[MOD 0.13.x]PipeEverything 0.0.9

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[MOD 0.13.x]PipeEverything 0.0.9

Post by Swadius »


Description: This mod includes machines that can turn all intermediate, and some other items, into a pipable liquid. It also includes machines that can turn it back to solid items, as well as machines that can craft with the liquid in its liquid state.
License: MIT
Version: 1.0.0
Release: 2016-06-10
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.x
Category: Gameplay
Tags: FPS Improvement, Pipes, Liquids, Intermediate Items
Download-Urls: See at the bottom of this post.
Long description
Version history
July 4 2016 - 0.0.9
-Updated to 0.13.0
-Increased power consumption of solidifier and liquidator by 25%
-Fixed some names
-Added module slots to liquid assembling machines
Special Thanks
Usage Note
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by steinio »

Very interesting.

What are the benefits from using them as liquids?
Are they faster transported?

I would love to send a rail tanker full of iron sticks.

Does it include barreling?

Could you please rename your condenser item? Maybe pe_condenser?
It collides with the Uranium Power condenser and would get you bad ratings.
Condenser.png (17.23 KiB) Viewed 10140 times
Greetings steinio

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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by Swadius »

Thanks for the comment :D !

  • One of the benefits of using pipes has been first and foremost about FPS. Not too sure about this one as the mod was only completed yesterday, and further testing is required.
  • Yes I do think they do travel faster than belts, at least in terms of setup investment. I'm currently thinking of ways to balance this at the moment. Possibly making the liquid speed lower or upping the power cost for the flushers and the solidifiers. There are two values for every fluid, "pressure_to_speed_ratio" and "flow_to_energy_ratio". I think the first one is pretty straight forward, the second one however I like to explore a bit more. Perhaps it means that it can flow faster if you heat up the liquid contents? OH MY.
  • Using pipes with liquid assemblies preclude the need for inserters saving power that way. This will however up the cost in metals as underground pipes will often have to be used, although it shouldn't be as high as belts.
This mod at the moment does not include any sort of barrels at all. Could you explain this idea a bit more? I rarely used barrels in the base game and while you are not the first to ask or to suggest this, I have never quite understood what is being asked, although I can add it in quite easily now that I have a system going.

Yeah, I'll do it right now.
Last edited by Swadius on Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by Qon »

Sounds awesome! I have thought about a liquidizer mod for quite a while now. Though the 2 saves I'm working on now are "vanilla megabase" and "no electricity". Can't use this in either. This sounds like a great way to avoid spilling items on the ground when you use the belt overflow mod ;) viewtopic.php?f=93&t=26002
It could be used as an incentive to actually pipe everything.
Swadius wrote: Barreling
This mod at the moment does not include any sort of barrels at all. Could you explain this idea a bit more? I rarely used barrels in the base game and while you are not the first to ask or to suggest this, I have never quite understood what is being asked, although I can add it in quite easily now that I have a system going.
Would it not be a special kind of recursive variant of Fluid barrel mod viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7887 with a barrel for each liquid in your mod. Doesn't it just sound silly but awesome? Melt electronic circuits into a liquid and fill barrels with it! Then maybe melt down the barrels and then you have a liquid of barreled liquidized electronic circuits :D

Edit: please use a proper file host, like these forums. GitHub destroys the mod by renaming the filename and it's a hassle for us all us dowloaders to debug your mod every time instead of you doing it once for all of us.

Edit2: Can't use this because I have uranium mod installed as mentioned. But I Ctrl-F:ed the source for satellite and apparently you can't pipe EVERYTHING. Even though it is an intermediate. Don't screw up the satellite just because the devs did it :o (You can't use prod modules for satellites, buggy recipe)
Swadius wrote:you name an intermediate item in the base game, and this mod can turn it into a liquid.
Edit3: Bergius process mod viewtopic.php?f=93&t=14699 has "liquefied-coal" instead of "coal-fluid". Would be cool if this mod and that one used the same name for it so that I could use your mods alternate recipe for liquifying the coal if I feel like it.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by Swadius »

I'm not so sure on that barreling idea. What would the liquid barrel electric circuits do?

