[MOD 1.1] Natural Evolution - All things Alien!

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by Bizobinator »

So.... I was playing, when suddenly I got this error, which crashed my game back to main menu:

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_entity_died (ID 4)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
	__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:407: in function 'On_Death'
	__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:153: in function <__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:153>
Any idea what's causing it?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by TheSAguy »

Try setting Buildings catch fire to false.
Let me know if it still happens.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by TheSAguy »

donkeystealing wrote:Maybe this has been answered many times and by many wiki posts but here goes:

I'm running a 13.15 version with latest natural evolution and standard settings on all mods (RSO, natural evolution, robot army etc.) and I can't get biters to expand. It worked as of 13.10 for me with default settings on all mods. What exactly prompts biters to expand and do they expand from the first minute? Running a sandbox map on 10 speed (6 hours ingame time has passed) at the moment with nothing but radar mk5 built to see how they expand and I have enemy expansion chunks enabled but they aren't expanding. I wiped out a few of the closests bases to see if it agitates them to expanding but so far nothing happens. Am I misunderstanding something but don't biters expand aggressively from the moment you begin the game?
NE expansion starts expansion at 5%. First slower than vanilla, then more aggressive at about 40%.

I've seen conflicting reports with .13. Not sure if it's my mod, RSO, base or a combination.
Am playing with RSO and at 50% things are getting tough and the bases are growing.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by orzelek »

TheSAguy wrote:
donkeystealing wrote:Maybe this has been answered many times and by many wiki posts but here goes:

I'm running a 13.15 version with latest natural evolution and standard settings on all mods (RSO, natural evolution, robot army etc.) and I can't get biters to expand. It worked as of 13.10 for me with default settings on all mods. What exactly prompts biters to expand and do they expand from the first minute? Running a sandbox map on 10 speed (6 hours ingame time has passed) at the moment with nothing but radar mk5 built to see how they expand and I have enemy expansion chunks enabled but they aren't expanding. I wiped out a few of the closests bases to see if it agitates them to expanding but so far nothing happens. Am I misunderstanding something but don't biters expand aggressively from the moment you begin the game?
NE expansion starts expansion at 5%. First slower than vanilla, then more aggressive at about 40%.

I've seen conflicting reports with .13. Not sure if it's my mod, RSO, base or a combination.
Am playing with RSO and at 50% things are getting tough and the bases are growing.
I have long playthrough (paused a bit currently) with bobs mods, Natural Evolution and RSO and there is no place on map where enemies could expenad since all of it was already taken.
There were some reports on RSO that biters don't expand and it's been tricky - it seems that new migration can behave oddly sometimes. If you run RSO with high biter setting or more you should see significantly more action.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by donkeystealing »

On my test on sandbox I also put evolution to 100% and enemy base frequency is normal and size is very high. It's not on peaceful, and I put down a rocket silo to see if that causes a ruckus and huge waves from all directions attacked and killed the silo.
On my 13.x playthrough that I quit the enemy expansion was insanely high, and for the next playthrough I added robot army to deal with it. Played for 3-4 hours and didn't see a single expansion. So I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my game, or settings or mod conflicts? Or is the map too full for biters to expand? I think I'm a bit confused maybe.

This is 3 hours into 13.13 version that I was currently playing. Very little activity.

edit I just removed all mods and ran a test and with evolution factor 100% the biters are now actively expanding again. Now I just have to find out if it's settings or mod conflicts removing my expanding.
factorio expansion prob.jpg
factorio expansion prob.jpg (367.69 KiB) Viewed 8108 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.1.5

Post by orzelek »

You can see natural evolution phase display in EvoGui - it can explain periods of expansion and then peace. There is a non-0 chance that changes done by Natural evolution periodically are not accounted for by the game. It did work for me properly when playing.
One thing I noticed that if there is a lot of free space between enemy bases biters will tend to expand semi-randomly there so they might expand to places very far from base.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by TheSAguy »

V6.2.0 - NE Enemies - Fixed a crash that sometimes happened with "Buildings Catch Fire" setting.

V6.2.0 - NE Buildings - Added Combat Inserter. An inserter with very high resistances, ideal for feeding your turret defenses.

V6.2.0 - NE Expansion - Changed pollution factor from 2.5x to 2x.
This will only affect new games, if you want it ti take affect in your current game, run the below command.

Code: Select all

/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0.00003
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by Berkys32 »

Is there any command for changing how much evo rate is for destroying spawners? It seems its too big for me, I got 1% for every few spawners...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by TheSAguy »

Berkys32 wrote:Is there any command for changing how much evo rate is for destroying spawners? It seems its too big for me, I got 1% for every few spawners...
NE Evolution is already only 10% of Vanilla. So killing 10 spawners will have the same effect as 1 in vanilla.

