[0.17.x] [Z] Adventure

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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

Dry Hairy Tree wrote:I loaded this with whistle stop. I found a blue belt assembler. I hooked everything up thinking this is great, the belt assembler was not hooked however to lube - and I cannot rotate it. Wasted 3 hours to get to the point to realise it is unusable. Loaders also weren't connecting red belt to them. No experience with loaders so don't know if they're broken or not.
Updated a bit - now blue belt assembler is rotatable. Anyway it must be rotated in right direction at the beginning, when area is created.
Loaders may be destroyed or used:
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Great idea but it didn't really happen. Feedback:

Factories need to actually work not troll the player
Belts without matching underground and splitter sections are still going to be as restricted as their cheaper counterparts so are just trolling the player
Blueprints are mostly useless e.g. right hand drive rail, 0.75 ps science builds, yellow balancers

So I found lots of things, and hardly anything was of any advantage to me. Maze was fun.

Potential for being a cool mod, but certainly wouldn't recommend in current state. Too many blueprints, not enough 'ruins', certainly not enough significantly useful ruins.
Thanks for your feedback.

For now, mostly, i'm trying to polish the code.
Those area what already implemented, part of them is, let say truly, are fillers (like blueprints or belt productions).
But some created with additional passion (maze, base, station). Also i've tried to figure out what may be easy to implement, what is hard. What may grant additional advantage or even broke whole gameplay.

Maybe it's just a lack of my own ideas, but i can't imagen alot of variation, which is not simple production line or randomly generated decorative entities.
So gimme a time. Or even better - share your ideas, if you have it and i'll try to implement them. =)
Dry Hairy Tree
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by Dry Hairy Tree »

OK. I really do think this has awesome potential. And it's great you actively seek to improve it. Please excuse if I sound harsh I lack tact at the best of times my intention is not to be insulting but to communicate.

Imagination however, I got in spades.

The maze felt like part of an adventure. The mechanics of slowing down the player at the centre was especially good. The prize (I got 110 barrels of lube) had no practical application. Things that might change early game experience significantly but don't specifically 'break the game': Modules. Vehicles. Rocket launcher and ammo type stuff. Some laser turrets. A bunch of cluster grenades. Power armor stuff. Tier 3 assemblers. Some electric smelters... I'm aware you probably already do some of this. If the stuff is high tech but the amount limited it's a nice bonus but there is still incentive to tech up.

Getting killed by mines was great. Made me more wary, added atmosphere.

Not sure what to do with right hand drive issue of train blueprints, some of the blueprints look really good too. Perhaps I could try to change the signals and convert the ones I like the look of. Be cool to use them in the map I find them. A left and right hand version would solve this but a lot of work to cater for how the other half live :D Maybe hold off on two versions till you are not using so many blueprints as 'placeholders' while things are developing.

Finding the wee factories is really cool. but if they were more useful it would be even cooler. The lack of undergrounds and splitters being an issue with the finding of belt factories (red and blue). A functional red or blue circuit factory would also be amazing to find early, but make them run really slow so again, the player is still motivated to do more themselves.

One idea I've had for ages was a drift car track. Lay out lots of belt and drive around on it, do a few corners and angles across it you'll soon find out what turns your car into a drift car. It's lots of fun. A huge track with sections through hostile territory for a multiplayer race was my original vision... Anyway - Lay out a track. Put in a timer. Make player beat a certain time to win a prize. Perhaps...

Trading Posts? Somewhere a player can swap items for other items. I'm really thinking if this mod activated other mods you could indeed create an adventure: e.g. you trade 10 tanks and get a jet. Adventure might start with no mods active... And then you'd find things like long reach, bigger inventory, you know, quality of life mods, this can replace or be added to the existing random recipes found. I think also, if a tech is acquired, bring up the tech screen, make it more significant to the player than just a sound blip and a script.