I'm not sure what you're saying with the satellite. Do you want me to make a liquid recipe for it or stay away?

On the Bergius idea, that sounds pretty cool, although wouldn't it clash like the condenser thing from the uranium mod?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by Qon »

Swadius wrote:I'm not so sure on that barreling idea. What would the liquid barrel electric circuits do?

I'm not sure what you're saying with the satellite. Do you want me to make a liquid recipe for it or stay away?

On the Bergius idea, that sounds pretty cool, although wouldn't it clash like the condenser thing from the uranium mod?
Well barreling is just for transporting liquids as items. It's pretty pointless to barrel liquidized items, except it's cool (silly fun) and maybe compresses the items a bit? Not really something that is needed and will mostly just fill your recipe menu with extra recipes for no reason q:

I want to liquidize satellites and pipe them of course :D

If you detect that Bergius process mod is installed and then don't define your own liquified coal (but still make the recipe) then you should have no problems. Mods can define recipes that uses items from other mods without restrictions and can also overwrite recipies without error messages if you aren't careful. So make sure your recipe name for liquified coal is different, but the fluid name that you create with the recipe is the same.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.3

Post by wildgreen1701 »

Love the mod but can't get the red circuitry to turn into liquid, like i can the green circuitry board.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.3

Post by Swadius »

The advanced circuits are working for me.


It's the 0.0.4 version though, see if it's fixed for you.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.5

Post by aklesey1 »

Hi author wery funny mod - for a moment I even thought that this pneumatic tubes, as seen in the screenshots items with the icon drops
But liquid electronics - looks funny but strange
May be u mean that circuits is moving by pneumatic tubes? its cool logisstic solution, we don't need any belts with inserters
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.1

Post by Swadius »

Qon wrote: Well barreling is just for transporting liquids as items. It's pretty pointless to barrel liquidized items, except it's cool (silly fun) and maybe compresses the items a bit? Not really something that is needed and will mostly just fill your recipe menu with extra recipes for no reason q:
aklesey1 wrote:Hi author wery funny mod - for a moment I even thought that this pneumatic tubes, as seen in the screenshots items with the icon drops
But liquid electronics - looks funny but strange
May be u mean that circuits is moving by pneumatic tubes? its cool logisstic solution, we don't need any belts with inserters
Yes, that was originally the idea at first. The liquidation process would also take water equal to the amount of iron and copper plates + oil equivalent to the item. I'm not sure why I forgot this when I started making the recipes, but this is something I want to do in the future. It would be pretty cool to have a resupply chain going back to the flushers with the copper canisters.
I want to liquidize satellites and pipe them of course :D
I'm slowly adding in new recipes everyday, heading towards the satellite.
If you detect that Bergius process mod is installed and then don't define your own liquified coal (but still make the recipe) then you should have no problems. Mods can define recipes that uses items from other mods without restrictions and can also overwrite recipies without error messages if you aren't careful. So make sure your recipe name for liquified coal is different, but the fluid name that you create with the recipe is the same.
I'm not too sure how to do this, unless you know of a mod that does this that I can take a look at.

I also need some feedback on the liquid assemblies. I was making a module for science 3 yesterday using this, and liquid assemblies 2 can only take in 3 items. THe question arises where should the 4th input pipe be located to allow for the 4th ingredient.

At the moment, I have retained the 3 on one side, as well as added one to the adjacent side. This still allows a relatively one-sided supply side while incorporating the ability to draw in the 4th ingredient.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.5

Post by kaleb_boren »

I have a proplem with the install i put the mod in my folder but it is not appearing in my mod list and cant find the items in my game save, i even tried with zipped and unzipped versions, neither worked.


EDIT:Was running different game state never mind that
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.3

Post by kaleb_boren »

Swadius wrote:The advanced circuits are working for me.


