[MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

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[MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by scott »

Type: Mod
Name: Magnets
Description: Adds new base technologies to make game more realistic.
License: MIT
Version: 0.0.2
Release: 2016-03-13
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.26
Category: Entity
Tags: magnets, motors, transformers
Download-Url: download/file.php?id=8537

Dependencies: boblibrary >= 0.12.1 (viewtopic.php?f=51&t=16642)

A factorio mod that adds Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!
Long Description
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Last edited by scott on Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by Paned »

Hi scott,

i tried to load your mod into the game. It was highlighted red.. it tells me that i need boblibrary to work.
Maybe you can add this to your information? :)


thank you :)
Last edited by Paned on Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by scott »

Paned wrote:Hi scott,

i tried to load your mod into the game. It was highlighted red.. it tells me that i need boblibrary to work.
Maybe you can add this to your information? :)

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by Erumaaro »

error on load :evil:
(using factotio 0.12.26 x64/ boblibrary_0.12.3)

attempting to index FIELD:minable (nil value)

code on line 66:
tree.minable.result = nil

me no good lua... :cry:

(please fix!! :D )
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by Dreadicon »

So, one major flaw in the mod is that it requires paper to make basic motors. This necessitates the use of a mod like Treefarm as inserters are needed to make green science packs. Resin should overlap with Bob's Electronics resin, which would alleviate the need for treefarms for that component (bob's elec. adds resin made from heavy oil). please consider offering an alternative like plastic in place of paper :)

A second, and more serious complaint would be that 30 motors for the first assembly machine is.....well, insane. Not to mention you can't automate motor production till you obtain the 3rd and highest level assembly machine. It's just not even fun with these numbers. Factorio is about automation, and barring the player from early access to automation runs counter to the intent of the game. I love mods which increase realism, detail, and complexity. But there is a limit.

More of a preference thing than a necessity: I don't think one engine should upgrade to another. IIRC, engine magnets are composed of a single type, so you should add a component 'motor component set' or such which is made from iron, copper cable, resin, and paper/plastic, which then has magnets inserted to make the final motors. This way my Neodymium motors don't have lodestone and iron magnets in them ;) Alternatively, use the following setup:

Make Resin the same as Bob's Resin.
New Component: Insulative Sheet (made from 2 paper or 1 plastic bar)
New Component: Copper Winding (made from 8 copper cables + 3 resin + 4 Insulative Sheets)
Remove Bridge Rectifier and replace with 4 diodes and 1 copper plate where used (it serves no manufacturing purpose as it can easily be assembled on-site and adds nothing to the production process itself)

Basic Motors: 10 Lodestone, 5 Iron Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Enhanced Motors: 6 Iron Magnets, 5 Steel Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Advanced Motors: 6 Neodymium Magnets, 10 Steel Plates (or, if Bob's mod(s) are installed, 5x Titanium or Tungsten instead), 3 Copper Windings

Otherwise liking the mod so far!
Ice Forge
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by Ice Forge »

Dreadicon wrote:So, one major flaw in the mod is that it requires paper to make basic motors. This necessitates the use of a mod like Treefarm as inserters are needed to make green science packs. Resin should overlap with Bob's Electronics resin, which would alleviate the need for treefarms for that component (bob's elec. adds resin made from heavy oil). please consider offering an alternative like plastic in place of paper :)

A second, and more serious complaint would be that 30 motors for the first assembly machine is.....well, insane. Not to mention you can't automate motor production till you obtain the 3rd and highest level assembly machine. It's just not even fun with these numbers. Factorio is about automation, and barring the player from early access to automation runs counter to the intent of the game. I love mods which increase realism, detail, and complexity. But there is a limit.

