPS friendly way.

Key features:
Can support any number of miners
Can support any number of ore types
Only sends each command to all AAI structures for 1 tick. No duplicate commands are ever sent.
Spaces out miners on a zone. Miner 1 on the zone goes to zone tile 1, the total number of tiles are divided by the number of miners, that number times the number of the miner is the tile assigned.

Input requirements:
Input must be 1 tick duration
Each input must be ~60 ticks or more apart
Ore signals must be sorted (I.E. if you want 2 iron and 3 copper miners, send signals iron, iron, copper, copper, copper. Sending copper, iron, copper, iron, copper will cause the circuit to not work properly)
Send a delimit signal (yellow belt here) after all ores to signify the end and reset the counts

I use a simple belt loop to handle the inputs. That isn't included in the BP, but I can add that if needed.

Red box is for the ores and zones, each ore on your input should correspond to the zone it's marked with. Any number of additional combinators can be added.
Blue box is the miner type. Only 1 type of miner is supported.
Green box is the delimit/reset signal

Miner Spread
BP string
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by xaegr »

Hi! First of all, thanks for great mod.

I encountered an error in 0.15.6 (screenshot attached). It happened after I sent a miner to forest using Unit Remote Controller:
1. I selected miner.
2. I selected some forest area using shift-left click.
3. After a bit of derpy wandering miner finaly embarked to the forest, and I left the area to do other things.
4. About 1-2 minutes after that, this error occured.
It is repeatable, and I can send you a save when it happens in 2-3 seconds if you want.

Edit: Apparently this happens when miner moves near the rock and tries to mine it. Probably somehow caused by rocks containing more than one type of item in bob's mods?

On unrelated note. I'm currently playing death world with bob's and angels, and vehicles are currently feeling very technologically imbalanced and cheaty. In bob's+angels, even simple technologies such as filter inserters are a challenge (and a good one), but your mod provides cheap workarounds to this functionality right from the start. May be you will consider adding an option in mod configuration for harder technology tree? Here is some thoughts:
Miner, hauler, vehicle depot - all provide filtering functionality, and should depend on filter inserters tech, and include some filter inserters in recipes.
vehicle depot is usable as a veeeery big chest, like warehouses provided by some mods. Most of this mods depend on steel, and probably its a good idea to include a steel chests in recipe.
And of course, all vehicles should require engines.
Also scanner/controller buildings IMHO should require their own technology, they are definitely much more advanced than simple circuits.

I totally understand that this will make achieving full capabilities of this mod much harder, and may not be suitable for everyone or for using it as only method of mining resources, so it should be an option.

aai vehicles.png
aai vehicles.png (62.75 KiB) Viewed 9801 times
Last edited by xaegr on Thu May 04, 2017 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by pezzawinkle »

Earendel wrote: ... good reading...

That sounds like your sprite resolution setting got reduced somehow.
Yeah, it seems that the added "data-final-fixes.lua" was causing the issue :shock: ... simply removing that for some reason fixed the gfx problem i was having, i have nfi why. It was doing nothing from what i could tell (except loading projectiles again).

Thought id share the information in case it comes up again.

P.S. good work on getting your compression software to take it up a notch (or a good code tidy...)
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Earendel »

poetter wrote: Well, as the 0.15 mods come along now I'm thinking about restarting the playthrough in 0.15 again, but I think Stejo would be amazed to get an 0.14 version without the 2-tick-min bug. I more or less just wanted my findings to be qualified. I moved my AAI setups to a creative world for now and made my green sience in the 0.14 playthrough :-) Once I figured out my smarter machine for AAI in creative i will start to use them in the normal playthroughs. I already build a smarter scanner. 2 stages. first one just marks zones in a spiral outwards with a 5 tile stepping. second one will look at these zones and if something valueable is found it scannes the tilles auround in a 9x9 square. But as i just learned how to write programs with combinators I'd like to clean that up and get rid of my first setups before I post them here.I read some posts about a lua combinator. that would make things a lot easier

BTW: Can you explain that 2-tick-min bug a bit more in detail? Is that game related, or a bug in your mod?
BBTW: Another finding. If you place a scanner by blueprint in 0.15.6 creative the output terminal is not connected to the scanner entity. you can remove the scanner, but the output terminal will stay. you can only shoot it to get rid of the entity. Have not tried other than a zone scanner.
The 2-tick bug was first found by Steejo. He's been playing on an alternate experimental version for a while which includes the fix for that. The problem was a quirk in my code from when I switched from all structures processing every tick to the max_structs_per_tick method.

Thanks for reporting the zone scanner issue, I hadn't seen that one.
xaegr wrote:Hi! First of all, thanks for great mod.