I also think trading posts could be divided up e.g. military, production, and even a biotech/green tech based trader. Maybe a player could even purchase research. But also these will need to be limited options, not somewhere the game gets based around. I think each game only gives a percentage of options, so each playthrough is varied, and a player can't rely on adventure to do everything like some do their logistics robots. :D

Enemies might be incorporated with military finds. Worms etc guarding facilities (as well as possible mines, turrets etc) that must be dealt with to get access. So you start a game and find a machine that makes advanced ammo, but you got to fight to get to it.

Some ideas. Use or discard at will.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

Just a note for myself:
- more valuable items in chest/maze
- race track
- different assortiment/faction exchange posts
- moar defensive structures

About existed areas and mechanics - i don't really want to explain all what is hidden. So some of them may be obvious, some is not. And if you find something looks unusable or broken, then there is a chance what you must spend a bit more time to figure out how t use it or why it's not working.

Because this mod is in progress of development, i spend more time on area layouts and their mechanics, rather than filled them with proper items (i'm about useless items in chests). I'm trying to invent more unique areas and implement them.

Now more specific about your ideas, Dry Hairy Tree:
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:The maze felt like part of an adventure. The mechanics of slowing down the player at the centre was especially good. The prize (I got 110 barrels of lube) had no practical application. Things that might change early game experience significantly but don't specifically 'break the game': Modules. Vehicles. Rocket launcher and ammo type stuff. Some laser turrets. A bunch of cluster grenades. Power armor stuff. Tier 3 assemblers. Some electric smelters... I'm aware you probably already do some of this. If the stuff is high tech but the amount limited it's a nice bonus but there is still incentive to tech up.
Yeah, there is different lists of possible items for chest with mines and for mazes. And i'm already thought about to dilute list intermediate items with anything else, or replace part of them. Work in progress... =)
Btw, have you tried to crush maze walls?
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Getting killed by mines was great. Made me more wary, added atmosphere.
I have thoughts that the mines scattered around is too straightforward and rude solution. Maybe i'll change something in this area later.
Anyway, now (1.1.6) you can disable unwanted areas in settings.
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Not sure what to do with right hand drive issue of train blueprints, some of the blueprints look really good too. Perhaps I could try to change the signals and convert the ones I like the look of. Be cool to use them in the map I find them. A left and right hand version would solve this but a lot of work to cater for how the other half live :D Maybe hold off on two versions till you are not using so many blueprints as 'placeholders' while things are developing.
It is hard to please everyone. ;)
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Finding the wee factories is really cool. but if they were more useful it would be even cooler. The lack of undergrounds and splitters being an issue with the finding of belt factories (red and blue). A functional red or blue circuit factory would also be amazing to find early, but make them run really slow so again, the player is still motivated to do more themselves.
Good point. Noted. I'll make changes in the next update.
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:One idea I've had for ages was a drift car track. Lay out lots of belt and drive around on it, do a few corners and angles across it you'll soon find out what turns your car into a drift car. It's lots of fun. A huge track with sections through hostile territory for a multiplayer race was my original vision... Anyway - Lay out a track. Put in a timer. Make player beat a certain time to win a prize. Perhaps...
Hm... Need more testings.. :shock:
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Trading Posts? Somewhere a player can swap items for other items. I'm really thinking if this mod activated other mods you could indeed create an adventure: e.g. you trade 10 tanks and get a jet. Adventure might start with no mods active... And then you'd find things like long reach, bigger inventory, you know, quality of life mods, this can replace or be added to the existing random recipes found. I think also, if a tech is acquired, bring up the tech screen, make it more significant to the player than just a sound blip and a script.
Trading post already there (1.1.5).
About other stuff, it's complicated...
At first - there is no way to activate or deactivate mods when game is running.
Secondly - borrow someone else's code or other's mod stuff is not good.
But anyway, for example, i can make something what change character settings (slots, speed, interaction ranges, drones). But it too simple and does not looks like "adventure". So i need to make it as part or as reward of something else.
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:I also think trading posts could be divided up e.g. military, production, and even a biotech/green tech based trader. Maybe a player could even purchase research. But also these will need to be limited options, not somewhere the game gets based around.
Seems i'm already have an idea how to divide it for different "factions".
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:I think each game only gives a percentage of options, so each playthrough is varied, and a player can't rely on adventure to do everything like some do their logistics robots. :D
Each area has, at least, minimal and some has maximal distance from starting point where they may be spawned. And if all chunks in this diaposone already generated, then no chance what this areas will be spawned. Min/max is subject of possible future change.
Dry Hairy Tree wrote:Enemies might be incorporated with military finds. Worms etc guarding facilities (as well as possible mines, turrets etc) that must be dealt with to get access. So you start a game and find a machine that makes advanced ammo, but you got to fight to get to it.
Ok, i have "Occupied base" area.
It's guarded by aliens and turrets. But that is not all. On territory has enemy's roboport with robots ready to fill turrets with ammo and repair structure (even alien ones). And if you left them alone, then, after some time, they will start their expansion. And no one knows when and where they will appears.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by Peldor1 »

