[MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Exasperation »

RQ crashes if Alien Research technology exists. It tries to refer to "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png", but this file no longer exists. There is still "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact-goo.png" that you could refer to, though.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by orzelek »

Exasperation wrote:RQ crashes if Alien Research technology exists. It tries to refer to "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png", but this file no longer exists. There is still "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact-goo.png" that you could refer to, though.
This might be an issue with mod that adds the tech in first place.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Exasperation »

No, it's an issue with RQ. in research-queue_1.5.1\prototypes\gui.lua lines 237-293 read

Code: Select all

if data.raw.technology["alien-research"] then
	log("research queue: Found Bob mods aliens")
	data.raw["gui-style"].default["rq-bobsalien"] = 
		type = "checkbox_style", 
		top_padding = 0, 
		right_padding = 0, 
		bottom_padding = 0, 
		left_padding = 0, 
		width = 32, 
		height = 32, 
		scalable = false, 
		left_click_sound = 
			filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", 
			volume = 1
		default_background = 
			filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png", 
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale", 
			width = 32, 
			height = 32, 
			x = 0, 
			y = 0
		hovered_background = 
			filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png", 
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale", 
			width = 32, 
			height = 32, 
			x = 0, 
			y = 0
		clicked_background = 
			filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/alien-artifact.png", 
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale", 
			width = 32, 
			height = 32, 
			x = 0, 
			y = 0
		checked = 
			filename = "__research-queue__/graphics/gui_elements.png", 
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale", 
			width = 32, 
			height = 32, 
			x = 96, 
			y = 64
adding -goo to alien-artifact.png on lines 258, 267, and 276 fixes the crash.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Hinanawi-sama »

Running into sprite problems on 0.15.10 running Youki Tech Tree 0.15 and Research Queue 1.5.1 in tandem. Killing Crop-cache didn't change error message. Both work just fine on their own and I'm having trouble pinpointing which mod is actually throwing this error. Posted this on Youki Tech Tree thread as well.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Nexela »

The error is probably from research queue. Youki probably has a tech icon that is not 128x128. RQ doesn't check for the correct size and thinks all icons are 128 hence boom.

Above is a guess as I have not looked at RQ code
Jürgen Erhard
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

The error *IS* RQ. It's still broken, no matter what some above say (if all mods work but enabling RQ makes the game disable RQ and a list of other mods, then RQ is in the wrong).

Disable RQ. Hurts, but currently no other (sensible) way.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Hinanawi-sama »

Nexela wrote:The error is probably from research queue. Youki probably has a tech icon that is not 128x128. RQ doesn't check for the correct size and thinks all icons are 128 hence boom.

Above is a guess as I have not looked at RQ code
Jürgen Erhard wrote:The error *IS* RQ. It's still broken, no matter what some above say (if all mods work but enabling RQ makes the game disable RQ and a list of other mods, then RQ is in the wrong).

Disable RQ. Hurts, but currently no other (sensible) way.
Thing is, RQ runs just fine when Yuoki Tech Tree ISN'T enabled (and vice versa) and I'm rocking Yuoki Ind complete and the majority of Bobs.
Its just the interaction between YTT and RQ throwing the error on a Youki research sprite.

I can personally live w/o Youki research progression for the most part as materials already act as progression for Youki to begin with, YTT only points you where to focus first.
But this does need to be looked at before A15 goes off experimental.

BTW, the error message is stating that the bounding box for the sprite it 64x64 but the sprite called for that particular box is only 32x32. It seems this update broke upscaling.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

Hinanawi-sama wrote:
Nexela wrote:The error is probably from research queue. Youki probably has a tech icon that is not 128x128. RQ doesn't check for the correct size and thinks all icons are 128 hence boom.

Above is a guess as I have not looked at RQ code
Jürgen Erhard wrote:The error *IS* RQ. It's still broken, no matter what some above say (if all mods work but enabling RQ makes the game disable RQ and a list of other mods, then RQ is in the wrong).

Disable RQ. Hurts, but currently no other (sensible) way.
Thing is, RQ runs just fine when Yuoki Tech Tree ISN'T enabled (and vice versa) and I'm rocking Yuoki Ind complete and the majority of Bobs.
Its just the interaction between YTT and RQ throwing the error on a Youki research sprite.

I can personally live w/o Youki research progression for the most part as materials already act as progression for Youki to begin with, YTT only points you where to focus first.
But this does need to be looked at before A15 goes off experimental.

BTW, the error message is stating that the bounding box for the sprite it 64x64 but the sprite called for that particular box is only 32x32. It seems this update broke upscaling.
This is, if I enable RQ, game (as I said before, more than once) disables 17 other mods (yes, I ran a *lot* of mods). And most of those are essential, even more so than RQ. Squeak Through, for example. Or upgrade-planner. Or YARM (Yet Another Resource Monitor). Or KBlueprints. You run none of those? Not even, say, FARL? Lucky guy.

