[MOD 0.15.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train manager 2.0.7

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by JamesOFarrell »

I'm just going to paste this here from the rail tanker thread. I'll update the first post now with the posted version Choumiko posted earlier.
JamesOFarrell wrote:I figure i should pop up and say something at this point. Life is crazy at the moment, between work and house hunting I've got almost no time to relax. I used to play Factorio and mod in that time but these days I am messing around with some other things. I'm hoping to get back into Factorio when everything calms down but I doubt it will be for a before December. If someone wants to have a crack at patching Rail Tanker (or any of my other mods) feel free to. The code is on github, i'll eye the code and accept the pull request. If you want to post a new version just upload it to this tread and I'll link it in the first post.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by ssilk »

Ok, I will help out, if this mods (or others) needs to be updated. A short PM is enough.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

I've done some work: TheFatController 0.3.13

Should work with new games as well as older saves that already had FAT installed.

If you only have saves from Factorio 0.12.13 or 0.12.14:
Load them with FatController disabled, save, reenable FatController and load again. Should work then (those versions messed up stored mod data, so there's no other way around it.

James, as with Railtanker, if you want, add a link to https://github.com/Choumiko/TheFatController/releases in the OP, i'll work on it every now and then (will mostly be bug fixes i guess)

Edit: Updated link to 0.3.13, fixed that FatController wasn't working when loading a game
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by mbritb »

Thank you, that totally fixed the error!!! <3 :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by mbritb »

I have a question: I loaded Colonelwill's map with version 12.15 and this new version of Fat Controller. It takes a few minutes to find about half of the trains then stops. Found out that it's because any train that is manually stopped, can't update so therefore TFC can't find them. Is there a script or something we can run that will force all trains to update or something similar? or do we just have to find each train and turn them on?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

mbritb wrote:Found out that it's because any train that is manually stopped, can't update so therefore TFC can't find them. Is there a script or something we can run that will force all trains to update or something similar? or do we just have to find each train and turn them on?
Good point, use the new version below:

The Fat Controller 0.3.14
  • Scans for trains when TFC get's added to a save or updated from older versions.
  • requires Factorio 0.12.12+
  • Display localised item names
This is hopefully the last update to fix all issues concerning updating Factorio/TFC. Tested it with vanilla saves, old saves with TFC 0.3.0 and seems to work.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by mbritb »

OMG! Thank you so much Choumiko!!! I'm sorry we keep you guys so busy! Very Very grateful for all you guys have done for us!! Y'all are awesome!!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by ColonelWill »

Thanks so much for updating the mod so fast, means alot
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by rasser0759 »

Hi when i try to run Factorio, i get this error "(player): using axially_symmetrical with just 1 direction"
I hope someone can help me out with this :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

New version: The Fat Controller 0.3.15
  • fix typo, preventing unlocking after research
If you already have rail-signals (not rails-signals :mrgreen: ) researched and the button shows up there's no need to update.
rasser0759 wrote:Hi when i try to run Factorio, i get this error "(player): using axially_symmetrical with just 1 direction"
I hope someone can help me out with this :D
What Factorio/FatController version? Or delete the FatController zip/folder and try again, if it still shows the error without it then it's something else
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by rasser0759 »

Choumiko wrote:New version: The Fat Controller 0.3.15
  • fix typo, preventing unlocking after research
If you already have rail-signals (not rails-signals :mrgreen: ) researched and the button shows up there's no need to update.
rasser0759 wrote:Hi when i try to run Factorio, i get this error "(player): using axially_symmetrical with just 1 direction"
I hope someone can help me out with this :D
What Factorio/FatController version? Or delete the FatController zip/folder and try again, if it still shows the error without it then it's something else

I say thank you for the update :D it was all that i needed.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Boogieman14 »

Choumiko wrote:Scans for trains when TFC get's added to a save or updated from older versions.
Using 0.3.15, this doesn't appear to work completely yet. I just had a train that I had set to wait forever on condition empty using SmartTrains, and it only got added after that condition was met and the train started moving