More of a preference thing than a necessity: I don't think one engine should upgrade to another. IIRC, engine magnets are composed of a single type, so you should add a component 'motor component set' or such which is made from iron, copper cable, resin, and paper/plastic, which then has magnets inserted to make the final motors. This way my Neodymium motors don't have lodestone and iron magnets in them ;) Alternatively, use the following setup:

Make Resin the same as Bob's Resin.
New Component: Insulative Sheet (made from 2 paper or 1 plastic bar)
New Component: Copper Winding (made from 8 copper cables + 3 resin + 4 Insulative Sheets)
Remove Bridge Rectifier and replace with 4 diodes and 1 copper plate where used (it serves no manufacturing purpose as it can easily be assembled on-site and adds nothing to the production process itself)

Basic Motors: 10 Lodestone, 5 Iron Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Enhanced Motors: 6 Iron Magnets, 5 Steel Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Advanced Motors: 6 Neodymium Magnets, 10 Steel Plates (or, if Bob's mod(s) are installed, 5x Titanium or Tungsten instead), 3 Copper Windings

Otherwise liking the mod so far!
On the first point i agree that a strong recommendation towards having the treefarm mod, id almost make it a dependency really and link up with whoever made it because the tree consumption rate is out of this world.

As for the motors you can somewhat easily use a fully automatic burner system to make them and you can also use bob's "metal mixing furnace" to automate the "green" resin production from wood as well.
I got 12 hours game time on my current save and i'm now gradually moving up from burners to electrical ( my motor and component production is now fully automatic using electric stuff with the exception of the actual assemblers which are still burners until i got a reliable power production ).
The one thing i am having core issues with though is the monazite ore that i cannot for the love of me find anywhere near me at least, so im about to embark on a roam and see if i cant find it somewhere.

Mod List

Bob's package : Make Tech more expensive
Check Valve : GDIW
CleanPipes : KS Power
Clock : RoadWorks
DirtyOre ( challenge ) : TreeFarm ( a must have )
Finite Water : Rail Tanker
Flare Stack : Scotts Magnets
Flow Control : Science Cost Tweaker Mod
Fluid Barrel : No Hand Crafting ( another challenge and really intresting )
http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 3AE2D888E/

Edit : Checking into the new game alternatives properly, i dont see the ore in the list? Is it broken?
P.S. Checked again using the map editor and no it seems it does not generate the ore type into the world at all, first off its exceptionally graphical simular to gold so thats a big problem but it seems like its not added to the list of resources to be generated so at the moment this is unplayable unless you cheat using the map editor :/
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by Erumaaro »

sorry for crying wolf earlier, i forgot to check for incompatibilities with other mods, :?
and i have now found the culprit. :twisted:
It was WrenchFu... :shock:
this mod creates a "tree" entity, with no "minable" field...
and since you are "replacing" the minable resources in order to add a new one, the compiler complained.
i know of other mods that use the "tree" type for entities that aren(belt stopper for example.)
a way to make sure such things dont cause issues, would be to check if the field "minable" exists for every "tree", and if not create it before replacing its content... but if it is an entity that can be "deconstructed", then it would break that mod, so this is obviously best "fixed" by the respective mods author i guess.
I'm liking the mod, :D
i would suggest to make the recipe for diodes require silicone from bobsmods if present, since they are semiconductors. :geek:
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by MrGrim »

In order to get the Monazite ore to appear you first must have the boblibrary mod loaded and functional. Then you must edit the file "prototypes/ores/monazite-ore.lua" file in this mod and change the line " enabled = false," to " enabled = true,".

I'm unsure why it's disabled in the first place since it seems essential to the later stages of this mod.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by MrGrim »

I noticed this mod conflicts with other mods that modify trees and iron ore. For me this included hard crafting and treefarm. I've developed a patch that will help avoid such conflicts by attempting to modify mining results in place instead of overwriting them. I also added treefarm lite and hard crafting as optional dependencies to ensure that they're loaded first. The patch is attached.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Magnets, Motors, Transformers, and More!

Post by MrGrim »

I also noticed that Treefarm Lite ignores the new Resin minable resource in the games trees. I also made a patch to fix that in Treefarm Lite. See the following thread:

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