EDIT: Okay, so it's a mess. I admit to being... not right, but not wrong either. Weird. I enabled Squeak Through and RQ, after another "disable listed mods". No conflict. Inventory Sensor on top... bang, conflict. Crap. So I don't play trains at the moment, which makes IS expandable. Shit. DAMNIT... well, at least I get RQ back, but have to do without IS. All other mods (that I currently want) work.

EDIT2: Though official "word of god" *IS* that RQ is (probably) at fault here.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Hinanawi-sama »

Well I did my own testing and found that if a mod throws an exception, the game disables any mod that's listed as a dependent.
I just narrowed it down to these mods in the screenie in my own time to determine the actual location of fault.

And, personally, until RQ gets official integration of some sort or updated to fix this, I can live w/o YTT.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Rookzor »

Is there a plan for automatic queue-up for endless research?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Hinanawi-sama »

TBF, Endless research is okay BUT to resource usage of it being constantly queued would be....a bit detrimental. I think keeping it to when we want to research it would be better.
But as far as RQ is concerned, I'm good with the simple queue of endless (queue up 5 and let your buffers refill sort of thing)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by TAT3R_ »

im getting an error with the mod http://imgur.com/a/hzESA
Jürgen Erhard
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

Getting an error. I manually set a research task while a queue was active, and this hits right after the research is done, when I click the RQ button. Tried to open the base research screen first (making the blinking in the top right go away), but the error still happens.
CropperCapture[572].png (93.92 KiB) Viewed 8458 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Exasperation »

2 questions: was it a level-based research, and are you still on 0.15.23? In 0.15.23 there was a bug where level based research wouldn't fire the on_research_finished event, which would cause this error. If the answer to both questions is yes, then there's a good chance that updating Factorio will fix this. If the answer to either question is no, then I can't tell you what's causing it.
Jürgen Erhard
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

Yeah, yeah, ignore it, just found the bug and fix report. Yes, it was first level of Mining Productivity, and I was on .23.

But updating which I did right before I wrote my post, didn't fix it... because the lack of trigger after finishing of course already happened... or rather the triggering didn't happen, and was recorded thus in the save state.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Exasperation »

You can work around that problem by manually starting a new tech and letting it finish before you try to open the RQ menu again - once the trigger successfully occurs, it should get the gui state into a working condition again. At least, it worked for me when I ran into the problem.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by hoho »

I'm having a bug with the mod. I have a metric ton of mods installed and when I open up the research queue screen, at the end of the list there will be a "blank" button that doesn't function as a button and has no picture on it. After that is added to the grid, nothing else gets added. When I open the GUI, I get "Failed to load tech..." printed out so the problem is seemingly somewhere in the function that is pcalled in draw_grid.lua:117

That screenshot was taken when I had finished less than half a dozen researches outside of at least a couple thousand.
research_queue_bug.PNG (559.36 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
There are a LOT more red-only researches that should show up there.
rq_bug.PNG (611.9 KiB) Viewed 8261 times
I know from previous times when I had the bug, once I research the offending thingy, the bug disappears and RQ will function as if nothing is wrong. Sadly, I have no clue what that research could possibly be.

Is there any way I could help debugging it outside of trying to research everything and to see what triggers it or to try to turn mods on and off one by one? I can provide my mods if that helps but that's around half a gigabyte download.

I made the pcall line to print out actual error message and got this:
rq_err.PNG (432.84 KiB) Viewed 8260 times
When I added logging to line 78 I figured out that it's the basic miniaturization research of minimachines mod that caused the issue this time. After I completed that research, another error came up with another mini machines research.

This is how one of the researches get defined. I for one have no clue what could be an issue here

Code: Select all

					type = "technology",
					name = "mini-basic",
					icon = "__mini-machines__/graphics/technology/mini-basic.png",
					icon_size = 128,
					prerequisites =
					effects =
					unit =
						count = 5,
						ingredients = 
							{"science-pack-1", 1},
						time = 10
					order = "a-b"
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by mkaito »

Three suggestions I'd like to propose:
  • Add a button to put something atop the queue. And an option to allow changing research when doing so.
  • Scroll bars for the queue. The scroll buttons are annoying.
  • A search box
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by Haudi1986 »

I Have a problem with the mod. When i push the RQ Button a Error Screen pops up, when i click ok, the Game crash.
Here is a Screenshot https://picload.org/view/driwicll/facto ... r.png.html

MFG Haudi
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Re: [MOD 0.12.12+] Research queue 1.2.6

Post by speedy45 »

Hi looking forward for update for 0.16.
I can't play factorio with your mod.
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