Name: Topography
Description: Simple Visualization of the height data already present
License: GPLv3
Version: 1.0.2
Release: 2016-04-01
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.29
Category: Non-Game-Changing
Tags: elevation, topography, mini-map
Download-Url: ... 185TFhpZWs
A small toy mod I made to visualize the height/elevation data that is already built into the surfaces.
This is part of an effort to get fluid dynamics and other entities to care about elevation, but that will probably be part of another mod that may have some dependencies on this in the future. No functional changes. Just pretty interesting. TODO: add a way of changing the step/iso value, Changed graphics pack, and better mini map quality.
EDIT: The zip should work without decompressing now.