NE Evolution is at 0.0002, vanilla is at 0.002

If you do want to change it, you can use:

Code: Select all

/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.0002
Change the 0.0002 to a smaller value.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by danymatrix »

Hi TheSAguy! Great Work!

But, i need your help please...
I really need your help. It happens that the game fails only when using your mod Natural_Evolution_Enemies either with version 6.1.5 as the new 6.2.0. I tried taking only your enemies mod and it works perfectly, but with the mod enemies always fails in the same place, when I'm attacking the colonies of aliens. I add savegame and LOG. The list of mods is in the log. Thanks in advance!

144.891 Checksum for script __Natural_Evolution_Buildings__/control.lua: 2902999950
144.893 Checksum for script __Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua: 471541421
144.896 Checksum for script __Orbital Ion Cannon__/control.lua: 2958042678
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (906): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\logger.cpp (328): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\logger.cpp (382): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (105): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
(16.56 MiB) Downloaded 157 times
(21.1 KiB) Downloaded 177 times
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by TheSAguy »

danymatrix wrote:Hi TheSAguy! Great Work!

But, i need your help please...
I really need your help. It happens that the game fails only when using your mod Natural_Evolution_Enemies either with version 6.1.5 as the new 6.2.0. I tried taking only your enemies mod and it works perfectly, but with the mod enemies always fails in the same place, when I'm attacking the colonies of aliens. I add savegame and LOG. The list of mods is in the log. Thanks in advance!

144.891 Checksum for script __Natural_Evolution_Buildings__/control.lua: 2902999950
144.893 Checksum for script __Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua: 471541421
144.896 Checksum for script __Orbital Ion Cannon__/control.lua: 2958042678
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (906): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\logger.cpp (328): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\logger.cpp (382): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-dkfubz\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (105): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
danymatrix, you have too many mods for me to download and test. Anyway you could zip and post them to dropbox or something like that.
Please try and set NE.Burning_Buildings to false in the config.lua of NE Enemies. Let me know if that stops the crash.

Thanks for the report!
If you can get me those mods I can work on a fix.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by Berkys32 »

TheSAguy wrote:

Code: Select all

/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.0002
I used this and now its much better. Same as with pollution factor, when I used your command to get 2x instead of 2,5x, my evolution increase became twice bigger than before. It seems I had vanilla settings...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by PeteTheLich »

I just installed this mod and well right off the bat i am getting a weird bug...


When biters die they randomly change the floor tiles...

I have the More Floors! mod which is the only thing I can think would cause a conflict

Mods i use:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by steinio »

This is by design because their blood is acid.
This is a reference to the Alien movie series. :P

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by orzelek »

It looks a bit strange - you can disable it in config file. It's the scorched earth setting.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by TheSAguy »

[quote="PeteTheLich"]I just installed this mod and well right off the bat i am getting a weird bug...

Some call it a bug, others a feature :lol:
As Orzelek said, you can disable this in the config.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by PeteTheLich »

TheSAguy wrote:
Some call it a bug, others a feature :lol:
As Orzelek said, you can disable this in the config.
Well thanks! maybe ill talk to the mod creator giving him a different scored earth tile

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by TheSAguy »

V6.2.1 - NE Buildings - Items that need Revitalization treatment are fully healed when mined (Worms, Spawners and Living Wall).
THANKS to Chlue for this idea and code!
Some updated Icons.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by DerGraue »

Hi there,

in my current game I also have the problem, that biters don't seem to expand at all, which is sadly gamebreaking.
I am using RSO, Marathon mod and a few other mods that shouldn't influence biters at all.

I am at about 10h into the game and evolution is a little below 50%.

Also about that tree loving feature, that biters attack if you chop down a tree... isn't that a litle extreme, expecially if biters really expand? I mean, I didn't notice that at first, but since I am playing with marathon I am really really far behind in tec. There are two small biter bases outside the reach of my pollution area, since they don't expand, they never attack, but if I chop down like 2 trees, I have to start repairs on my turrets. If I chop down 10 trees, I have to reload because my base is overrun within seconds. I could totally understand it, if you burn down a whole forrest, but like 10 trees? Does this work the same way when you kill an enemy hive?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x | 0.13.x] Natural Evolution - All things Alien! - 6.2.0

Post by donkeystealing »

DerGraue wrote:Hi there,

in my current game I also have the problem, that biters don't seem to expand at all, which is sadly gamebreaking.
I am using RSO, Marathon mod and a few other mods that shouldn't influence biters at all.

I am at about 10h into the game and evolution is a little below 50%.
I have the same problem, I suspect RSO. Don't know how to fix it either, it's really relaxing with my latest playthroughs. Biters used to expand aggressively relatively early, now I don't research walls. RSO settings are *1.4 bigger biter bases and standard settings for biters are frequency normal and size very large.
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