I really don't know what to do with the Inventive station... feed it plates? Science? Raw materials?
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

Peldor1 wrote:I really don't know what to do with the Inventive station... feed it plates? Science? Raw materials?
Decider shows you what you can get. All you need is bring right ingredients.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by Dry Hairy Tree »

Excellent. It sounds like you've given this a great deal of thought already. I wish I could code I'd gladly help with such an imaginative project.

Just a thought on an enemy base... maybe it has construction robots that will turn to your side if you destroy a command building.

I also think finding a small (single reactor) nuclear plant would be very cool.

And... imagine if an enemy outpost releases distractor capsules so you have to wait till they die before you start an assault. Obviously you like variety, this would be one option.

Might be cool to have something impenetrable too, and the safest bet is just to nuke it or burn it down. Also, have you seen what happens when a nuclear facility blows up - very big bang. You might be able to booby trap something to really blow up big time and take the player with it.

An abandoned rail yard might be a nice find.

I like your idea that some examination and thinking/action by a player can revitalise some things we find.

I'd never ask you to steal code. In future though, collaboration with other modders might be your easiest path to making this comprehensive.

I remember the AOE map editor. I spent months making a scenario around the 'Pretty Town Competition'. A king had ordered in manure to make his roses bloom for the judges but bandits robbed the cart not knowing they were stealing manure. A big war broke out over the cart as the neighboring king wouldn't give up the robbers. The very beautiful map I'd made gets totally destroyed. The judges arrive and everything is wrecked. I'd made new trigger tricks (jannisaries shooting birds approaching the orchards type thing), a funny script, and all sorts for it. Anyways, it consumed so much time I got in trouble at work, and it didn't even get to be in the competition as it was a scenario, not a map.... So... My point... This is a big job, put yourself first.

If the in-game editor here gets to a stage I consider useable, I'll make a funny Factorio scenario for the community to say thank you for all the ideas/inspiration/mods.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by Peldor1 »

ZlovreD wrote:
Peldor1 wrote:I really don't know what to do with the Inventive station... feed it plates? Science? Raw materials?
Decider shows you what you can get. All you need is bring right ingredients.
so the decider shows you what it needs to do research?
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

Peldor1 wrote:
ZlovreD wrote:
Peldor1 wrote:I really don't know what to do with the Inventive station... feed it plates? Science? Raw materials?
Decider shows you what you can get. All you need is bring right ingredients.
so the decider shows you what it needs to do research?
It shows you what YOU CAN research. And if you feed it right - then you get what it shows.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

- Added suport for Omni mods
- Red belt area - simplify.
- Rebalance production speed for bel areas.
- Fix for Occupied base behaviour.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by luc »

I get this in any game, as soon as I ran far enough that a new chunk is to be generated. No other mods active, latest game version.

Code: Select all

 363.491 Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 18956891: Error while running event ZAdventure::on_chunk_generated (ID 12)
Given seed value (34225932140) is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 4294967295
stack traceback:
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:134: in function 'Rnd'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:201: in function 'GetRandomArea'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:902: in function <__ZAdventure__/control.lua:867>
Edit: I realized that your code is on Github which includes a bug tracker, so I submitted it there: https://github.com/iZlovreD/ZAdventure/issues/1
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

luc wrote:I get this in any game, as soon as I ran far enough that a new chunk is to be generated. No other mods active, latest game version.