It's the 0.0.4 version though, see if it's fixed for you.
how do i get this version?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by Swadius »

kaleb_boren wrote:
Swadius wrote:The advanced circuits are working for me.


It's the 0.0.4 version though, see if it's fixed for you.
how do i get this version?
Hi Kaleb, thanks for trying out the mod. You can find the most up to date versions at the bottom of the first post.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by Ranakastrasz »

I... Think you got this backwards. What we want is SOLID versions of all the LIQUIDS in the game.....
After all, Pipes are a lot more awkward to manipulate than Converyer belts and Inserters.

Still, this is a hilarious idea. I don't want to think about how much liquid processing units, or other expensive stuff, you will tend to have stuck in the pipe system.

I suppose you can get faster crafting speeds since liquids can go WAY faster than inserters can.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by Swadius »

Thanks for the feedback, Ranakastrasz!
Ranakastrasz wrote:I... Think you got this backwards. What we want is SOLID versions of all the LIQUIDS in the game.....
It turns out fortunately that while life is unfair, today it is unfair to both our advantages. Whomever doesn't wish to play with pipes may ignore this to their heart's content, and I am free to make mods for my own benefit and share with however many wishes to use this mod. Because you see, I am principally doing this as an experiment. I have always experienced extreme FPS drops in my belt and inserter factories going into the late mid-game, so I'm trying to see if porting everything to pipes will generally alleviate the cause. Much to my delight, this has turned out to be potentially true, although still too early and my factory still too small to say definitively if there is any significant impact.
After all, Pipes are a lot more awkward to manipulate than Converyer belts and Inserters.
This certainly depends on the person I believe.

To me it is a lot less awkward than belts due to the nature of pipes, and can certainly look a lot better than belts in my opinion.

[/quote]Still, this is a hilarious idea. I don't want to think about how much liquid processing units, or other expensive stuff, you will tend to have stuck in the pipe system.[/quote]

Each pipe holds 10 units. The PipeEverything mod at the moment converts everything to a 1-to-1 basis, so that makes 10 units per pipe section. Belts hold 8 units per section which isn't really that big of a jump. Put your mind at ease :D.
I suppose you can get faster crafting speeds since liquids can go WAY faster than inserters can.
One of the advantages to pipes is the sheer speed of the liquids (unmodified from the base copied template). You will never have to upgrade your pipes, but you will have to upgrade the power source more frequently due to the high flusher and condenser energy costs of making liquids go in and out of pipes. It's kinda like a subsidized belt system that requires power to operate.

One big disadvantage of piping everything is the storage costs in space though. Tanks can only hold 2.5k units of liquid.
Another is the fact that players can effectively destroy items, and sometimes valuable items, if the pipe is filled and the player removes the pipe!
Pipes also use more room, but pays for this in organizational cleanliness.
Another big problem I find is the fact that it's pretty darn hard to tell if a pipe is empty without hovering the mouser over it. The player will have to be more organized in this degree if there is hope of easily detecting why the factory is at a stand still all of a sudden.
Last edited by Swadius on Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by flabort »

Heh. With this mod you can make liquified solid fuel, and then use solid fuel to heat liquified solid fuel in a boiler to power your steam engines. No water source required.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by Qon »

Ranakastrasz wrote:I... Think you got this backwards. What we want is SOLID versions of all the LIQUIDS in the game.....
After all, Pipes are a lot more awkward to manipulate than Converyer belts and Inserters.
You already have that mod.
And pipes are pretty fun to use.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by wildgreen1701 »

I am still having problems with the advance circuit liquid. I have removed all my mods and just used this one and it still never showed up. Is there a way I can force it to show up? I really love this mod and will use even if I can't use liquidize Advanced circuits. :D
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by Swadius »

Sorry on my phone right now. Yes you can do that by going into recipes_liquids, ctrl+f to go into find mode , and look for fc_advanced_liquids.

Find the line that says enabled, and replace the word
false with true.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.35]PipeEverything 0.0.6

Post by wildgreen1701 »

Thank you so much. This will help me out a lot. Trying to make a all pipe base with min. belts.
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