- Name: Tree Challenge
- Version: 0.1.1
- Factorio-Version: 0.14.0
- Description: Can you beat the game without killing any trees? This mod makes trees (mostly) invulnerable, unselectable, and have reduced collision so they don't get in your way as much.
- License: MIT
- Release: 2016-10-14
- Download-Url: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Earendel ... /downloads
- Dependencies: base
- Category: Challenge
- Tags: challenge
- Tree collision is greatly reduced (40% smaller than the tree collision mod).
- Trees don't take damage (dead trees are affected normally).
- Trees can't be mined. You can mine dead trees for some wood.
- Trees can't be marked for deconstruction (dead trees are affected normally).
- Iron and Stone variants of small electric poles have been added because wood will be scarce.
- Trees are automatically removed from resources during chunk generation so you can actually get to the resources. This applies to new maps, and new areas of old maps.
- Landfill is more expensive (otherwise water becomes less of a barrier than trees).