Code: Select all

 363.491 Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 18956891: Error while running event ZAdventure::on_chunk_generated (ID 12)
Given seed value (34225932140) is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 4294967295
stack traceback:
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:134: in function 'Rnd'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:201: in function 'GetRandomArea'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:902: in function <__ZAdventure__/control.lua:867>
Edit: I realized that your code is on Github which includes a bug tracker, so I submitted it there: https://github.com/iZlovreD/ZAdventure/issues/1
Will be fixed in 1.1.8
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

- New area "Autodrome".
- Some areas now accept coins.
- New property for area prototype "progressive_remoteness".
- New property for area prototype "only_freeplay".
- Size restriction for area prototype is raised up to 256x256. Split blueprint on to pieces to avoid spawn lags (See "Autodrome").
- Collision check reconsidered, now areas may be occur more frequently.
- Now, to get items from Danger chest, players required to come closer.
- Fix for random seed overflow.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by luc »

Thanks for the quick update! Unfortunately, I now get this error:

Code: Select all

   6.628 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Sprite "__ZAdventure__/graphics/terrain/asphalt.png" is too large (max 2048 px in either direction is allowed).: __ZAdventure__/graphics/terrain/asphalt.png

Mods to be disabled:
• ZAdventure
Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

luc wrote:Thanks for the quick update! Unfortunately, I now get this error:

Code: Select all

   6.628 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Sprite "__ZAdventure__/graphics/terrain/asphalt.png" is too large (max 2048 px in either direction is allowed).: __ZAdventure__/graphics/terrain/asphalt.png

Mods to be disabled:
• ZAdventure
Am I doing something wrong?
It's because of sprite restrictions in settings. I'll add low-res variations of sprites
You can try to set "Sprite resolution" to 'high' in graphic settings.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

- Additional memory usage optimization.
- New property for area prototype "nearest_copy".
- Enemies in the occupied base receive upgrades.
- Change mod version assignation. Now minor version represent amount of area types and followed by build number.
- Polishing Autodrome.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by luc »

The mod still doesn't work for me. When trying it after you fixed the low-res sprites issue, I got the same error as before again:

Code: Select all

 318.941 Checksum for script __ZAdventure__/control.lua: 2910738904
 436.211 Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 68339989: Error while running event ZAdventure::on_chunk_generated (ID 12)
Given seed value (34176588303) is too big, the data type allows values from 0 to 4294967295
stack traceback:
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:136: in function 'Rnd'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:194: in function 'GetRandomArea'
	__ZAdventure__/control.lua:703: in function <__ZAdventure__/control.lua:668>
Then I updated to the latest version and got this error:

Code: Select all

   6.141 Checksum of ZAdventure: 1135831701
   6.153 Error ModManager.cpp:1024: Error while loading font prototype "zadv_lable_race_font_1" (font): File __ZAdventure__/locale/digital.ttf not found
Modifications: [Z] Adventure
   6.200 Loaded shader file /home/luc/gm/factorio-latest/data/core/graphics/shaders/game.glsl
   6.200 Loaded shader file /home/luc/gm/factorio-latest/data/core/graphics/shaders/zoom-to-world.glsl
   6.200 Loaded shader file /home/luc/gm/factorio-latest/data/core/graphics/shaders/alpha-mask.glsl
   6.217 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   6.233 Created atlas bitmap 297x17 [none]
   6.400 Sprites loaded
   6.407 Custom inputs active: 0
   6.408 Factorio initialised
   6.409 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while loading font prototype "zadv_lable_race_font_1" (font): File __ZAdventure__/locale/digital.ttf not found
Modifications: [Z] Adventure

Mods to be disabled:
• ZAdventure
The file digital.ttf is nowhere on my system. Is it a Windows font (I'm running Debian Linux) or is it just missing from the package?
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

Updated to fix both.
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by luc »

Seems to work now, gonna try to find some adventures later :)
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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

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Re: [0.16.x] [Z] Adventure

Post by ZlovreD »

- Serious reinforcements for Occupied base. Try to deal with them, before they conquer the world.
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