I encountered an error in 0.15.6 (screenshot attached). It happened after I sent a miner to forest using Unit Remote Controller:
That's bug in the aai-vehicles-miner and it's fixed now.
xaegr wrote: On unrelated note. I'm currently playing death world with bob's and angels, and vehicles are currently feeling very technologically imbalanced and cheaty. In bob's+angels, even simple technologies such as filter inserters are a challenge (and a good one), but your mod provides cheap workarounds to this functionality right from the start. May be you will consider adding an option in mod configuration for harder technology tree? Here is some thoughts:
Miner, hauler, vehicle depot - all provide filtering functionality, and should depend on filter inserters tech, and include some filter inserters in recipes.
vehicle depot is usable as a veeeery big chest, like warehouses provided by some mods. Most of this mods depend on steel, and probably its a good idea to include a steel chests in recipe.
And of course, all vehicles should require engines.
Also scanner/controller buildings IMHO should require their own technology, they are definitely much more advanced than simple circuits.

I totally understand that this will make achieving full capabilities of this mod much harder, and may not be suitable for everyone or for using it as only method of mining resources, so it should be an option.

There will be tech for these things, they will be config-option based so you can get them earlier/later, and the ingredient requirements will be balanced too. Right now though, those things are less important the making the structures mod run faster and a few other things that I think are more important right now. One thing that I'd really like to mention is that there will soon be a separate mod that addresses the engines issue so it will be more obvious why vanilla engines are not required in the construction of the basic vehicles.
pezzawinkle wrote:
Earendel wrote: ... good reading...

That sounds like your sprite resolution setting got reduced somehow.
Yeah, it seems that the added "data-final-fixes.lua" was causing the issue :shock: ... simply removing that for some reason fixed the gfx problem i was having, i have nfi why. It was doing nothing from what i could tell (except loading projectiles again).

Thought id share the information in case it comes up again.

P.S. good work on getting your compression software to take it up a notch (or a good code tidy...)
This mod's data-final-fixes.lua adds a projectile entity of each item graphic so that it can do the item transfer animations, i.e. if it's transferring copper ore it will look like copper ore, ammo looks like ammo, etc. By removing that you'll either not see see a default projectile, no projectile, or it might crash :?
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Earendel »

Earendel wrote:
pezzawinkle wrote:
Earendel wrote: ... good reading...

That sounds like your sprite resolution setting got reduced somehow.
Yeah, it seems that the added "data-final-fixes.lua" was causing the issue :shock: ... simply removing that for some reason fixed the gfx problem i was having, i have nfi why. It was doing nothing from what i could tell (except loading projectiles again).

Thought id share the information in case it comes up again.

P.S. good work on getting your compression software to take it up a notch (or a good code tidy...)
This mod's data-final-fixes.lua adds a projectile entity of each item graphic so that it can do the item transfer animations, i.e. if it's transferring copper ore it will look like copper ore, ammo looks like ammo, etc. By removing that you'll either not see see a default projectile, no projectile, or it might crash :?
Actually, I just found that I'd left a logging function in that file. Maybe that had something to do with it? I'm uploading a fix now.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by soundlogic »

I had a small feature request for this and the miner mod-a config setting to disable the placement of items in starting inventories.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by magals »

i have 4 mines but script update 20-30/

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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by StoneLegion »

I been considering adding this mod onto my server hehe. Just me and my mate we love trains I always worry this might take away things from the game and such. But it looks like a lot of fun to mess with. I assume you make really complex programs not matter what it will be quite powerful I assume.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Earendel »

A new version has been released. Units now chart a small area around them so you can see what they're doing and more easily order them around from the map using the handheld remote control.
soundlogic wrote:I had a small feature request for this and the miner mod-a config setting to disable the placement of items in starting inventories.
That's on the todo list.
magals wrote:i have 4 mines but script update 20-30/
It's the structures mod that is using the UPS, not the vehicles or miners. You probably have a scanner or controller structure somewhere doing more than it needs to. Try going into the options menu for mods and setting max structs per tick to 1. You could also restrict the output signals from structures.
Kane wrote:I been considering adding this mod onto my server hehe. Just me and my mate we love trains I always worry this might take away things from the game and such. But it looks like a lot of fun to mess with. I assume you make really complex programs not matter what it will be quite powerful I assume.
You can use this mod as much or as little as you like. It's not designed to replace trains. You can just use it just to have your car to defend you if you get out, or you could use the unit remote controller to order your car to drive to you from the other end of the map.
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Re: [MOD 0.14] AAI Programmable Vehicles

Post by Neocount998 »

I seem to be having a weird interaction with AAi and Angel's mods When i load up a new game i get this message
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