Factorio screenshot submissions

Discussion related to promoting Factorio.
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Re: Factorio screenshot submissions

Post by LotA »

What is this factory? :)
Sans titre.jpg
Sans titre.jpg (2.27 MiB) Viewed 7488 times

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Re: Factorio screenshot submissions

Post by LotA »

I also submit this one :
Sans titre.jpg
Sans titre.jpg (2.19 MiB) Viewed 7484 times

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Re: Factorio screenshot submissions

Post by Gemoron »

It is hard to make visually appealing pictures for such presentations. Taking these simply out of game usually isn't the best choise as handmade pictures for presentations are better to convince people to buy the game.

I tried to make a few
Oil extension
Native attack

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Re: Factorio screenshot submissions

Post by slpwnd »

I have sent a link to this topic to Albert (our main artist) who will be putting together the final set of screenshots. However it would make things much more flexible if there were links to saves as well because sometimes he might want to tweak things a little bit or use a slightly different composition, etc.

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The Phoenixian
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Re: Factorio screenshot submissions

Post by The Phoenixian »

Hey, I don't know if you guys are still accepting submissions, but if you are, here's a base built with a bit of aesthetic consideration. Save file included.
Green and red science with secondary smelters
Advanced Circuits, Batteries, Steel, and Alien Science
Primary smelting, Basic circuits, and Logistics production bank
Train Station B, loaded rocket to the side
South entrance, with base defences
And lastly,
Map Overview
Begins near the south entrance. A rocket is prepped for launch if you want to do anything with it.
(5.29 MiB) Downloaded 412 times
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