If it's relevant, I upgraded from 0.3.14 where I ran into the unlock problem, so it wasn't active yet. To troubleshoot that, I did a save without the mod and then re-added 0.3.14, which obviously didn't fix it because 0.3.15 did. :) I started the game with a version before that, probably 0.3.11 as I don't have 12 or 13 on my PC.
I don't have OCD, I have CDO. It's the same, but with the letters in the correct order.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

Boogieman14 wrote:If it's relevant, I upgraded from 0.3.14 where I ran into the unlock problem, so it wasn't active yet.
That's probably it, the code from 0.3.15 looks like this

Code: Select all

if not oldVersion or oldVersion < "0.3.14" then
So another typo/oversight :roll: I'll hold of with another update (to many small ones for my taste lately).
If you (or anyone else) has a lot of stopped/manual controlled trains and want them to show up in TFC, just disable it, load+save, reenable and load. Should work then. For later versions it will work as advertised.

Edit: In case you update a save where you are remote controlling a train and can't switch back: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 52#p115852
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Thomasnotused »

Enabling TFC (0.3.15) causes stuttering when fast-replacing transport belts, disabling solves issue completely. Any clue on why it does that?
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

SuicidalKid wrote:Enabling TFC (0.3.15) causes stuttering when fast-replacing transport belts, disabling solves issue completely. Any clue on why it does that?
(Probably) fixed if you use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Choum ... ontrol.lua as the control.lua for The Fat Controller.
If it's fixed: There was an event when an entity died/was mined that wasn't filtered to the types TFC would care about and so got run way too often. I guess you have quite a lot of trains? Fast replacing would cause it to be even worse, since that's a very quick way to mine a item.
Will make a proper release some time soon.

This control.lua should also swap players back to their real character when updating from versions < 0.3.14. If you want to be real safe: Don't upgrade a save where you are remote controlling a train :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Thomasnotused »

Choumiko wrote:
(Probably) fixed if you use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Choum ... ontrol.lua as the control.lua for The Fat Controller.
If it's fixed: There was an event when an entity died/was mined that wasn't filtered to the types TFC would care about and so got run way too often. I guess you have quite a lot of trains? Fast replacing would cause it to be even worse, since that's a very quick way to mine a item.
Will make a proper release some time soon.

This control.lua should also swap players back to their real character when updating from versions < 0.3.14. If you want to be real safe: Don't upgrade a save where you are remote controlling a train :D
Using that control.lua completely fixed the issue, yay for no more stutters! Now back to adding another 15 trains to the network ;)
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

New version: The Fat Controller 0.3.16
  • min Factorio 0.12.17
  • display localised name of liquids (railtanker)
  • follow last carriage if train is moving backwards (double headers)
  • fixed stuttering with lots of trains when fast replacing belts
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by SaxonHammer »

Code: Select all

Error while running the event handler: __TheFatController__/control.lua:295: attempt to index field 'guiSettings' (a nil value)
Hi - Just got the above message - I have version 0.12.18 running - the message occurs when trying to load a game.

You can start a new game without this error.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by Choumiko »

New version: The Fat Controller 0.3.17
  • updated for Factorio 0.12.19 (only necessary for multiplayer saves)
Note: For multiplayer: I think it's safest to only leave the game when not remote controlling a train. Not 100% sure what happens when that train get's destroyed/mined while the player is offline :D
SaxonHammer wrote:

Code: Select all

Error while running the event handler: __TheFatController__/control.lua:295: attempt to index field 'guiSettings' (a nil value)
Hi - Just got the above message - I have version 0.12.18 running - the message occurs when trying to load a game.

You can start a new game without this error.
What FatController version? 0.3.16 doesn't even try to access the field on that line :shock:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] The Fat Controller. Remote train management

Post by SaxonHammer »

SaxonHammer wrote:

Code: Select all

Error while running the event handler: __TheFatController__/control.lua:295: attempt to index field 'guiSettings' (a nil value)
Hi - Just got the above message - I have version 0.12.18 running - the message occurs when trying to load a game.

You can start a new game without this error.

Fixed when I updated to new version of your mod and Factorio
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