[1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

Another point in favor of Recipe Book over FNEI. If you look up Steam or Compressed Nitrogen, it says it's burned in a turbine.

The checkpoint is called Energy Storage, as is the technology immediately before that unlocks it, and as of the last few updates, the icon of the checkpoint is a picture of a turbine with steam on it. Even if FNEI didn't tell you what the building is called, if you've played vanilla it must have occurred to you that there might be a building that consumes steam for energy, especially when prompted with "energy storage" and a picture of which building to use. The tooltip of the turbine says explicitly that it consumes steam (or compressed gas), and the tooltip of steam is labeled with a "Turbine energy" value. Throughout the game, a lot of important information will be in tooltips like that.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by TheM »

Probably it wasn't a good idea to start with Nullius after two years without factorio or I'm just not too bright. Having some 1000hrs in vanilla and other mods I still missed what was meant by that task, since I missed the unlock of the turbine and didn't look to closely to the icons.

There is a lot going on in this mod. The whole Checkpoint mechanic is a bit special. I understand why it is there, but I also understand why the base game and a lot of other mods work without it. It's a bit strange having to just produce a certain amount of glass or steel, only to not use that for the next hours.

Thanks for the Recipe Book tip, I will check that one out.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

There have been a series of changing revamping the end game mission objectives. This includes some basic stuff like more notifications and information on what to do, as well as changes to how most of the drones work, with extensive changes to biology drones.

Terraforming and excavation drones are more naturalistic, with more erratic shapes and no sharp edges. The terraforming drones generate a variety of terrain types within the right color palette for each landfill type, based on natural terrain generation. Regular landfill does the same thing, on a smaller scale. The edges near water form coastlines, and the water depth nearby adjusts to be shallower near land. Excavation drones give slightly different results based on environmental factors like elevation and moisture, and also form gradual coastlines rather than abrupt transitions. Paving drones are mostly the same, with predictable grid shapes, but when placed over water they do make nearby water shallower.

Grass also forms more naturalistic shapes and colors, similar to terraforming, and is very sensitive to climate and terrain. It no longer needs to be near water, though it does thrive more there. Each drone spreads over a much larger area, allowing you to cover large portions of your map with grass. Trees likewise spread far more trees per drone over a much larger area, and are sensitive to a range of environmental conditions. Trees spawn 9 different species, depending on the local climate. Both grass and tree target goals have been greatly increased, reflected the ease of placing much more of each.

Algae changes nearby water green, making it visible from the map view, and for players with decorative rendering disabled. Similarly, worms change the terrain in their immediate vicinity, visible on map view, though it's more subtle than algae. As you make progress toward the goal, some worms will start to be dangerous, like vanilla worms, with a chance of becoming bigger with more progress. A new tier of late game weaponry and personal shielding will help you to stay safe. Fish are also now visible swimming around on map view.

When placing biter nests, they will now periodically stage invasions after the drone lands. These invasions will get more and more dangerous the more progress you make toward your goal. These invasions are linked to drone use, not entirely random, so you can control when you're ready to deal with them. You can also keep launching more after hitting 100% to test out your defenses for fun. If you'd rather avoid these invasions, you can place the nests safely on islands or other continents, safely containing them away from your factory. Occasionally there will be a security breach at your drone launcher rather than the new nest, but these involve smaller numbers of biters and you can deal with it by putting a few turrets near your biter drone launchers. Most invasions will just swarm you base, but a few may make a beeline to assassinate players.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

The 1.5.0 release is out with 26 new equipment items, and larger equipment grids to accommodate the greater variety. 2 of these are just generators, consuming vehicle or nuclear fuel for power, respectively. But the other give bonuses not supported by vanilla equipment prototypes, such as crafting speed, bonus inventory slots, reach, extra health, etc.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

There are now 2 official mod packs for Nullius: Nullius Momenti and Nullius Maximus.

All the mods included in these have had their techs incorporated into the Nullius tech tree and recipes adapted to use Nullius materials.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

The 1.7.0 major release is out. One noteworthy new feature is an optional new multiplayer game mode. Instead of everyone starting in the same place and working together, each new player starts in their own faction at their own landing site scattered across the planet. A new line of techs deals with diplomacy and provides various tools for merging factions. Merged factions combine their tech trees and are refunded the research cost of their redundant techs, so your independent efforts early on aren't wasted. Ultimately one faction will win dominance and everyone will end up working together on the end game. But depending on your choices, you could just have a brief intro period before everyone joins up, or you could have a prolonged race to be the dominant faction for much of the early to mid game.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

And now the 1.8.0 version is out with major tech rebalancing. The early game research is intended to go faster now, in part to go along with the new multiplayer feature where people will need to get through some early tech on their own before joining up. This change extends approximately to the tech level required for trains, and the first explosive recipe is moved to around the same point as trains, so that a consistent train network can be built sooner. Biology is now available 1 full tech tier earlier, so that agriculture recipes can play a bigger role in scaling production. The recipes needed to bootstrap core biological materials are frontloaded to be available before investing more heavily in biology research. Late game research packs are now cheaper to manufacture, so they don't dominate production as much compared to earlier research packs, and this, along with earlier/cheaper biology, should accelerate the late game. Overall both the early and late game will be faster, though the middle should be similar to before.
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Necronium »

I must say that was long and rocky journey but I finished it. Wish that I new much earlier how bio part with artillery worked, that would saved me like 150h alone. Othewise very fun and refreshing modpack
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Anachrony »

What didn't you understand about the bio drones? Did you not know about using artillery remotes on map view? Did you place them all in person with a Mecha?
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Re: [1.1] Nullius: A Factorio prequel

Post by Necronium »

I probably chosen my words poorly before. I didnt understand how spawn mechanic for bio part worked, for grass, algaeetc it was easy to do bet later when I came to worms, trees and finally to biters it was more or less trying blindly what would work cause sometimes it didnt work but when I did it later in very close place it worked then. Last thing was coal and oil - there only wording was confusing cause it said that I needed to spawn deposits that contained x resources but I thought that if I mine them it will speed up process of making capsules. it toook me like an hour before I noticed that % are reseted after something and then I came to that I need to have deposit that contain X amount of resources not only spwan them.
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